Yale's "social issue" survey--second try

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A bunch of us did this one over at 1911 Forum.com.

Some of the questions are very leading.

There is a statement from an imaginary Congressman at the end of the survey and you are asked if you support him and what he wants to do? His position changes to accomodate the answers you give during the survey apparently, as we got several different viewpoints.
Well, it was mostly innocuous but I did notice something that I often see elsewhere: the implication that widespread public opinion or societal view is just cause to limit the RKBA. If you're feeling particularly vociferous, you might explain in the comments box that the Bill of Rights exists specifically to prevent this kind of tyranny of the majority or "mobocracy." If the Framers of the Constitution had intended the right to keep and bear arms to be something that would come and go with 51% majorities, they wouldn't have bloody well made it part of the Constitution now would they?
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If the Framers of the Constitution had intended the right to keep and bear arms to be something to would come and go with 51% majorities, they wouldn't have bloody well made it part of the Constitution now would they?

I agree with you on this point. But we do have campaign finance reform don't we? :barf:
But we do have campaign finance reform don't we?

The prevailing attitude in governance today seems to be "let's try to get away with as much as we can and see if the Supreme Court strikes us down." This, of course, is completely contrary to the intent of the Framers. The concept of judicial review wasn't even established until the 19th century. In fact, George Washington set the brief precedent of signing nearly every bill that Congress sent him and reserving the veto only for those bills that he felt were unconstitutional. Unfortunately those who came after him saw (and see) defense of the Constitution as someone else's responsbility. Nowadays we have Presidents who will quite gladly tread on the Consitution for the sake of political expediency with the hope (perhaps) that our lazy, feckless Supreme Court will eventually "set things right." Don't hold your breath, eh?

The Supreme Court has always been the most dubious part of our federal government. In fact, if you look at the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, you'll see (as you'd expect) that the structures of goverment thereby set closely mirror those of our Union, but diverge quite markedly with respect to the Supreme Court, which did not exist as the permanent body it was and is in the USA. The CSA's Supreme Court was composed of a quorom of District Court judges and met where and (most interestingly) when Congress decided. Maybe they were on to something? Or maybe not...?
This sample letter is the oddest position I have ever seen, and the questions are rigged.
Imagine that you receive this letter from your Congressman:

As you know, I oppose gay marriage and support the death penalty. I generally oppose government intervention and believe that government should interfere with individual choice only to stop someone from harming others.

Today I want to talk to you about another issue of great importance to me: firearms. Guns, we know, can protect the innocent. A number of studies show that, in particular, women who carry guns are far less likely to be raped than those who do not. However, we know that guns can also harm. A number of studies show that many crimes occur because gun purchases are not recorded.

That's why I support congressional protection of the individual right to bear arms and national registration of handguns whenever they are sold or transferred. Like voting and jury participation, owning a gun is something that must be protected and done responsibly. I believe that is the American way, and I hope you will support my position.

Here are some questions about the statement:

How reasonable does the Congressman's position seem to you?
It then asks "How much do you agree or disagree with the Congressman on the issue of registration and the individual right to bear arms?" Umm, how the bloody hell do I answer that? I believe in the RKBA, but disagree with the registration thereof. It doesnt allow for individual options on the two.:cuss:
The question asks specifically and only about the issue of 'registration'.

The other stuff in the letter is there to distract you. I think it is to test whether you will overlook the issue of registration if the congressman appears to be pro 2A.

So, if you disagree with gun registration, answer the question accordingly, with no regard to any of the other material in that letter.....it is not the subject of the question.
 That's why I support congressional protection of the individual (1) right to bear arms and (2) national registration of handguns whenever they are sold or transferred. Like voting and jury participation, owning a gun is something that must be protected and done responsibly. I believe that is the American way, and I hope you will support my position.
(1) I agree with.
(2) No way.

What a way to word a statement. Put it in a way that makes it look like one statement works hand in hand with the other. How about this one:
 That's why I support congressional protection of the individual right to free speech as long as it does not offend the majority of people. Like voting and jury participation, free speech is something that must be protected and done responsibly. I believe that is the American way, and I hope you will support my position.
Just for giggles I blocked the cookie from their website so I could take the survey again.

