You want some cheese with that whine?

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Jul 25, 2004

Much is being made out of the firing of Linda Ronstadt and Whoopi Goldberg after their comments at public appearances recently bashing the Bush administration, celebrating Michael Moore's deceptive documentary and extreme vulgarity directed at the President.

Bill Press, in his column today is whining about the so-called "double standard" used by the right. He uses examples of Ronstadt getting fired by Aladdin boss Bill Timmons:


It wasn’t Blue Bayou that greeted Linda Ronstadt in Las Vegas, it was the Black Swamp of Intolerance. The crowd of 4,500 loved her. They sang along and showered her with applause. Until…she dedicated her encore song, “Desperado,†to filmmaker Michael Moore, whom she called “a great patriot,†and suggested that people go see his new, Bush-bashing documentary, “Fahrenheit 9/11.â€

Suddenly, things got ugly. She was drowned out by boos and jeers. About a thousand people walked out. Some patrons threw their cocktails in the air, others ripped down concert posters. And, without even allowing her to return to her dressing room, Aladdin boss Bill Timmons ordered security guards to escort Ronstadt out of the hotel — never, he vowed, to return.

This is an easy one. This crooner was being paid to perform with her singing, not her political views. Mr Timmons was well within his right to can her after the comments. His establishment thrives on happy customers and Linda Ronstadt made a bunch of them unhappy. If he wanted his audience subjected to Michael Moore, he would've invited the slob.

Press also says this:

Whoopi Goldberg was fired as spokesman for Slim-Fast diet products because she dared to poke fun at President Bush during a Kerry fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall.

Whoopi used extreme vulgarity to slander the President. Slim-Fast obviously cares about their image. If they wanted profane or pornographic rhetoric, they would've hired Ron Jeremy or Howard Stern as their spokesperson. Cheers to Slim-Fast.

Press goes on to say:

Last year, it was Tim Robbins, dropped from the speaking lineup at the Baseball Hall of Fame because he criticized the Bush administration. And, of course, the Dixie Chicks: banned from many country music stations after lead singer Natalie Maines told a London audience they were embarrassed to hail from the same state as George W. Bush.

Why would baseball want someone overshadowing a Hall of Fame induction ceremony with political rhetoric? They don't. It's about the game, not a speaker's skewed political views. Anyway, baseball has enough of their own problems, they do not need to get involved in the election process.

Natalie Maines alienated the Dixie Chicks fan base. Radio stations were inundated with calls and emails calling for the ban on the chicks and they listened. TO THEIR FANS!!

Press also mentioned, at the end of the article:

Until that changes, entertainers on the left will have to follow the example of Natalie Maines. After apologizing for her comments about President Bush, she told her fans she’d learned her lesson: “I realize now that I’m just supposed to sing and look cute so our fans won’t have anything to upset them while they’re cheating on their wives or getting into drunken bar fights or driving around in their pickup trucks shooting highway signs or small animals.â€

You can certainly tell how Natalie Maines feels about the fans that have made her famous and rich. Talk about gratitude.

To counter-attack, Press uses Dennis Miller speaking, at a Bush rally,
Strangely enough, the same consequences don’t apply to personalities on the right. Last week, standup comic Dennis Miller, host of his own nightly CNBC show, warmed up the audience at a Bush rally in Michigan. As part of his comic routine, Miller ridiculed John Kerry and John Edwards for their public displays of affection.

“ Have you noticed?†he asked the crowd. “These two cannot keep their hands off each other. I think I have a new idea for a new campaign slogan. How about a bumper sticker: Hey, Get a Hotel Room!â€

And what reprimand did Miller receive for his anti-gay slur and implication, if not accusation, that Kerry and Edwards were homosexual lovers? Was he booed, banned or fired? No way. President Bush praised Miller for his performance and thanked him “for joining us.â€

Now, I admit, whether or not entertainers should be lacing their acts with political statements is a legitimate question. Personally, unless it’s a political event — where you expect partisan comments — I’d rather enjoy the music without being lectured by anybody on what books to read, what movies to see, or how to vote

Now notice he says "unless it's a political event -- where you expect partisan comments --" exactly what Miller was attending and speaking at. A political event. Not a music show that he was getting paid for and it wasn't a vulgarity laced tirade.

And just where in the remark was the anti-gay slur Press is whining about? It's not there.

It's starting to look as if the Left is grasping for straws. The attacks have been counter-attacked and the retreat is at a full run. With pistol sized potshots over their shoulders.

Is anyone surprised?

full article with links at
So Cheney'll get fired for telling what's-his-name on the Senate floor to go copulate with himself?

Try to understand the post a bit better.

Slim-Fast and Aladdin are business enterprises that depend on customer satisfaction and happiness to profit.

