Why we shouldn't own guns

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41. When liberals espouse a women's right to choose, they aren't referring to her right to save her child's life as a responsible firearm owner but rather her right to kill her unborn child, which is why we should ban assault weapons to "save the children" they graciously allow to be born.
Sheeple are so ignorant

By now most of us have heard about the tragedy in New York where someone shot and killed 13 or so people. This was being talked about at work during our afternoon break. A number of co workers were commenting how "something has to be done" referring to people having guns. I commented that if maybe someone in that building had a concealed carry permit, they could have stopped the gunman before he killed so many. God, the looks I got were like I had the plague or something. People were actually shaking their heads "no" when I said that someone with a concealed carry permit could have stopped the carnage. Sad how the sheeple have been brainwashed and are not intelligent enough to see how they are being groomed for gun control.
I was told today that people break into homes and steal guns. Then kill the people with the stolen gun.

Or i am a woman and don't know nothing about guns.
5. We must get rid of guns because a deranged lunatic may go on a shooting spree at any time and anyone who would own a gun out of fear of such a lunatic is paranoid.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that one is perfect, it's been a while since I've seen this list. I vote for sticky as well.
One more?

What about: the same people that say immigration enforcement will never work because there are 20 million illegals running around are perfectly ok trying to pass laws requiring the seizure of 300 million firearms?
One should consult an automotive engineer for safer seat belts, a civil engineer for a better bridge, a surgeon for internal medicine, a computer programmer for hard drive problems, and Sarah Brady for firearms expertise.

HEHE. A surgeon wouldn't be the best person to talk to about internal medicine in general. They are generally out of practice for it because their specialty is surgery, not internal medicine (which includes treatment for TB, HEP A, B and C, etc.), and a computer programmer may not even know how to troubleshoot a bad HD, that what system administrators are for (they really are two different disciplines).

Point is still well made though. I loved this quote for what was wrong with it as much as what it intended to portray.
I don't know if you are being snippy or not, but as a clarification I am an IT guy. I just know that the internal meds. doctor that was prescribing my rifampin wasn't a surgeon and he even had to look up the right doses. I do agree, they have a lot of right to be snippy, they lose everything for a mistake when honestly, medicine is like pc troubleshooting... you take an educated guess at the problem based on the described symptoms. The problem is that people are rarely forthcomming with a good description.

I love it man.
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