Why is a .38 a .38?

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Dec 24, 2002
I beleive it is marketing hype.

Or why is .357 the same bullet as the .38 special?

This particular rumor just came to my attention. Is there any truth to the rumor that the round of the .38 is being measured at the case width? This sounds really funny, but then again I don't know the history of the .38 special.
I will probably not get this perfect, but,,,,

Originally the 38 special had a crimped heal bullet and the rest of the bullet stuck out of the case much like a 22 long rifle round. The diamater of the bullet was .38 thus the name. The problem is the lube rubs off, so the shoved the bullet inside the case (now .358) and kept the name.

Or at least that is how I understand it.....
Greeting's All-

It really makes one wonder, cuz I've seen barrel's
that would mic from a Colt Python's .356 to some
early Smith model 28's that ran .358 when slugged.
I guess the common factor would be the .357?

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
The .380 diameter probably goes back to the old standard navy chambering that is called a .36 but actually uses .375- .380 balls and bullets. Then they started converting these for cartridge with the healed bullets as mentioned above.
I would think .36 because of immence weight of .44 Colt. Were not squirll (sp.) rifles already .36 making current molds and stuff compatible? Just a thought.
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