Why worry if you're not doing anything wrong?

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Oct 11, 2003
From USAToday.com for February 14, 2006

Daley wants security cameras at bars

Mayor Richard Daley wants to require bars open until 4 a.m. to install security cameras that can identify people entering and leaving the building. Other businesses open longer than 12 hours a day, including convenience stores, eventually would have to do the same.


"The safer we make the city, the better it is for everyone," says Chicago Alderman Ray Suarez, who first proposed mandatory cameras in some businesses. "If you're not doing anything wrong, what do you have to worry about?"
My response to Alderman Suarez:

In line with your observation, as long as you're a "public servant," I'm sure you have no objection to my sitting right beside you at every meeting and during every conversation you have, camcorder in hand; you may wind up discussing some public policy. If you're not doing anything wrong, why would you mind?
scbair said:
My response to Alderman Suarez:

In line with your observation, as long as you're a "public servant," I'm sure you have no objection to my sitting right beside you at every meeting and during every conversation you have, camcorder in hand; you may wind up discussing some public policy. If you're not doing anything wrong, why would you mind?

this needs to be a standard response, maybe prefaced with the words "since political corruption is rampant in some areas of government...."
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