Would You Stay Or Go?

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If you have lived in one place long enough you have lots of friend and family. I just happen to still live where I grew up.
With my mother in a nursing home and all of my family living here I guess you would say I have an anchor to this place.
If the gun laws changed for the worst I would stay right here.
Regarding gun ownership I'm blessed three ways
Born in the U.S.A
Adopted by loving parents and a father that taught me shooting and safety
Raised in the great state of Florida.

Been across most of the U.S.A still like Fl the best. If it ever went the likes of California, NJ and NY and such I'd then be a Texan my second favorite state.
I live in Western Kentucky and have pretty deep roots here. My dad and mother in law are still alive. My wife and I have no kids and we’re in our early 50’s. I have no other family members left and my wife’s sisters (both severely liberal) wouldn’t keep us here at all. I do however have the family farm where I live, way out in the sticks that’s been in our family for 100 years this year. It’s my whole world and the only connection I have to my ancestors. Fortunately I don’t see Kentucky going anti in my remaining lifetime but if it did I’d have to stay and fight. If I’m still alive I will own my firearms! They’re my passion and I will not be deprived of them for any reason without a fight. If I have to make my last stand here then so be it! The ability to own firearms, shoot them and use them to protect my family, friends and property are directly connected with being a free, God fearing Christian and I’ll have it all or die trying to keep those things! End of story!
This thread is why gun owners are increasingly minimized.

Liberals can like guns too. A lot of us do- the extremists don’t speak for us any more than Ted Nugent speaks for y’all. A lot of us aren’t even gun control advocates. With that being said, we tend to like a lot of the things a lot of conservatives feel are bad (freedom, not discriminating, secular government, etc). We’re not aliens, invaders or traitors. We’re Americans. And when y’all treat us like traitors, well...why should we care about your interests?

On topic, I’ll move to CA or a similar state if the opportunity is right. The only time guns come into play is NY, where I refuse to live in NYC due to the de facto inability to possess legally owned firearms. SF is out for other reasons. I could do LA but prefer Houston.
This thread is why gun owners are increasingly minimized.

Liberals can like guns too. A lot of us do- the extremists don’t speak for us any more than Ted Nugent speaks for y’all. A lot of us aren’t even gun control advocates. With that being said, we tend to like a lot of the things a lot of conservatives feel are bad (freedom, not discriminating, secular government, etc). We’re not aliens, invaders or traitors. We’re Americans. And when y’all treat us like traitors, well...why should we care about your interests?

On topic, I’ll move to CA or a similar state if the opportunity is right. The only time guns come into play is NY, where I refuse to live in NYC due to the de facto inability to possess legally owned firearms. SF is out for other reasons. I could do LA but prefer Houston.

Except it seems lately, the last thing the liberals want is for anyone not of their ilk to have freedom. Now, if you're talking about Classical Liberalism - which is more akin to Libertarianism, that is altogether different.
I won't deny your experiences, I'm sheltered from a lot of that up here in the PNW with such things.
"Liberal" gun control advocates are certainly a hoot.

As I've noted previously, I once had one tell me, regarding the Holocaust, that he "wasn't so sure that was such a BAD thing"...
Liberals can like guns too.
Too bad there are so few actual LIBERALS around these days.

Instead what we have his Marxist totalitarians who want absolute power which they can neither obtain nor maintain without a monopoly on the means of armed force.

At various times, "liberals" have threatened me with:
  • a beating
  • concentration camps
  • shooting
  • nuclear weapons

I've had so called "liberals" reminisce wistfully about the Holocaust while berating me for wearing an NRA ballcap.

The Klan didn't want to disarm my family for OUR benefit.

Marxists don't want to disarm me for MY benefit.
Left NY many years ago for Texas. No regrets!

Too bad that now it seems most of the NY, CA, etc. transplants are bringing their anti-gun and other stupidity with them :(
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I'm staying where I am. This a gun friendly state for now. However our brand new, short, chunky, in your face, Pelosi want-a-be, ultra liberal governor was on her soapbox preaching about gun control as soon as she took office. Thankfully she can do noting on her own and I hope more sensible heads in our legislature will prevail. One represensative said right after her speech she needed to read and understand the constitution so her wishes may not go anywhere. It appears she is after ARs, a gun that is hardly even mentioned in a shooting.
With that being said, we tend to like a lot of the things a lot of conservatives feel are bad (freedom, not discriminating, secular government, etc). We’re not aliens, invaders or traitors. We’re Americans. And when y’all treat us like traitors, well...why should we care about your interests.

