would manufacturers be against an ASB?

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Dec 15, 2011
just like when the auto makers jack up the price for new safety features, aren't the gun manufactures making out like bandits selling high cap mags and pistol grip rifles today and then turning around and selling the same people "compliant" parts if an AWB is instituted? and it isn't just parts, smaller carry pistols in larger calibers, a new breed of rifles that are now compliant.

my absolute lack of trust of any big business makes me think while we are watching those that would implement laws that are anti 2A we will get blind sided by our "friends", the gun manufacturers.

my title should be changed to AWB. oops.
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None of the manufacturers support an AWB. It's a PITA making one type of firearm for the public, and another for LE, and another for the military. Much less overhead (as in, cheaper and better for my bottom line) to not have to worry about that.
Seems like they already charge premium prices for what amounts to very little change in their designs. The examples are too numerous to list.
Well...the manufacturers aren't bumping up the prices right now, it's the end sellers that are. At least from my understanding.

Considering that current weapons would be grandfathered in (which they'd pretty much have to be) the companies wouldn't need to sell compliant parts to the same people, unless those people wanted another of the same with less capabilities.
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