Wife Confronted at Gas Pump

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If you have gasoline stolen from you, as per the OP, will a run-of-the-mill credit card give that money back? Seems like it should be covered under theft protection.
A lot of jibba-jabba on this thread from Chairborne Rangers who weren't in the situation but know what they would have done.

She did great.
"It was around 10:00 p.m. right in town at a small mini-mart. "

She oughta been home, not pumping gas.
I guessing that all the people posting to the INTERNET about how they'd spray gasoline and pull a cigarette lighter have never seen a gas nozel take flame before.

if you're close enough to cause that nozel that guy's holding, now pannicing, in a death grip, to go up in flames because he called your bluff, your tough-guy attitude just got you torched too. How's that tactic working out for you?

Now, here you are with 2nd 3rd degree burns and you just committed attempted murder, vandalism, arson, and a few other felonies in addition to some tort wrongs (now the station owner's insurance doesn't really care if you perpetrated an act of self-defense do they?) in the full view of witnesses, security cameras, etc..

About now the only GOOD thing you have going for you is that the police are on the way and they have to provide medical treatment before they throw YOU in jail too. And if jail scares you, don't worry, if you're lucky you'll die of infection from the burns before it goes to trial, but not before you have several layers of skin scrubbed from your body in the process.

Before we decide it's a good tactic to get all Rambo at a gas pump we might want to tour a burn ward.
I think a good shot of cone pattern OC spray in the face would have this guy struggling to get back in his car and try to drive away. The "gas him and pull out the lighter" trick could result in agg-assault or attempted murder charges....not to mention years of litigation. Maybe its a job for the kimber JPX jet protector !!
Yep, gossamer, some people do come up with some really dumb ideas, don't they?
I generally try to fuel all the vehicles where the LEO's like to show up for thier morning break. Several stations are good places to go at different times of day.

Poor kid, probably scared to death then; now mad as a hornet.

I probably would have spent a few dollars squiting the BG and told him to beat it while retreating. That means we both be in jail. No, that is a pipe dream. What would happen though is careful recording mentally of the license, description etc. While he pumped my gas.

Or better yet, go inside the station have the clerk call the cops and kill the pump.

Then we go after the guy yah?

Your Wife did ok, but teen got robbed and bg is secure that everyone else there is going to be just as easy to push over next time he needs gas.

I dont know what to think sometimes, situations such as this comes out of the blue and catches one off gaurd sometimes. This case it was the teen. All he had to do was slap the pump lever off. "CLAP!!" no gasie for bullie.

Except for what will happen next... THAT would be a crime compounding.

I used to deal with extremely high volumes of fuel under high pressure way greater fueling the rig verus a simple gas for a car. And had the experience where possible perp comes up makes converstation and tries something. It does not take much to soak said perp with a few gallons of the stuff and go inside to get things rolling while angry soaked perp dances around in tantrum.

Desiel is safer than gas for this sort of work, Leo's show up you tell em that the man soaked is the one they are after. =)

I hear you loud and clear on the small town to max alert status. happened to us a few times where we were over the years.
I know this is a resurrected thread, but it is a good one concerning the dangers of pumping gas.

I figure filling up my tank is one of the most likely scenarios where I'll run into a bad guy, if I ever do. I like road tripping, and I drive a 70's crew cab truck, so my stops are somewhat...frequent. I've stopped in so many gas stations from St. Louis to Philly, from New Hampshire down to Atlanta area - a lot of times at night.

Nobody ever approached me or posed a threat, however; despite being alone often times and having a truck cab stacked full of expensive things.

Usually when pumping gas (even if it's ear numbing-cold), I lean against the bed of my truck. Being a crew cab, there's a decent bit of distance from one end to the other, and I stare at the pump, so I can keep both ends in my peripheral vision, and take a casual glance over my shoulder once in a while.

I've been with my friend on occasion when he filled up in less than friendly areas in St. Louis. I've usually hung out near him on the corner of the car to watch out for him if necessary (he doesn't carry, but should).

Maybe my truck is a deterrent. "Look at that beat up truck, he doesn't have money". On the contrary, it takes a lot of money to get that truck around the country...
I hear you about that truck.

Im more worried about the morning doofus snorting a cigerette or those hopping into and out of thier cars and then fisting the gas nozzle. The static electicity will light that stuff and some folks jerk the nozzle out fire and all and spray everything. The smart ones leave nozzle in tank with the fire and run to the clerk.

I cannot depend on the person next to me to know what to do. So watchfullness is good. Sleepy coffee/cigerrete/doughnut needy in the morning is not good.

Generally anyone who tries converstation with me gets eyeballed and cold read top to bottom while I run through the mental A,B or C in my head.
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