I purposely answered the questions from as liberal a point of view as I could manage, taking the moderate viewpoint on a few things. Here's what the Congressman had to say:

"As you know, I oppose gay marriage and support the death penalty. I generally oppose government intervention and believe that government should interfere with individual choice only to stop someone from harming others.

Today I want to talk to you about another issue of great importance to me: firearms. Guns, we know, can protect the innocent. A number of studies show that, in particular, women who carry guns are far less likely to be raped than those who do not. However, we know that guns can also harm. A number of studies show that many crimes occur because gun purchases are not recorded.

That's why I support congressional protection of the individual right to bear arms and national registration of handguns whenever they are sold or transferred. Like voting and jury participation, owning a gun is something that must be protected and done responsibly. I believe that is the American way, and I hope you will support my position."

The first paragraph appears to change based on your answers, and as was previously mentioned it is worded to distract you.

The second paragraph is consistent with what everyone got.

This survey is all about guns. It uses the other social questions to determine your overall point of view, then the speaker tailors the message to lead you into "reasonable" gun registration.

It'll be interesting to see as we get closer to November, which one of the candidates uses this data in a campaign speech.
For some reason the ending of Heinlein's "If This Goes On" comes to mind. Recall the part where the general cans his chief of intelligence?
Here are the questions for anyone not inclined to take the survey...
questions with no letter at the end (e.g. P1-1) are quad-choice: strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.
Question nums ending with a "b" are yes/no questions ("binary").
Question nums ending with a "t" must be answered with never/occasionally/often.
Question nums ending with an "m" have possible options specified, comma-delimited, in brackets after the question.

Here are some questions about men, women, and families. Please tell us how strongly you agree or disagree with the following:
P1-1) A lot of problems in our society today come from the decline in the traditional family, where the man works and the woman stays home.
P1-2) A gay or lesbian couple should have just as much right to marry as any other couple.
P1-3) It's natural for the husband to make the big decisions on family matters.
P1-4) Homosexuals can be just as good at parenting as heterosexuals.
P1-5) The women's rights movement has gone too far.
P1-6) We should encourage young boys to be more sensitive and less "rough and tough."
P1-7) Society as a whole has become too soft and feminine.

Here are some more statements about various groups in our society. Please tell us how strongly you agree or disagree with the following:
P1-8) We need to dramatically reduce inequalities between the rich and the poor, whites and people of color, and men and women.
P1-9) Nowadays it seems like there is just as much discrimination against whites as there is against minorities.
P1-10) Gays and lesbians should have the same right to serve in the military as heterosexuals.
P1-11) Our society would be better off if the distribution of wealth was more equal.
P1-12) We have gone too far in pushing equal rights in this country.
P1-13) It seems like blacks, women, gays and other groups don't want equal rights, they want special rights just for them.
P1-14) Discrimination against minorities is a very serious problem in society today.

Here are some political opinions commonly expressed in newspapers, magazines, and public affairs programs on television. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree.
P2-1) Society would be much better off if we severely punished everyone who broke the rules.
P2-2) I support the death penalty.
P2-3) It seems like the criminals and welfare cheats get all the breaks, while the average citizen picks up the tab.
P2-4) Immigrants should speak English and learn our culture.
P2-5) Our most important foreign policy focus should be reducing inequality across the globe.
P2-6) Our society should be more sensitive to cultural differences.
P2-7) Schools should teach children to respect diversity.
P2-8) The U.S. needs to work on an equal footing with other nations to ensure global security and prosperity.

Every society must balance the responsibilities of society and the individual. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements on that subject.
P2-9) Free markets, not government programs, are the best way to supply people with the things they need.
P2-10) Government often needs to limit the choices individuals can make to protect society as a whole.
P2-11) People who are successful in business have a right to enjoy their wealth as they see fit.
P2-12) In general, the law should encourage cooperation instead of competition.
P2-13) Government should interfere with individual choice only to stop someone from harming others.
P2-14) Government regulations are almost always a waste of everyone's time and money.
P2-15) Children should be taught to think of others before they think of themselves.
P2-16) Sometimes the law has to protect people from themselves.
P2-17) Individuals shouldn't rely on society to take care of their needs.
P2-18) It's society's responsibility to make sure everyone's basic needs met.