They were well within their rights to fire Linda and Whoopi.

The article is a response to the whining of Bill Press.
Well I reckon that if you plan to run your mouth it is good to know the audience. All of these examples are people on both sides of each example excercizing their rights, not censorship. Words, as well as actions, have consequences. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
The concepts of "choice" and "freedom of speech" only apply when you agree with them. Leftists are hypocrites of the highest order. :barf:
So are rightists. I suspect that the Vegas hotel would not have fired Toby Keith or Charlie Daniels for expressing a few right-wing sentiments.

"Political Correctness" has acquired a whole new meaning since Bush & Co. capitalized on the 9/11 disaster to define themselves as "real Americans" and justify police-state policies. These days, it's "politically incorrect" to offer any criticism of the Administration. You don't want to bomb Iraq back to the stone age? What kinda 'Merrikin are you anyway?

Not that I'm taking up the Left's cause, either. There is not one politician or activist on either side of the fence who is not motivated by inbred prejudices and personal/peer-group/campaign-contributor interests. A plague on both their houses.
Political Correctness?? I don't think so...


I'd have to disagree.

The issue with Whoopi, Linda, Dixie Chicks, etc are all about business, and marketing.

If I sell a product that is marketed towards left-wingers, I would certainly not pick Toby Keith to be my spokesman. If I somehow did, and he ranted politics rather than how my product works, he'd be fired.

If Ronstat made people *leave* the casino, she isn't doing her job, and is hurting business. This has nothing to do with Gov't, or 'Political Correctness', but simply that people who left angry won't be staying and spending money.

Maybe she is an artist, performing her craft -- but the hotel isn't paying her for that -- they are paying her for bringing in customer. Plain and simple. Do your job, or be fired.

I have to, you have to, and even entertainers have to. That's how business works.

When will these far left extremists, such as Bill Press, ever get it through their thick skulls that the absence or withdrawal of a Government or Corporate subsidy does not in any way constitute censorship or an infringement on free speech.

Rondstat, the "we hate Dixie" Chicks, Robbins, et al. are free to continue to speak out. However they are not free to compel the Government or any private business to provide them with a platform to promote their political views.
Not that I'm taking up the Left's cause, either. There is not one politician or activist on either side of the fence who is not motivated by inbred prejudices and personal/peer-group/campaign-contributor interests. A plague on both their houses.

Bravo! Bravo! The only difference between the freaks on the radical right and left is probably the way they dress.....

And I also suspect that the audience wouldn't have been happy to hear Dick Cheney sing. Why do these leftie performers think that anybody cares about their political opinions? And, BTW, where was the author's outrage when Doctor Laura was shut down for saying politically incorrect things about homosexuality?
David Scott:

So are rightists. I suspect that the Vegas hotel would not have fired Toby Keith or Charlie Daniels for expressing a few right-wing sentiments

The hotel is private property. The owner is free to promote whatever political viewpoint he chooses. The owners refusal to promote a viewpoint contrary to his own does not constitute censorship of the opposing view. Rondstat is still free to speak out in public any time she wishes.

The fact that I refuse to allow a John Kerry for President bumper sticker to remain on my truck's spare tire cover, it was placed there by some practical joker, does not constitute censorship of that viewpoint. It constitutes my refusal to promote that viewpoint, particularly since I wasn't consulted in the matter.

Did Rondstat ask the Casino management , i.e., the owners of the private property on which she was hired to perform, whether they would object to her turning her concert into a platform to air her distastefull political views? No? Why not?
David Scott:

Not that I'm taking up the Left's cause, either. There is not one politician or activist on either side of the fence who is not motivated by inbred prejudices and personal/peer-group/campaign-contributor interests. A plague on both their houses.

What problem do you have with people being involved with politics?

One of the strengths of America is it's free and open political culture.

Moore, Rondstat, the "we're ashamed to be from Dixie" Chicks, are merely exercising their freedom as Americans to be involved in politics, just as I am when I contribute to GOA, NRA, the VCDL, etc.

I say good on 'em. But they need to quit the whining and moaning about "censorship" every time someone refuses to pay for their air time to promote their political views. Rondstat is very wealthy. She's still free to buy a full page ad in the NY Times to air her views. She doesn't need to try and compel an unwitting private property owner to promote her distastefull views.
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Goldberg and Rondstat are using Moore's tricks to market themselves to a target audience and revive diminishing careers. Watch for more "artists" to speak out against Bush in a public forum and then scream "censorship" when they get any sort of criticism. They will immediately book more seats than beforehand.

Remember how much publicity Moore got when he announced that Disney was not going to distribute F. 9/11?

It's best to just ignore the these folks. Go support a local band or comedian. They are probably more talented.
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