Would you give up your gun rights?

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Nope. Because I can't give up my natural God-given rights. It is impossible. I can however choose not to practice my rights and can allow them to be denied to me.

But as someone else said, I would put every weapon I own on a chopsaw tomorrow if I could be guaranteed that it would end violence and tyranny. Unfortunately it is not that easy.
Well, the question isn't helpful, insightful, or sincere, and seems much like troll bait.

For example, would you give up some of your gun rights to own high-cap mags over 10rds if someone was to give you 10million dollars

That 10mil wouldn't be worth much after it was printed for every other gun owner in America (as well as everyone else for good measure. After all, if the Fed was throwing out cabbage like that, everybody would get in on it). The government flat out does not have anything to give us worth our Constitutional rights.

Oh, except maybe for the control of our State governments back from the Federal plutocracy; I might go for that (granted, I'm from Texas and not New York)

Thanks for all the answers.

This is the most rediculous thing I've seen in a long time and I will not dignify it with a response whatsoever

So you don't have a mature enough answer or what?

Is guns the most important thing to you??? How about your family?
Well, the question isn't helpful, insightful, or sincere, and seems much like troll bait.

Think whatever you like. its a true question, not trolling by any means.

I'm just saying if gun rights is the most important thing for you, then that is your prerogative.

This is a personal question, so if you feel offended or whatever, then don't participate in the thread. I meant no disrespect, but its good to see how passionate some of you are about 2A.

I hope if you are those who felt strongly about it, you are also doing something about it....
They are not mine to give away. I am in a position to pass on to my kids not just some pieces of steel, walnut, and plastic, but the knowledge about the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights, understanding how the government works, a little bit about history, also some skills about how to survive and be safe, and guns are just a small part of this. Also some gun/safety skills, respect for the natural world, how to handle difficult situations/people (shooting them is not the first response) etc. Hopefully with this background at least some of them will be able to carry this forward.
Hypothetically speaking, would you give up your gun rights (or just some of them) in exchange for something else that is important to you??
It doesn't matter what I would give up in exchange for what I would gain.

The real question is this:
Would I deny other U.S. citizens their 2nd Amendment Right for my personal gain?

And the answer is "No.".
Beatledog7 said:
Key point. If a person doesn't like the idea of owning a gun, he can choose not to own one; I can't change that and wouldn't anyway. Why does he have say in deciding how I decide?

And this, to me, is the most rational argument someone can make to a liberal wanting to get rid of your guns.
Hypothetically speaking, would you give up your gun rights (or just some of them) in exchange for something else that is important to you??

This question popped into my head and wanted to see what you guys think. Its unrealistic of course, but humor me.

For example, would you give up some of your gun rights to own high-cap mags over 10rds if someone was to give you 10million dollars? Obviously you can still shoot shotguns, some pistols (1911's etc), 50BMG, unlimited choice of bolt action rifles, etc. Of course with that $ you can buy as much ammo you want and even your own private 1000yard range.

Or would you give up some of your gun rights (say to shoot NFA items or open carry) if you moved to a nicer place like Hawwaii, etc.?

Or, more seriously, would you give up all your gun rights to cure the cancer of your child or spouse?

Tough and trivial questions, I know. lets see what some of you fine folks think.

First, you can't give away a right. You can only choose not to exercise it. The right is still yours.

Secondly, if I decided to sell out my choice to exercise any of my rights, I may as well sell out my heart, as the only thing left of a person after that action would be a soulless, fearful shell of a human.

And for those that think trading off for something, even a cancer cure, would be worth it, keep in mind that any deal with the devil always has an unseen trapdoor for you to fall through afterwards.

In the end, you'd still lose.
Quote from HSO:
That's an absurd question since "I" can't give up "my" gun rights for personal profit.

What can be done is I can give up ALL OUR GUN RIGHTS by prostituting myself and my principals. You don't betray your rights, but you betray the rights of everyone when you do away with rights.

Stated succinctly and accurately.
"First, you can't give away a right. You can only choose not to exercise it. The right is still yours."

Apachedriver is the only one to get it right. It's the reason that the 2nd reads like this:

"...Shall Not Be "Infringed." and not "...Shall Not Be Taken Away."
My personal rights are one thing. The issue is *THE* right to keep and bear arms. And none of us have any right to bargain that away for everyone. Legislators need to be reminded of this I think.

If you want to sell your iron for cancer research you are free to do so. Leave other people's guns alone and there won't be a problem.
Bingo!!! Me giving up my own rights is my own choice to make, but I cannot and will not give away someone else's rights.
I would say if anything, I would want my father and grandfather to still be alive, but then again NO because they would both be very disappointed in me for forfeiting a fundamental human right .
NO! The world has many mass graves full of people who were convinced that thier compromise would result in a safer place to live, or that compliance would mean living instead of being shot down or imprisoned for not doing so. NO! NO! and NO!
Well, I suppose the result would be the same. If someone hurt my kids or grandkids, I would probably not depend on the court system to resolve the situation. If I was caught and convicted, surely I would lose my right to own a firearm.
Is that the same as "giving up my gun rights"? I don't think quite the same.
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