Would you move out of state if your state made CCW illegal?

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Let's see.....

I lived in Bosque County for 39 years. Of those 39, I've only had a CHL for the last 5. Prior to obtaiining a CHL I often carried in my vehicle for 20 years or so.

I survived before it was legal, suspect I could survive if it went away. My roots here go back 150 years. I ain't moving.

Already did that.

Wife, kids, business, the whole 9 yards.

Of course, NJ never was shall issue, but freedom was a major motivator.

As waitone pointed out, lack of right to carry is more of a symptom of a statist infestation than a primary cause, and I didn't give up on Jersey till information and events convinced me that the state was a lost cause, barring a miracle, for the foreseeable future.

IF NJ ever gets over it's addiction to statism and subsequently and goes shall issue, I'll wager that it'll be among the last to do so, if not in fact THE last.

My life doesn't revolve around carrying my sidearm with me whereever I go, but accepting the legally institutionalized notion that I'm not worthy to do so isn't an option for me.

To accept such, either consciously or by default crushes the spirit, and my spirit deserves better.

To put it another way, the laws of that place held that I, an intelligent, competent, law abiding citizen was not to be deemed trustworthy to bear arms in public.

My choices was to either agree with that, work to change it, or leave.

-Won't accept it.
-Worked to change it till I determined the situation was futile.
Good point. That is one of the main reasons why we would not move back to MD. That and the housing prices.

Of course, thanks to GWAG, Spot77, Norton, and the rest of you Marylanders we have not met yet, we might have to rethink that.
I have plenty of reasons for wanting to move out of Missouri, and I'm still here. I doubt I'd get more motivated to move it they revoked our recently granted CCW. It would be added to the list of reasons to move though.

And, I can say that I have several states on my list that I won't move to simply because of their gun laws. Cali is obvious, and even though I have friends in NYC, I wouldn't move there either. Or MD, NJ, DC.
It took us quite a while to get the CCW but we had really loose gun laws prior.
I suspect that if we ever loose it now, the nation will be in rebellion anyway.

In other words I consider the change to anti-CCH stance to be indicative of a statist future. Notice I did not say liberal or conservative. Both can be statists and still use their appropriate tag. Statists are statists and I oppose them regardless of the philosophical tag applied.

I'm with Waitone. I'd be fighting the loss in the legislature. And then I'd move to somewhere that's still free. I don't think it will happen here in Georgia.

Carrying will become just a mite more important to you once it saves you from certain brain damage and possible death. I was a bill collector for 15 years. Repossessions, skip tracing, etc. I worked in some neighborhoods where the police rode two to the squad car...when they patrolled there at all. After a while, the folks who lived there knew me. And knew I had money on me. And knew I had handguns on my person. I've been told by some that the only thing that kept me from being robbed was the robbers felt there was easier prey around.

Carrying has prevented my becoming a drooling wreck or a corpse on at least one occasion. I've been told that it being known has prevented me from being the victim of violent crime any number of times. I think I'll keep doing it.

Move from a state where I can no longer carry? I won't even go to a state that doesn't allow carry. I've done that. I didn't like the general odor of the place...must have been those statists.
No. I carried my little Star 9mm BKM on me, locked and cocked, for 20 years before I broke down and got my CCW. Its called "concealed carry", nobody saw it. :) :neener: In Okla, it was and still is a misdemeanor so I can deal with the fine if I had to. Dead is "not good" :eek:
I have always had access to a firearm since I was a wee brat. I was raised a certain way. I have used one to defend my sibs and myself before I ever became a teenager. I have toted a gun before I ever had a driving license. I have carried concealed way before I was old enough to vote.

One day AR said they were going to have these "permission" papers allowing folks to conceal carry. I always figured I had that right for a couple of centuries before I was born...

I finally got "permission papers" AR res and Non-Res FL. I want to move away from AR for other reasons. I figure TX, AZ and such are good places.

Still think that OLD Parchment defines something I have a right to - no matter what some folks may think, try to mis-interpret, lie about.

I have my code - sorry if it happens to go against some Gubmint's thinking. I just happen to be right is all.

