"You'll Shoot Our Eyes Out!"

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Jan 26, 2006
For those few of us who managed to survive Saturday Night Specials, Assault weapons, cop killer bullets, X-ray invisible Glocks, .50 BMG sniper rifles, and bayonet lugs, here is another hurdle to your continued but precarious existence on the planet:

A New Gun in Town
August 07, 2006 11:58 AM

Richard Esposito Reports:

There is a new gun in town: a Swiss minigun the size of a key fob that can shoot an eye out, according to an Intelligence Bulletin from the Baltimore, Md. police obtained by ABC News...Police officers have been advised to watch out for the gun, which fires miniature ammunition that could take an eye out at close range.


Yep, that's right. The dreaded Swiss MiniMe Gun. Not since Ralphie got his Red Ryder BB Gun on Christmas has the "Shoot your eye out!" terror level been so high. It jumped right past yellow, orange, and red, and is now at "Infared" to accomodate those who are already sightless due to the proliferation of these highly concealable weapons!

Gees, what a bunch of moonbats!
I guess a .50 BMG wouldn't actually shoot your eye out, technically.
Sort of splatter your melon into goo, but not shoot your eye out.
If you follow...!
I remember reading an article about a woman clawing the eyes of a would-be rapist, eventually taking one of his eyes out. The woman had just gotten her nails done.

We have to put a stop to this acrylic nail business before this epidemic spreads!
Well, DAMN, the comment section is really funny, though!

You've got to check it out!

Here's my favorite post:

This is funny.

My Daisy BB gun shoots a bb twice as big at a higher velocity.

And get this...

You can buy the Daisy BB gun WITHOUT A BACKGROUND CHECK!!! OMG!!!
Looks like I am going to have to build a shrine and start worshipping my "mystical" Colt Python.

Before you know it some miscreant will add an accessory shoulder stock and a bayonet lug, and THEN where will we be?
It won't be long before we're under Condition Orange for the dreaded "running with scissors" threat..........:neener:
"First, the Swiss Army knife (a miniature sword), now the Swiss Army gun.

"neutral nation" my foot...

When they make the Swiss Army nuke, then I'll be worried."


Awesome comments on there :D
ok, don't ask how I know about these,

but I believe they are talking about the 2mm pinfire, probably the xanthos.

They've been around forever and a day and would have a darn hard time putting lead through human skin.

you can find them on ebay every now and then, they are getting kindof expensive. basicly if a cap gun mated with an underpowered bb gun, this would be the 2 month old ofspring.

here are some examples


It's been more then 50 years but I had a little bitty gun of that type that fired blanks.

Pinfire cartridges....

These things prime like rimfires but are rimless. A blob of primer (or, I suppose a band spun in like a rimfire) could be used easily enough.

I expect that actuall ball rounds could exist - I seem to remember seeing something like that in the last 20 years or so - but the whole thing took flight.

(Never could find ammunition for the thing and mom wasn't amused by the noise - it probably went the way of my little pistol-shaped crossbow.... :D )

(The latter was a bit likely to take an eye out.)

You do see the blank version of this thing advertised once in a while - places like Spencer?

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