Why is gun safety such a difficult concept?

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May 27, 2012
Why is gun safety not a universally understood thing? Most of it is common sense.

One time, someone I know, who happens to be a cop, was showing me a pistol of hers. She popped the magazine out, and checked the chamber, it was unloaded. But as she was showing me it, she had it pointed right at my face most of the time.

"Please don't sweep me" I said.

"It's not loaded."

"I know, but it's a bad habit."

Another time, this guy at school was telling me of an accidental discharge he had with a rifle. Him and someone else were out in the woods, and his mom actually made them carry a bolt action .22 in case of a mountain lion. I was asking questions trying to figure out what happened. "Did it slam fire?" "Did you drop it?"

He told me that he pulled the trigger to "check if the safety worked".

What's up with that? I've always heard "Use the safety if your gun has one, but don't rely on it."

He also said that he thought it was unloaded. That he had the bolt closed on an empty chamber or something. I think it was a magazine fed gun if I understood the story. Of course, a round was obviously chambered at some point.

Why isn't gun safety a natural thing?
Honest answer?

Because a lot of people (not slamming, just noting human nature) are dumb enough to think accidents only happen to the "Other Guy". Well, to 6,449,999,999 other people on planet earth, YOU are the "Other Guy'.

Of course, some people are just plain stupid and shouldn't be trusted with anything more dangerous than a mini-marshmellow.

In short, people have no concept of the reprocussions of their actions. They exist in a vacuum where nothing really bad ever happens and they ignore the reality that bad stuff is just one dumb move away.

Probably more broad reaching than the answer you were looking for, but that's the root. Complacency born of (sometimes willful) ignorance.
Why is gun safety not a universally understood thing? Most of it is common sense.
So is not driving a car at 80 miles an hour and texting while doing your lipstick & hair all at the same time.

Why is it not a universally understood thing?

Because many people are totally stupid, lack driving or firearms training altogether, and are totally oblivious to their surroundings about 99% of the time.
Except when driving, texting, and doing their hair at the same time!!
Or handling guns.

Many people shouldn't be allowed to own a cell phone, lipstick, and a 300 HP SUV all at the same time!!
Or a gun.

But this is a free country.
So they can!

You just need to do defensive driving, keep your head on a swivel, learn how to duck & cover at the range, and stay well behind all the new AR-15 owners from last week.

In fact, stay behind their SUV's for a while until you can get a handle on them all.

So tell me, RC, do you slow down before doing your lipstick and hair?

When I was a kid, I broke some of the common sense rules (i.e. "don't look down the muzzle") with a BB gun, but I learned those quick. The rules to never point a gun at someone and always treat as if loaded were quickly taught to me as common sense. The others (i.e. finger off trigger) I learned later, but before I bought one.
Much of Joe Q public are simply not trained to safely handle firearms.

1. Keep the muzzle of the firearm pointed in the safest direction possible. Many times when I am at the counter in a gun shop I get swept.

2. When you take possession of a firearm open the action and clear it. Physically stick your pinky finger in the chamber and feel for a cartridge. Your eyes will play tricks on you so do it. Not only that but it gives me a peaceful feeling knowing that you have the drop on handling firearms.

3. I practically quit going to public firing ranges because of a multitude of sins are committed when it comes to SAFE HANDLING of firearms.
Hollywood and television tells their brain something else about firearms.

Curiosity killed the cat and many gun owners as well. Watch the sweeping at any gun show this weekend.
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