Worlds smallest gun?

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It'd be fun for a toy, but legally its a real gun. has to dros, pass ca saftey testing etc.

I wonder how much it is?
The whole thing is obviously CGI. :rolleyes: (Pretty good on the metal, but the grips are a pretty bad texture mapping...)

Probably some design student's "final", and part of the "concept" was to put nothing in the website to say it's an imaginary product.

This has been around the block several times.
If it truly is a high-end functioning jewelry/novelty piece, kudos to them. There is some sort of European traditions of some truly tiny pistols that are desireable collectors items.

However, the pictures of the revolver on the site are ALL CGI, even the one where it's in a person's hand, and in the keychain holser, (pretty obvious they were 'shopped in) so color me suspicious. If the metal is too subtle for you, look at the grips in every photo. You can tell the woodgrain is CGI in every pic.

If I see pictures or video of real production samples, I will be satisfied.
AJAX22 said:
I wonder how much it is?
I seem to remember they run around 4000 Euros. And the 0.09 caliber rimfire ammo runs around 8-10 Euro per cartridge. Quite expensive for a novelty item! One of my buddies who lives in Switzerland has tried to contact the company to order one. I'll let you guys know how that goes.

AJ Dual said:
The whole thing is obviously CGI. :rolleyes:
Here are the pics from the site:

rev_main.jpg gal_5.jpg

I agree that something is fishy. For example, here's their address:

chemin Fantaisie 2
2301 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Phone +41 32 913 39 60
Fax +41 32 913 39 59

Chemin Fantaisie huh? I wonder if there really is a "Fantasy Street" in Ville de la Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland!
The scaling in the pictures is questionable, since the thing is supposed to be more than two inches long.
AJ Dual's absolutely right, none of those images are real. I have no doubts that guns that small can or have been made. The company listed may even be really planning on making them. Those however are not photos of anything.

It is as real as this young lady
Wasn't there a thread about this last week with a news story? If it's not real someone went through the trouble to build a fairly spendy looking website for it. IIRC from the last thread the ballistics were comparable to a BB gun. If someone shot me with that I'd be ticked! After making sure it didn't break the skin I'd have to throw them a whoopin!
World's smallest gun? I don't think so. It may be the world's smallest centerfire functional revolver, but not the world's smallest gun.

Is the Swiss Minigun real? I don't know. Given what the Swiss do with watches, it could easily be real even if y'all don't believe the photographs are real. After all, take a look at... Check out the revolvers on this page and you can marvel at what was being produced by hand more than 100 years ago and then realize by comparison that things like the Swiss Minigun are technologically not relegated to fantasy.

Also see...
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