With regards to the propensity to overrun discussion threads on other web sites...

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Dec 19, 2012
Good on ya I say!

I've noticed more and more lately on all kinds of sites (mostly news related ones) that have discussion threads, that Pro-2A people are bringing the online fight to their door steps, so to speak. Vehicular accident reports, abortion protests, you name it... Pro-2A comments are overwhelming them. I think people have woken up to the fact that, a certain segment of the populace is going to hate us no matter what... might as well pound it into them that we're not crawling under a rock or cowering in our bedrooms this time. The gloves are off. You want to take our rights? You're in for a fight. In a sense... "Cry HAVOC and let slip the dogs of War!" has begun in the online media.
the donations peoples have been calling lately. that time of year I guess. I've been making a point of asking them to send me a copy of their 2A stance (note I don't mention pro- or anti-... I want them to tell me their bent and not try and satisfy/placate me.) it's amazing how few i've gotten and how few call backs I've received... ZERO to be precise. I'm done with being made to feel like a criminal for exercising my rights.
just goes to show most of these people either do not care or are afraid to speak their views due to fear of losing money/offending someone. They tell people what they want to hear to line their pockets. Same as most representatives. The blind are truly leading the blind.
All my elected official, are on notice that I will be monitoring their votes closely and I am ready, willing, and able to spend money and time to make sure they are either re-elected or defeated-their choice.
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