Would you shoot through the door?

Shoot through the door or not?

  • Shoot through the door.

    Votes: 24 9.0%
  • Shoot when the threat breaches the door and has been identified

    Votes: 229 86.1%
  • Do something else like grab a bat or knife.

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • Don't shoot and wait for police.

    Votes: 9 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I was taught to not only always be sure of your target but what is behind it as well. If I was shooting at a door maybe, or at a target through a glass door.
The correct response is to rack the slide on your 12 gauge, thereby causing the bad guy to keel over dead from fright, thus saving your front door, the expense of a round of ammo and stains on the front porch. ;)
This is North Carolina law.....
§ 14‑51.1. Use of deadly physical force against an intruder.

(a) A lawful occupant within a home or other place of residence is justified in using any degree of force that the occupant reasonably believes is necessary, including deadly force, against an intruder to prevent a forcible entry into the home or residence or to terminate the intruder's unlawful entry (i) if the occupant reasonably apprehends that the intruder may kill or inflict serious bodily harm to the occupant or others in the home or residence, or (ii) if the occupant reasonably believes that the intruder intends to commit a felony in the home or residence.

(b) A lawful occupant within a home or other place of residence does not have a duty to retreat from an intruder in the circumstances described in this section.

(c) This section is not intended to repeal, expand, or limit any other defense that may exist under the common law. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 673, s. 1.)
Would I shoot through my door?

It depends....
There are too many varible to say for sure.
But I can think of a few cases in which I would probably do so.
Maybe if it was a screen door and I could observe if there was a true danger. Other wise no, 99% of the time, always give yourself an out;)

"Shoot when the threat breaches the door and has been identified" Makes sense to me...
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You get warned that if you come through, you'll get shot.

If you come through, you get shot... a LOT.

A long gun wouldn't USUALLY be my first choice for home defense where I live, but this would definitely be the exception. I'd slap a loaded 30 round magazine into my AR carbine and empty it into the intruder if he refused to see reason. I'd repeat as necessary.

Anybody high or crazy enough to kick somebody's door in AFTER being told they'll be shot if they do, shouldn't be fooled around with. They're a threat and should be dealt with expeditiously.

This came up a long time ago in usenet, in connection with a drunken Scotsman in Texas who skipped out on a cab fare, scaled a stranger's back fence, then started kicking in the back door. He was told that if he got in, he'd be shot. He managed to kick one of the door panels out and was indeed shot. Brits whined about the terrible unfairness of NOT being able to get liquored up, commit B&E and put total strangers in reasonable fear of life and limb. They were brusquely told that if liquor affected them in that way, they should give up drink. If they couldn't do it on their own, they should try AA. If they didn't want to do that, then they should expect to get shot. They didn't like it. I didn't care.
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If they were hell bent on getting in and I was in fear for my life, I'd shoot through the door. Here's what Connecticut's law states for defense of a premises.


A person who possesses or controls property or has a license or privilege to be in or on it is justified in using reasonable physical force when and to the extent he reasonably believes it to be necessary to stop another from trespassing or attempting to trespass in or upon it. The owner can use deadly physical force only (1) to defend a person as described in CGS § 53a-19, (2) when he reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent the trespasser from attempting to commit arson or any violent crime, or (3) to the extent he reasonably believes it is necessary to stop someone from forcibly entering his home or workplace (and for the sole purpose of stopping the intruder) (CGS § 53a-20).

However, CT is a socialist, liberal New England state and I'd probably go down in some way or another. :rolleyes:
Thank you EasyG, at last a vote of sanity.

Would I fire through my door - it depends. Would I fire unless I was sure I had a problem - no. Would I get overly concerned about a stray round perhaps continuing into the surrounding area - not if the shot was made to prevent immediate serious injury to those behind me.

By convincing yourself that you would never fire through a door, or any other obstruction, you have thrown away a tactical option. Never, never, throw away a choice. Don't be stupid - but never say never.
I would only shoot if I can see the threat and its actively trying to rush in when its through the door.Then I will lay down shots until the threat is completely immobilized.
As Lee Lapin alludes ( & easyg quotes) NC law on this subject is permissive to the point of being odd.
However, AFAIAC, Rule 4 still applies.
Original post.
- It's too dark to see the individual and he/she won't respond to your questions/threats.

How many people are answering with statements that ignore the original post?
just set your self up in a good spot inside of the house,
keep a "eye" open for a second bg trying the back door,
set a bright light facing the door with the bg on the other side.
if he gets past the door then he can not see much.

then it could be a shoot or no shoot time.

and my entry is not carpet.


