You won't believe this!, Well, most of you

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Apr 16, 2014
892 3GpM The title in youtube is , CANNONMAN meets Prof. Scott. I can't seem to cut and paste. I guess I should have paid more attention in Kindergarten. If I got it wrong, A little help please. Please ask youtube for : skot249 Click on:CANNONMAN meets Prof. Scott
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Sure would like to have seen the impact zone after the smoke cleared>
Good morning,
I was over in Boulder last night helping a friend tow his old RV back to his home to work on. In the Storage lot next to his vehicle was a flatbed with an old ( as far as I could tell ) 12lb Napoleon style cannon on it. It was slightly rusty and the wheels were both leaning over but the ramrod was there and some other gear. I need to get a phone or start carrying my little camera around.
Wow Wow and wow. Can definitely see a future for you guys in the video industry........................ drama, comedy and action all in one..
Good morning, Sir,
One would wish but sadly, no. He just had his old RV in a community storage lot. I should poke him to ask around to see who owns the artillery. Refurbishing a field gun would be quite a step up from my rc tanks. ;o)
THAT WAS COOL! ! ! ! ! !

I have no idea if or how many of your laws that broke but it sure was fun to watch.

I was taking it pretty seriously until I saw the "prof" exiting stage back. Then I realized just how far my leg was being pulled..... :D
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