See I too have been in situations that the fact I carried most likley is the reason I am still here. There is no age limit, gender preference on being a victim.
I've been thinking of moving out of my home state, but not because Maryland doesn't allow civilians to carry concealed. No, my reasons are rising taxes, the influx of the disreputable elements, and overcrowding. Regardless of what I decide to do now, it's a given that if my property value continues to rise the corresponding taxes will sooner or later make comfortable living on one salary impossible.
If CCW was made illegal in NYS, are you saying it will now be open carry, or no carry allowed whatsoever? If it's the latter, I'd still carry. The state/county legislation could do whatever they want up to a breaking point, but there are boundaries I shall never allow them to cross over. I would never let them strip me of my constitutional rights.

Now I might decide to move because of high taxes or because the general community is just plain rotten, however, God damn me if I should ever be bullied, shoved, and made to relocate because the Bill of Rights no longer applied in that region.
Nope. I live in a state that doesn't have CCW yet. I have way too much invested in property, and mine and my wife's careers that moving isn't even an option. If I had to make a decision to move, I would not move to a state that had more restrictive gun control however.
My home state doesn't have CCW.

And it hasn't since I was born there. (Wisconsin) My hope is that it will get better, and CCW will pass, regardless of those 70 square miles around Madison. ;)
I agree with Waitone about what is implied to be coming down the pike if CCW were revoked from where it was already in place. That would be staring down the barrel of a hellish future. Anywhere they would revoke CCW, you know they would be pushing the b.s. notion that your safety is being guaranteed by the police, which we know just is a laughable concept, and so far from the truth as to be insulting. Soon, the powers in such a location would be telling people to just accede to the wishes of any violent attacker in the hope that "if you give him what he wants, he'll just go away." (Well, what if he "wants" the virginity of someone's 16-year-old daughter in a forcible rape? What if he "wants" to take all my money and possessions and leave no witnesses? How would I ever know that if he finished taking all he "wants" he would still leave me unharmed?)

I left New York, where my pistol license did not "allow" me to carry. (*smirk*) That was not the reason I left, but nowadays, since I live in Florida and can CCW, if that were revoked I would have to consider moving. Of course, having to move for any reason, would be a hardship: I'd have to leave a decent job for the unknown, and I have a LOT of belongings that would be very difficult to round up, pack, and transport to wherever I might be headed. But I'd very strongly consider moving because I don't take the eradication of my rights lightly.

Yes, I would. I see it coming down the road in New York. I am going to move to somewhere in red state America as soon as the kids are out of high school!
Nope. Wife, kids, business, employees and income that comfortably supports my firearm habit.

I choose to stand and fight the legislation here in the PRK. :banghead:

If that fails...what did you say the penalty was in PRK for illegal concealed carry? :scrutiny:
If that fails...what did you say the penalty was in PRK for illegal concealed carry?

I don't know. Here in Georgia, 1st offense for carrying without permission is a misdemeanour. 2nd offense is a felony but I believe there's some limitations such as whether you're still on probation from the 1st offense and maybe how long it's been.

Seven years ago, I got caught carrying without permission. My permit was signed and sitting on the judge's desk...he just hadn't mailed it to me, yet. You've got to have your permit on you here so that didn't matter. It was strange. Judge wouldn't give me the permit while I was charged with carrying without permission. I went to court, plea bargained guilty to traffic charges, and the DA dropped the weapon charges. I took the paperwork home to the county probate judge and he handed me the permit. Same day.

I agree with the Nuge about my carry permit...it's called the Constitution. However, I'm a licensed professional. Licensed by a state board. I've got this sneaking suspicion that a misdemeanour weapons conviction would result in license revocation. Then I would face the unsavory choice of "Hello, welcome to Walmart" or returning to bill collecting and repossessing. The first doesn't make enough money and the second is not boring enough...I've become adverse to many forms of excitement through experience.
We've made much progress over the years with our firearms laws at the Constitutional (state) and legislative level, mostly without significant opposition. Firearms in Alaska are a non-issue on the state level.
Things would have to have really gone to hell to get to the point our CC laws were repealed, that it would probably be time to crack open the ammo locker and draw your basic load. There wouldn't be any place else one could go where things would be any better.
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