Why in firearm photos?

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Dec 29, 2005
Southern NJ
Why is it that 99% of the time when someone photographs their firearm to post a picture, for whatever reason, you'll see a dowel, pen, spent casing or some kind of cylindrical object stuck through the trigger guard, in front of the trigger. It makes no sense to me. Is this just something that is supposed to be viewed as safe firearm handling? Wouldn't it make more sense to have something BEHIND the trigger? I don't get it, please explain. Thank you.
I do it to raise the gun off the surface it's resting and give the subject some depth. It's purely aesthetic.
boomer nailed it
from my understanding/experience it is totally about presentation, not a safety issue
I believe this is done to prop up the firearm for the camera so it doesn't have the appearance of just lying flat.
Guitar god nailed it. It is harder to get a good shot of a gun when it is flat on a surface, the cylindrical object helps prop the gun up for the photo.
If you lay it flat the flash will bounce back off the flat surface or blow out the background or item and mess up the picture.

You want what you a photographing to be at a different angle than the background and the plane of the lense. Not too much though or your depth of feild will not allow for everything to be in focus.
I thought it was some secret conspiracy

That I was too unhip to be in on.
Thanks for ruining it for me.
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