Here are some statements about gun regulations. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree.
P3-1) I favor stronger gun control laws.
P3-2) I support a ban on so-called "cop killer" bullets.
P3-3) As long as they don't have a criminal record, or a history of mental illness, any adult should be allowed to carry a concealed hand gun.
P3-4) The law should ban privately owned hand guns.
P3-5) I favor the mandatory registration of handguns.

Here are some questions about safety.
P3-6b) Have you ever been the victim of a mugging or a stick-up?
P3-7b) Has your home ever been burglarized or broken into?
P3-8b) Is there any area right near where you live--say, within a mile--where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?
P3-9b) How about at home at night--do you feel safe and secure, or not?

P3-10m) Would you say that having a gun in the home increases the risk of someone being accidentally shot? [no effect, slightly increases, moderately increases, substantially increases]
P3-11m) Would you say that having a gun in the home increases or decreases the ability of its residents to defend themselves from an intruder? [greatly increases, moderately increases, slightly increases, none, slightly decreases, moderately decreases, substantially decreases]
P3-12m) Generally speaking, do you think crime increases or decreases when more citizens carry concealed weapons? [greatly increases, moderately increases, slightly increases, none, slightly decreases, moderately decreases, substantially decreases]

P4-1b) Have you ever been a member of the military OR law enforcement?
P4-2b) Do you own a gun?
P4-3b) Does anyone else in your household own a gun?
P4-4b) Did you grow up in a household where firearms were present?
P4-5b) Do you personally know anyone who has ever been injured or killed in an accident involving a gun?
P4-6b) IF YES, Did this occur while the person was on duty in the military or law enforcement?
P4-7b) Have you ever been injured in a gun accident?
P4-8b) IF YES, did this occur while you were on duty in the military or law enforcement?
P4-9b) Do you personally know anyone who has ever committed or attempted to commit suicide with a gun?
P4-10b) Has anyone ever deliberately injured or threatened you with a gun?
P4-11b) IF YES, Did this occur while you were on duty in the military or law enforcement?
P4-12b) Do you personally know anyone who has ever been intentionally injured, killed, or threatened with a gun?
P4-13b) IF YES, Did this occur while the person was on duty in the military or law enforcement?
P4-14b) Have you ever used a gun to defend yourself or another person?
P4-15b) IF YES, Did this occur while you were on duty in the military or law enforcement?
P4-16b) Do you personally know anyone who has ever used a gun to defend themselves or someone else?
P4-17b) IF YES, Did this occur while the person was on duty in the military or law enforcement?

P4-18t) Did you go hunting while you were growing up?
P4-19t) Did anyone else in your household hunt while you were growing up?
P4-20t) Do you hunt now?
P4-21t) Does any other member of your household hunt?

Here are some things that people have said about laws on hand guns and crime. For each statement please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree.
P4-22) Even if banning handguns would greatly reduce crime, society shouldn't prohibit law-abiding citizens from owning guns for self-protection.
P4-23) Even if the widespread ownership of guns greatly reduced crime, I wouldn't want to live in a society where lots of people armed themselves for self-protection.

On Page 5 is the senator scam discussed above which ends saying the senator won't support concealed carry because he agrees with the rest of your philosophy on social justice. Afterwards, it asks you:
P5-1m) How reasonable does the Congressman's position seem to you? [very reasonable, reasonable, neither reasonable nor unreasonable, unreasonable, very unreasonable]
P5-2m) How much do you agree or disagree with the Congressman on the issue of concealed weapons? [strongly agree, agree, mildly agree, neither agree nor disagree, mildly disagree, disagree, strongly disagree]
P5-3m) Would you be interested in more information about the studies that Congressman describes? [very interested, somewhat interested, just a little interested, not at all interested]

Page 6 is demographic information stuff.

Page 7 thanks you for completing the survey and gives contact info:
"Thank you for participating in this survey. Your responses will be very helpful to our research. If you have questions about the study, you may contact John Gastil: jgastil at host u.washington.edu / (206) 543-4655."
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