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Revolver trivia

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I can't recall the name of the designer/inventor, but the gun did indeed start out as a Colt 1860 Army Model. The contraption required rebuilding the frame as shown. In use, the thing was wound up like a clock or wind-up toy. (Remember those?) With the revolver loaded, the hammer was cocked manually.

When fired, and the trigger was released, the spring mechanism cocked the gun for a second shot. Shooting the gun was like firing an auto loading pistol, single action for each shot. Unlike the DA revolver, there was no heavy and long trigger pull. It was indeed a self cocking revolver.

Bob Wright
I can't recall the name of the designer/inventor, but the gun did indeed start out as a Colt 1860 Army Model. The contraption required rebuilding the frame as shown. In use, the thing was wound up like a clock or wind-up toy. (Remember those?) With the revolver loaded, the hammer was cocked manually.

When fired, and the trigger was released, the spring mechanism cocked the gun for a second shot. Shooting the gun was like firing an auto loading pistol, single action for each shot. Unlike the DA revolver, there was no heavy and long trigger pull. It was indeed a self cocking revolver.

Bob Wright

All correct. Definitely an interesting concept, even if it was cumbersome and slow to load and wind.
Well OK then.

I thought the barrel assembly looked like the 1860 Colt Army, it was the bizarre shape of the frame that was confusing me. So together I guess we have deduced what this one was.


I could always post a couple of mine, but they are not quite this obscure.
Well, your memory is superb, you've figured out what it is mechanically, but can you come up with a maker or model?
Or this one, something a bit more modern!


This one appears to be a mockup and not a functioning firearm, but I'll throw it out there because its in a well known museum of firearms and is an interesting concept.
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To make up for the last one, here is a modern six shooter that actually functions


This one should be pretty easy,
And I really want one of these, lol.
PM me if you have one and would like to trade for some run of the mill Smiths and Colts!
To make up for the last one, here is a modern six shooter that actually functions

Medusa Revolver?

Actually, I am cheating. The Pettingill looked familiar but I had to do a web search to find the name of it. For the other two I found the website you probably found them on.

Tranter Double Trigger revolver. The lower trigger cocked the hammer, the trigger in the trigger guard fired the gun. Shooting 'double action' was accomplished by pulling both triggers at once.
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