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You know you're at a THR get together when...

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Andrew Wyatt

Dec 25, 2002
Bakersfield, California
1. Everyone sits at a corner table, facing the door.

2. You can recognice members of your party by their kalashnikitty t-shirts and Peace through superior firepower hats.

feel free to add more.
Folks show up wearing Larry Corriea's Molon Labe t-shirts, sweatshirts or hats. When I met Al Thompson in South Carolina, we knew each other from Corriea-Wear. :)
They serve fried chicken, mashed potatoes and +p's for dinner; ballistic
gelatin for dessert; MRE's for the truly hardcore; everybody's drinking Shiner Bock from camelbacks.
Nothing wrong with that!



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You know you are at a THR gathering when......

-The guest speaker spends over an hour on "The Finer Points of Taking Digital Pictures of Your Firearms"

-You may hear a large chant break out similar to the old "Tastes Great", "Less Filling" comercials. Only we would have "9mm", "45". Also "CZ", "Glock". Or even "CLP", "FP10". And I can't leave out...."AK", "AR".

-You might see a "Most Tactical" beauty pageant in which Skunkabilly would be the only entrant.
When there's 100 people paying close attention to a slide show on "How to Clean and Re-Prime Brass Found at the Range.' pass the popcorn.
Actually HKmp5sd - when local law enforcement shows up and asks whether certain members are present because (s)he has been posting at the same thread.
There's somebody at the door checking to make sure everybody IS packing heat.
What about those who arent?:confused:

When everyone has a "High Road MTG Card" as their nametag.

When the parking lot is full of cars with sagging rear-suspensions from all the weight.

When there is an All-Carbon Fiber Crisis Response Vehicle in the parking lot. (Give it time, I know he will find a way...:p)

When the only cutlery is Tactical Sporks.

When you hear of a contest between 2 people to see who can argue the "AR v. AK" till they are blue in the face the longest. First one to pass out looses.:scrutiny:

When there are lead weights are swapped out for other supplies like a flea market.
Tamara brings her S&W collection along ... and has two tables ... to herself!:p

Dave McCracken has a table to self also ... to one end of which is clamped a clay launcher.... but just for donuts because indoors.;)

Another table is reserved for Tuner's 1911 clinic.

There is a ''moderator's only'' table .. from where they can watch the crowd ... and edit or delete as required. ''Edit'' is mostly achieved by strategic placement of Duct tape over the offender's mouth .. and ''deletion'' - well, that'd be ''out the door''... at best!

But above all - you would notice ..... the most number of people gathered in one place ... ALL having a GREAT time.:)
The UN is trying to negotiate a peace settlement between the 1911 camp and the Glock afficianadoes.
theres a brawl started over 9mm vs .45 or ak's vs AR's.

guys are seen spicing up steaks with mace

the valet is told repeatedly not to touch the red buttons in the cars.

crime ceases for the day the event is in town


The room is clearly labed "Glock to the left, 1911 to the right."

When pickup lines like "That's a very attractive perfume; is that Hoppe's #9 you're wearing?"..

When someone checks if you are packing when you walk in through the door, and when you aren't, they lend you a gun :D

When everybody resorts to sitting on the floor because the couch is for the expensive hardware.

When show-n-tell is divided up between pistol and rifle segments.
...at a fine resturant the crowd remarks how the Antique Wood Buffett would convert into a nice reloading bench.

..." I need that double bbl shotgun on the wall" is heard at a Cracker Barrel.

..."sm" stands on chair at a Cracker Barrrel to get a better look at the double bbl and the Peter's paper target ammo. [:eek: yes that was me]

...folks ask for extra chop sticks, great for punching out a trigger group, or scraping carbon desposits.

..."sm" shows the proper way to load moon pies into a clay thrower.

...Chris is roasting wiener and marshmellows boy shooting his .454 over the "mellow and dogs' staked by coat hangers on the shooting bench.

...members "crash" the dental convention next door...wanting free samples of dental picks - these folks missed out on the chop sticks earlier.
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