Why the question "Why do you need a gun?" is malformed.

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When I've been asked this, my reply has always been "That isn't a valid question!" I REFUSE to fall for the bait and try to justify my desire to own a gun. I have the right and I choose to exercise it.
Exactly. A right by definition does not require justification.

Imagine how the antis would react if we demanded they justify having two arms, or two eyes, and claimed the power to take their arms and eyes if the justification isn't strong enough.
These are reasonable responses but fraught ones. I think most everyone can agree that the 2A has nothing to do with recreation. The person asking the question would love to turn the discussion toward a balance between your desire to enjoy guns as a hobby and the perceived ills guns bring to society, as if there is some valid balance to be struck.

Why do I own guns? Perhaps I can own firearms because of the Second Amendment, but that is not the reason why I own guns. I didn't see any hint in the question about the availability of firearms and society.

Answering a question with "I like to own guns because I shoot guns." does not lend it self to my justifying anything. It just is. If I didn't shoot guns, I probably wouldn't own guns.
My answer recently to my boss...who has a ruger mk pistol gathering dust...except he asked why do I feel like I need my concealed permit...it's close enough. I said that I need to carry a gun to simply be a statistic. That in areas where people are known to have or carry weapons, especially guns, then would-be bad guys more heavily question whether they need that wallet, car, or sexual encounter that they plan to take from someone if deadly force is a realistic possibility. I asked if he would prefer that we have more crime and more lawlessness because I as a member of society and part of a statistic were to not carry.
After being drawn into various debates that I should have avoided, I now respond with "Why do you ask?"
As various posters have indicated, some are really asking "Do I want/need a gun?" Those I engage; as for the others, with a smile I point out the possibility of Zombies or Skynet.
You never know why you need a gun until the need arises, like you never know why you need to run until the need arises. Ergo, the premise that the default position to take on a claim is to not believe the claim until it can be rationally justified is fallacious. This also meets the criteria that the burden of proof lies with the party proposing a new law since the norm is for nothing to be illegal until a law is passed making it illegal.

Yes, the question should be, "Why shouldn't I be able to have a gun?"

When I hear this question I always tell people America is founded on a Bill of Rights, not a bill of needs. In this country we have a right to own guns. We do NOT NEED an explanation or a reason. If you can get a gun legally the fact that you want it is good enough under the US constitution. It's very easy to give all kinds of examples of things we don't need but we have a right to have.
Why do you ask is the big question and assuming that the person posing the question as to why you own a fiream. Again both questions do not put conditions on "why". That comes later if there is a discussion.
When I get an anti asking me, "Why do you need a gun?"

I counter with, "Why did Rosa Parks need to sit at the front of the bus?"

It's a right, not a need.
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