I actually think quite a few people here my self included would be considered quite liberal actually. Back 5 years ago I held many liberal positions. I was firmly in favor of LGBT rights, drug legalization, was very open to government run healthcare. The thing I didn’t realize is that even though I support these people’s rights they don’t support mine.

Once these people got some status, recognition and power in society they made it their main perogative to hate on and work for the destruction and breakdown of straight white men, nuclear families, etc. although I’m not at all religious I now realize that the Christians were right all along. Doesn’t mean I believe in god or the Bible any more than I ever did but I have egg on my face so to speak

The old left that was concerned with working conditions, wages, outsourcing of jobs etc is long gone. The left of Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn has been replaced with SJWS looking to start a race war. And the former liberals like myself are now firmly in the right wing.

At nearly 74, I'm too old to be pulling up stakes. Not that I haven't thought about it, if Virginia goes the way it appears to be going. If worst comes to worst, I may have to store the subject guns / magazines out of state. That would leave me full of bitterness in my old age.
I'm in your same age bracket and I did it, and with no partner or kids to help. Just realize that getting all settled in is going to take longer than you might be imagining. I'm still living with lots of boxes everywhere but I am mega-happy to be in Arizona. :)
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Most likely, stay. This is my home, and I have a wife and child to support. Wife likes it here, child is in high school. Every time I talk about a new job, her first question is, "Would we have to move?" All of her friends are here. The job I do pays better than anything else I'm qualified to do, and I'd have to get licensed in any other state before I could work as an attorney.
My mental picture of Arkansas is that the people are friendly and it's 2A-friendly. No?
look at all the Jews that toe the statist line of gun control with WWII Germany fresh in their recent history to take account of. Instead many of the Jews in this country support heavy handed government policies/representatives. They need to brush up on their history.
Those are the ones who have replaced the Torah with the Dem party platform in terms of their allegiance. Unfortunately they are highly visible due to their large numbers in certain professions like the entertainment industry. Observant ("orthodox") Jews know we have 6,000,000 reasons to oppose gun control.
Those are the ones who have replaced the Torah with the Dem party platform in terms of their allegiance. Unfortunately they are highly visible due to their large numbers in certain professions like the entertainment industry. Observant ("orthodox") Jews know we have 6,000,000 reasons to oppose gun control.
And yet they also go along with some sense of liberal guilt and support the Democrats - and have since day 1. I grew up in NYC and saw first hand how folks who normally you would think be voting conservative - whether D or R - would go for the liberal every single time. They have moved to South Florida and have turned it into a warmer version of NYC; and as we saw with the last election, as much voter fraud and corruption. These folks are for strict gun control, even with the gangs running rampant all over that area.
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My wife can’t retire for at least another 15 years. If she leaves now and heads to a “free State” she will make 1/3 her current salary-benefit package. If I move, it’s 1/4.
You have to compare the salary-benefit packages to the cost of living in the places you would possibly move to -- if your income would be 1/4 but tax rates are a lot lower and food/housing/utilities are 1/5, you'd actually be way ahead.
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Fight if at all possible. But with my personality and background I am more likely to physically fight instead of politics.

I left NY years ago because the guns I had were illegal. And even VT passed a magazine restriction bill, so I wouldn't be able to live there anymore either.
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I grew up in Austin. I wouldn't describe Austin as being "conservative," even back in the 1960's, when I was there. Texas had three parties: conservative Democrat, liberal Democrat, and Republican. But even the liberal Democrats, back then, were not antigun. Returning to Austin is one of my options if Virginia becomes intolerable.
Austin is pretty blue these days from what I read.
The OP was discussing whether gun laws would make you move. As usual in this topic we go off the rails with liberals, demographics, degenerates and whatever.

So guess what? If you can’t stay on topic - closed.
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