My closest choice was the second answer, except:

Just because they've busted down my door doesn't mean I'm firing, yet. If they're not pointing a gun at me, or they turn around and run away, or they start responding to my commands and turn into a non-threat, then this will be one of those fortunate situations where a firearm gets used for self defense but not fired.

I really don't want to shoot someone, m'kay?
Depends on the situation AND what your Castle Law dictates. Kansas law allows you to use deadly force to stop any illegal entry into your home, period.

I have windows on all my doors. ID'ing someone at the door is a nonissue for me.
I live in NH and we have the Castle law/doc. But however it does also state that you my defend your home. So if you rent and don't have permission from the land lord (i.e. written in the lease you have the right to bare arms in said apartment or defend said domiscile with firearm) you just might be facing charges from him as well.

Now another thing we have in this beautiful state is that they have to be in the house in order to shoot then, depending on what town and city you live in (ordnances and all). There also laws that gov'r whether or not your porch is considered inside or out side.

I would have to say wait till that SOB gets far enough in and then shot. given after giving enough warning having enough concealment and making sure others are behind me and the cops are on the line.
None of your choices fit what I would lieluy do, although your second option cmes close. I would have to identify the threat as life threatening or placing me or mine in threat of serious bodily harm first; then I would blast away until it stopped.
Would I shoot through the door?


Doing so is stupid. Once the threat continues to move in despite your verbal warning, THEN, it is time for Plan B.
I did choose #2 it's the closest to what I would do. I mean it pretty much covers the basis of the decision but doesn't give an in depth look at everything that would be done up to that exact moment, but *SIGH* close enough.
Never say never. If some I hear five guys banging down my down with a battering ram, screaming for me blood... you never know. As a general rule of thumb though, nah. Legally unwise in my state. Also can't see my target and what's beyond it.
Shoot through the door... ?

Ok, so one of the four holy rules is to never point your gun at anything you don't wish to destroy. Another is "always know your target AND what's behind it.

Most doors are opaque, thus I have no clue what I'm shooting at or what's behind it. Plus, I have "time" on my side with the possible bad guy breaking through my door so that I can actually line up my shot.

So, yeah... shooting through a door sounds like a nice, easy way to get hauled in front of a jury. I think I'll give that one a pass.
Not supporting firing through a door but another consideration for you.

Rule 4 is important but practically, when the door opens, you will not be able to apply it.

The assailant, if there is one, will be entering through the doorway. The size of the doorway controls your cone of fire. Once you decide to use a firearm to stop the invader you will have no choice about selecting a safe backstop, it is whatever exists behind the relatively small area framed by the doorway. You cannot choose your backstop, it has been chosen for you. Your decision becomes to "shoot" because the invader is entering or "not shoot" because you do not like the backstop. If you shoot there is the remote possibility of someone else getting hurt. If you do not shoot there is the virtual certainty of you getting hurt. Take your pick. Karma.

Hopefully, you are such a good shot that all of your rounds will hit the invader but actual performance levels under stress do not support this possibility.

Several posters have suggested they will wait until the target is positively identified and then open up with heavy fire. How many misses will be traveling into the Rule 4 area?
Mr. Rogers,

I agree with your statements...

ID the target. Once ID'd, shoot him however and where ever you can. Bad guys are known to seek cover and concealment too.

Edit: Obviously he has to be a "threat". Someone knocking on your door at night, even pounding and kicking is a POSSIBLE threat, it isn't a POSITIVE threat. So, once ID'd (intel gathered gives a reasonable expectation of death or serious injury) shoot away. The problem is, what is reasonable for someone in Snake Canyon, Idaho isn't reasonable for a citizen of the French Quater during Mardi Gras....
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I don't think your poll questions are very good

I think what you likely wanted to provide as an alternative to shooting thru the door was "wait for the police, unless he breaks thru the door". It makes no sense to "wait for the police to arrive" if he breaks down the door (so they both wouldn't occur).

But my real question is this: Even if you know your backdrop, what could possibly make you feel justified at shooting an unidentified, loud person? To the (currently) 19 folks who want to shoot thru the door, is there something more that you know? I just don't see a noisy unwanted guest as a real threat. Someone wants to do harm to me/family, they don't act this way. Odds are stacked they are lost or drunk or stupid or mad ... but these aren't the actions of a true threat. YMMV, IMHO, etc.

As for me, I doubt it's gone this way at all. I've likely just asked who it is. With no response, I'm done talking. I'm at the top of my stairs looking down at the door, family is safe behind me, several are armed. Cops have been called. If the door does fail, then any real threat would be treated as such.
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