would this bother anyone

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Obviously it isn't bothering some people. [19 bids] Besides, it's not like there won't be another one if you pass on this one.
I would probably pass on it. I certainly understand the husbands reasons for not wanting it.
I wonder why they even mentioned it in the first place.

Technically it was involved in a crime... is there not some sort of disclosure required?

Personally I'd leave it to the ghouls. Too much baggage for a common gun.
Not really.

Initially I'm inclined to say it would but upon deeper reflection I note that many of my favorite firearms are surplus with most likely several of them having a combat history and one of my most favored -06s is the tool used in a failed suicide by a family friend - Alaska old school cabin fever.
It would not bother me. Like already stated, its a tool. Someone misused it, not the tools fault.

I own a shotgun that was used in a suicide. Does not bother me at all. Its an excellent shotgun and it was cheap.

I also own quite a few milsurp rifles. I am pretty sure some of them have harmed/killed another person.

One of my Milsurp rifles bear the swastika. I dont really think of myself as "dark" for owning it. It is just a piece of history, no different than any other milsurp.
Yea, I am actually a little shocked at the bids and price.

I'm not.
It's a used gun and people are interested in buying it.
It would not bother me a bit. I don't believe in negative energy or bad energy or spirits any more than I believe in santa or faries.
However, I would not buy something like that just because it was used for a terrible purpose. The ghoul buyers are indeed sick.
I have a number of WWII surplus guns and guns traded into my LGS from evidence rooms by LE departments for credit. Any one of which, ecspecially the ladder, could have killed somebody. I see no reason why that should matter. An native american might have once used a rock that's now in my garden to bash in the head of a rival tribe member as well.
Plenty of people collect surplus military arms which were used to kill soldiers on the battlefield. I don't know why this would be any different. The fact it was used in a suicide is tragic but the weapon wasn't the cause.
Not a problem. It's kinda like the movie The World According to Garp. A plane flies into a house that he is contemplating buying and he says something to the effect of "We'll take it. What are the chances of that happening again."

Seriously, we spend so much time trying to convince anti gunners that guns are inanimate object and that people kill, not guns.

None of this is meant to downplay the tragedy of suicide. I have lost friends who have taken their lives. It is never understood. That reminds me of a line from another movie/book, Hotel New Hampshire: "Keep walking past the window." Windows, guns, bridges, pills. Just a means to an end.

It's not the gun.
I had to pause and think about wanting that gun because of its history. The likely history of some of my old C&R milsurps is probably far worse though.

Doesn't matter. The current bid is way too high for that gun anyway.
Sadly I laughed at this, then tried to think of a way to fit it into a joke about the market once a week.
I actually won another one, for about $450 with night sites. Now I'm just confused on why this one is bid so high.
Well yes, it would bother me.

I've bought quite a few used guns that could have been used for a crime or suicide, but I don't know that. That's the trick, what I don't know about a used gun won't bother me. Don't ask don't tell.
Eh, it's a used gun and it's not a target model. It did what it was designed to do (kill humans), more or less. Unfortunate for the previous owner and completely understandable that he doesn't want it around (assuming it's not just a marketing tactic...). Aside from not really knowing if ANY used gun previously owned by strangers has a "body count", I'm sure there are plenty of us on here with milsurps, police trade-ins, etc that are almost certain to fall into that category.
No different than buying many surplus weapons from various wars. Only difference is that you KNOW it took a life. I doubt it would bother me, knowing.

It sounds like it would bother you though. No harm there. Move on and find a new firearm.

Ron in Texas
I wouldn't touch it for 2 reasons ,1 it's a 40 and 2 it's creepy IMO.
A few years ago when my cousin was in high school one of his close buddies borrowed a shotgun from another friend for "hunting" and killed himself with it. Well the kid that borrowed it to him eventually got the shotgun back and guess what? He killed himself with the same gun less than 2 years later. That was pretty hard on my cousin.
The fact you brought this up in a forum of strangers tells me you are uncomfortable with the idea. Unless you are just polling the population, what anyone says here, with the possible exception of me, is irrelevant.
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