Zumbo rage

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Sep 25, 2005

What Jim Zumbo wrote was thoughtless, stupid, insulting, and damaging. He is ruined now. His sponsors are dropping him as fast as they can issue press releases.

Please stop the pile-on.

We really need to direct our effort at those that SERIOUSLY want to take ALL of our guns (AND knives). Yes Zumbo needed to be rebuked, but these people have made it their mission to do so. That's who we need to stop. Can we really stick it to the brady bunch now?

Please. For the children... :evil:
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Zumbro got, and continues to get exactly what he deserves. When you make your living in the public spotlight you have no one but yourself to blame if your words or actions come back to bite you in the ass. Again and again and again.
Okay. I agree - he got what he had coming. I just think that he's thoroughly toast now and perhaps some of the effort could be redirected toward another known enemy that is coming for us.
Well, I probably stand alone here, but I think that Mr. Zumbo should continue writing for Outdoor Life on the condition that he
a) make a sincere apology,
b) retract his statements forcefully and regularly
c) Hunt exclusively with military pattern rifles that he derided, and
d) all photos of Mr. Zumbo must include him with a big genuine grin on his face and an EBR of some sort in his fist.

After Brady and VPC and the Democratic Party finish capitalizing on his blunder of all blunders, each photo appearing in Outdoor Life will have this included in the caption: "Those hunters and sportsmen who wish to acquire a rifle like the one Jim Zumbo used on this hunt can no longer legally acquire them. Please complain to your local and national legislators to address this fundamental violation of your rights as an American and a human being"

My reason for wanting to see this for years to come is so that whenever some representative of the other side says "Well, Jim Zumbo of Outdoor Life thinks I'm right!" you can flip to the appropriate page in the latest issue and say "Does that look like he agrees with you?" Also, we gripe about the Fudds who unwittingly tear down our work, and this would possibly help reduce Fudd Syndrome. My dad has a bad case: he can rant about gun banners and how it's the person and not the tool, and then in the next breath he'll say "nobody should own an AK-47." I have a long and sad story to tell about this, but I'll hold off for a Fudd thread first.
Respectfully disagree with ya', force.

I think he still believes what he wrote. I think there are others out there that need to be exposed.

And his words and opinion will be around long after we'd forget about it (on the lips of the Brady cultists).

He dorked us over...and how.
Please, let's try to limit posts about this fiasco to the one, original thread.


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