Young school shooter being set free

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Dec 24, 2002
southeast AR
Mitchell Johnosn, one of the two boys who shot 14 and killed 5 at the Jonesboro, AR school, is being set free. He was 14 at the time. He is now 21 and since he was convicted as a juvie, he is now going free and WILL HAVE NO RECORD!

He says he will not return to Arkansas. Good move on his part! As you would expect, the vic's and their families are not pleased that he is being released.
It won't matter. Anywhere he goes he will be followed and hounded for the rest of his life. I don't think seven years is enough of a punishment given the nature of the crime, but it's not something he's going to be able to get over.
That was 7 years ago ? ? Wow, seems like it was just a few weeks back.

But yes, the guy will have to live with that for the rest of his &*))(*(&^% life.
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No record? Does that mean he can pass a background check?
Obviously not for something that really matters--such as a law enforcement job or security clearance.
For the record, the newscast reported that since he would have no record, HE COULD EVEN BUY A GUN! (I would assume then, that he could be a security guard, policeman, etc as his juvy record is expunged.)
According to a story published in the April 09, 1998 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the shootings weren't the first encounter with the law for Mitchell Johnson:
As for a Minnesota juvenile charge against Mitchell, arising from an allegation that he inappropriately touched a 2-year-old girl last summer, Woodard (note: Woodard is Johnson's divorced & remarried mother) said she knew little about it. She said the alleged incident happened while the boy was staying with his father.
A trial on the Minnesota charge is scheduled for June, according to Minnesota news reports. Juvenile case files in the state are not open to the public.
So MN let the little perv leave the state, and school shootings resulted. Just wonderful.

And now he's being released by Arkansas. Great.

One wonders what the next encounter with the law will be.
I imagine he will get a new name and a fresh set of paper.
It wouldn't suprise me either, but neither will I be happy to hear about it. Assuming he actually tries to toe the line, I'd hope that we don't have another lynching.
Are you sure his record is going to be wiped clean?

If I'm not mistaken, he will have at least an arrest record for NICS.

The particulars and his conviction might be SEALED, but on most applications for, say, a carry permit, he's going to have to explain his arrest record.

Police background investigations take far, far more into account than the publicly accessible records. They include expunged records and the person's history of personal conduct, criminal record or no criminal record.

He has zero chance of becoming a cop.

i don't think anybody that has been convicted of any violent crime should be allowed to own guns for 10 years.

sure, he can buy a gun when he's 31.
Y'all feel comfortable with that idea?
No, but it's not so much the restoration of rights that I'm uncomfortable with, it's the release from prison at all. I don't think he paid his debt to society, so the restoration of rights is irrelevant until that happens.
UUNHG I feel sick,

Pardon me while I Throw up. :barf:
This type of thing makes me sick to the core.
It is plainly obvious to most sensible people that this B@$**** and his companion should have been removed from society permanently, but thanks too political correctness and feel good politics we have freed another poor helpless victim of society.
Great googamooga, how long will it be before law abiding citizens will have to be locked up for our own protection because there will be fewer of us out on the streets than criminals?
How much longer will society tolerate this stupidity before we as decent people rise up and take back what is ours and stop this downward spiral of our morals, values, borders, language, and culture.
UHOH PARANOID RANT ALERT :cuss: :fire: (Author now Placing aluminum foil brainwave scrambler 6000 on head).
For that statement I have probably been added to some anti social tendency monitoring list. It would be just like the modern government to watch me instead of the criminal in question.
Says the sinister little brainwashed mind crime watch officer: YA YA VEE Have Vays of Monitoring ZEE Thought Crime of Zeese nonconvicted noncriminal types.
END PARANOID RANT (Author now Removing aluminum foil brainwave scrambler 6000 from head). :D
Hey the message is clear, if you are 14 years old and a complete screw up you can be involved in the killing of 5 people and we as compassionate enlightened people will only incarcerate you for 7 years, and then we will forgive all and even allow you to buy a gun so that you can try again maybe get a higher score the next time.

DarthBubba :cuss:
Record Expunged.....

well, he could ALWAYS get a job w/the FBI, or the NSA, or the NRO, or maybe the (batfe) or the IRS, or the TSA....hell, he oughta be in GREAT COMPANY, y'know??? :evil: what a joke!!
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No, but it's not so much the restoration of rights that I'm uncomfortable with, it's the release from prison at all. I don't think he paid his debt to society, so the restoration of rights is irrelevant until that happens.

Bingo. Life at minimum, death if possible for cold-blodded murders.
The radio station here reported that they were only in juvie until they turned 18. The last 3 years he was in prison was for weapon charges. The under 18 charges will probably be locked but the weapon charges will not be. The other one will be charge for the weapons at 18 also.
Personally, I'll be surprised if he lives 6 months. Whoever gets him should take him back to the spot where his first victim died and leave his body there for the cops.
Let's see. Shot 14 and killed 5. Only got a seven year sentence. Has he served his time? IMO, HELL NO. They release the kid now that he's 21. Thats just great. So now he can get hammered before going nuts again. There's a good idea. :scrutiny:

Haven't there been other cases where kids his age were tried as adults?
Yes I always wondered about the Jonesboro kids. They were quite young, 14 and 11 so I knew they would be released at a young age. Depends on the state and age and all. In California if you murder someone at a young enough age they can only hold you until the age of 25.

Remember the Jonesboro kids stole the guns from a gun collecting relative unlike the Columbine case so please remember to keep guns secured.

I wonder what this boy is going to do for the rest of his life? I wonder if he will find gainful employment and be able to put his crime behind him. It is really an odd case and he should not have been let out.

In one California case 15year old got 50 years madatory sentence I believe somehow. I guess he was sent to mental institutuion or 15 was old enough for him not to be eligible to get out at 25. He also broke in to his fathers cheap gun cabinet of some sort so I see a pattern here again. Even if your kids are trustworthy how about their playmates and you other relatives like nephews and such?
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