Wrong serial number on purchase paperwork

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Jan 26, 2011
Prescott Valley, AZ
I recently purchased a nickel S&W model 36-1 on Gunbroker. The purchase order from the selling FFL and my transferring FFL delivery receipt both record the serial number as J44xxx8. The correct SN# is J44xxx3. Right where the three “points” of the 3 are, there is a small nick in the nickel plate that makes it look like an 8. I just made a hand notation on my copy of the receipt of the correct SN.

My assumption is that the selling FFL misread the SN when he acquired the gun and the error carried through from there. It almost (Actually it does with my old eyes) requires a magnifying glass to read the 3. I’m not concerned about it from my end. Being in a free state, probably half of my guns have no paper work at all. I was just wondering if there could be any risk if, for some unknown reason, the gun is ever traced through to my purchase of it.
I'd contact the seller and make them aware of the problem. I bought a used rifle several years ago, got home and got a call from the gun shop. The dealer was cross checking the 4473 with his records and found a slight difference similar to the situation you describe. He asked me to confirm the correct #. It was a simple phone call that may have prevented a lot of headaches for both of us.
This will just save your FFL dealer if audited...not sure how it could be "caught", but I would just fix it with your FFL dealer. I had a weird situation where an AR lower was shipped directly to me and sitting in my residential mail box. I made sure both the shipping dealer and my local FFL were notified and did the 4473 with my dealer for the transaction. A simple mistake could have cost someone their license...I wouldn't want to be a part of that and it takes all gun owners to look out for each other.

I would likely take it back to FFL with me. Get it corrected.

I bought a "parts" AR with lower during "insult weapons ban"
Well I spread out the two bags of "parts" and realized it was NOT legit for times. I had all legit parts listed, they pulled them off table, into bags but put parts with bayo lug......
So I call them. Guy remembers I wanted it 100% legit. So asks if I can stop by for exchange. I do he offers to assemble it for free for my trouble. Does it dang near as fast as I can post. Test fires it, gives me couple mags *used for test firing* and I leave.
At home my answering maching is blinking. Seems he grabbed a different lower (serial #) so its incorrect in his book.
I offer to read it off gun. He knows what # it is but MUST have it infront of him.
He wants me to ship it UPS. (I really don't care to) so I tell him I will be back at his shop in 2 days.
He said his shop would be in DEEP if caught incorrect.
That situation doesn't apply here though. This gun was transferred on both ends with the wrong serial number. I'm not sure how you would even convince the ffls involved that you didn't switch guns on them.
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