Zombie Test!!

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Apr 23, 2004
Rural South
Check this out, so dang funny. I got an Armed and Dangerous Score

"Armed and Dangerous
Congratulations! You scored 87%!
You made it out, alive and well supplied. You probably even kept most of your party alive too. You know what to look for, what to take, and when to just run. You even feel a strange inkling to go back. If you did, you'd probably do just fine. "

Official Survivor

Congratulations! You scored 69%!

Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.
Armed and Dangerous - 96%+

I chose a bus for transport, full riot gear for armor, and left the 3 people stranded on the roof, since I would have had to risk losing a close friend to save them. I think those were the key decisions.


should've got better armor, but I'm not worried about zombies shooting at me.

Armed and Dangerous
Congratulations! You scored 93%!

Dirtbikes. Zombies aren't fast nor intelligent, but when they swarm, they swarm. Busses suck up lots of gas, limited speed/range, and they can't go anywhere except decent roads. A single roadblock, and you're in trouble.

Pickup trucks aren't bad, just bring plenty of gas cans. Better yet, toss a dirtbike in the bed of the pickup truck. If ya run into trouble, run for it and come back for the supplies later.

As for the guys on the roof, sorry mate, tough luck.
You made it out, alive and well supplied. You probably even kept most of your party alive too. You know what to look for, what to take, and when to just run. You even feel a strange inkling to go back. If you did, you'd probably do just fine.
Hmmm, suddenly, I feel like I read yesterday's horoscope, and it was actually right...
I only got 67%

because I kept stopping to help other survivors,hey what can I
say? the other survivors were good looking women!
should've got better armor, but I'm not worried about zombies shooting at me.
Ah, but the riot gear is to keep them from biting or scratching you, thus preventing infection.

Busses suck up lots of gas, limited speed/range, and they can't go anywhere except decent roads. A single roadblock, and you're in trouble.
Gas is free for the taking. I chose the bus because I can put all my people and gear in it. I could even put a couple of dirt bikes in the luggage compartment, if needed. You could plow through a lot of obstacles, or run over hordes of zombies on foot, without it slowing your bus down much. Wish they'd said RV instead of bus, though. :D
89% for me. Though, I did score 96% on the survival points, whatever that means.

Basically, I geared up, grabbed a bus, and left anybody I found to their own devices.

And, I chose a baseball bat to make my way to the helipad!
83% Official Survivor with greater than 99% survival points

Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 83%!
Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on survivalpoints

Not sure what the "correct" answere were, but my reasoning was:

"All of the above", where the option given.

Gunshop: take all I can carry. (Originaly chose "fortify", but decided there are probably better places to make a stand).

Pick-up: can carry plenty of gear (and a few passengers), go offroad, and run zombies down.
Speed isn't an issue (bike/something fast).
A bus seems too unmanuvorable to me. Wouldn't want to risk getting stuck on rough terrain, or being able to get round a tight corner in a built-up area. Also, I'd be a bit worried about security - I can imagine zombies getting through a broken rear window while I'm trying to negotiate an obstruction.

Originally went for light armour, reasoning that speed and manuvourability are better than getting overwhealmed and hoping your armour will protect you. But then decided to take the heaviest - I can keep it in the truck, and save it in case I need to fight my way in/out of a zombie-filled building / etc.

Clothes: durable, but not too heavy. I doubt heavy clothing would be much protection, and I'd rather be able to fight / run than put it to the test.

Other people:
Rescue if I can do so safely. If they seem trustworthy enough to bring along, they're probably trustworthy enough to arm, and they'll provied extra eyes and ears, and firepower. (On the other hand, though, in most zombie movies I've seen, more trouble seems to be caused by fellow survivors losing it than the zombies themselves, so maybe not). Wouldn't risk losing friends to save them, unless I thought they (or their equipment / stronghold) would be necessary for our survival. Or if my friends wanted to risk it.

Weapon for final run to chopper:
Pitchfork. What's better than a staff? A staff with spikes on the end.
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