Would you rather be pinged every.....

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i know what your'e talking about for pinged, but what is sproinged?

Sproinged is that most disgusting of sounds, a spring rattling around in a you can tell it's Matel it's swell plastic stock.
Pinged, of course. 'Cause that would mean I lived long enough to hear him reload. Not much of a rifleman, he.
....I remember when a good friend of mine first let me shoot an AR...after the first shot, I said to myself..."what the hell was that????!!!"....pinging can occasionally get you lightly thumped on the head(maybe the M1's way on reminding you who is boss here)...:D
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I would rather be pinged by the best battle rifle ever made than spronged by black black rifle. Being a lefty I get two pings for every eight shots. Once when it ejects and again when it bounces off the top of my head. :D

The sprong is what you hear when you fire an M16/AR15. It comes from the spring inside the buffer tube in the stock. Some people grease the spring to stop the noise, but as the grease hardens or get dirty it slows down the spring action and can cause problems stripping bullets out of the magazine.
so far, the pinging has a slight lead...ahead of the sproingers
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I've pinged and I've sproinged. I own one of each as well.

But for a day at the range I prefer the sproing.

Now ask me which one looks better sitting still.
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