Sad News in Virginia Beach

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Jeb Stuart

May 4, 2017
Confederate Country and proud of it!
As you know a tragic time is going on in Virginia Beach. This is my home town. On Friday Police sirens were responding all across the City. Now 12 citizens dead. I have been in the Planning room where some of the people were shot. Remember them going about their day, enjoying work, enjoy life.
I have to think of the lone contractor in the Planning department getting a permit.that Friday.
I know the room, a door and then entry seperated by a counter. He would have been trapped.

His face book showed he was a man of God, active in the church, and a man that believed he had a right to protect himself and family with a firearm. But forces beyond the shooter prevented him and other folks from having that ability. They were are sitting ducks. It is a Gun free zone.

And now forces are already on their pulpits blaming the gun, and not the Assailant. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Cory Booker etc. The same crowd, the same message. The message that a Person has no right to protect himself and his family.
That is something we have to accept living in a country with easy access to firearms. We can limit casualty count per occurence by having every adult carry gun at all times but that might increase freqency of incidents. The other option would be to take all the guns away. The second option would decrease frequency of events but it would take long time to see results and all events could never be completely prevented. What I am saying is all we can do is pray we do not find ourselves in wrong place at wrong time.
You are kidding yourself, the bad guys will always have guns and weapons. And do not think for a minute that there are those out there that want to take away every right of protection you have. You have seen the consequences. The bad get armed, the innocent and lawful get Killed. And it does not have to be in a Public pace. It can be your own home. People like Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, know that the Urban crowed will be armed to the teeth in the future,laws do not matter, or ever mattered and they are bent on seeing the lawful citizen without protection.
Terrorism, Gangs, Cartels. You have to ask yourself, why? Why do they want gun free zones, confiscation of firearms, destruction of the 2nd Amendment. Why? The answer is Power.
Members of both groups do not trust each other, therefore, nothing can be accomplished and the best one can do is pray they don't find themselves in wrong place at the wrong time.
It is the same reason the government doesn't recognize the home less. Then they will have to act on it. Same reason they will not act on criminals with guns,because they cant get a handle on it. Can anyone say "the war on drugs". Still losing that war. So lets do feel good legislation that wont do anything to curtail gun violence.
With all due respect at this time of tragedy , the option of “to take all the guns away” does not exist. How do you disarm the unlawful?
Strong and aggressive enforcement of existing gun laws would beneficial to the lawful , but we know that such a thing is unlikely.

Here we are again ...
another tragedy , predictable political opportunism , no meaningful changes.
You are kidding yourself, the bad guys will always have guns and weapons. And do not think for a minute that there are those out there that want to take away every right of protection you have. You have seen the consequences. The bad get armed, the innocent and lawful get Killed. And it does not have to be in a Public pace. It can be your own home. People like Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, know that the Urban crowds will be armed to the teeth in the future, laws do not matter, or ever mattered and they are bent on seeing the lawful citizen without protection.
Terrorism, Gangs, Cartels. You have to ask yourself, why? Why do they want gun free zones, confiscation of firearms, destruction of the 2nd Amendment? Why? The answer is Power.
Thanks, Jeb, for a very well thought-out response regarding this tragedy. I live in Virginia Beach and can only hope for the best for the families who were directly affected by this event.
It is the same reason the government doesn't recognize the home less. Then they will have to act on it. Same reason they will not act on criminals with guns,because they cant get a handle on it. Can anyone say "the war on drugs". Still losing that war. So lets do feel good legislation that wont do anything to curtail gun violence.

I think that is a mythical war. Just a guess of course but them guys in Columbia they said were DEA were probably CIA working hard to affect government change in Venezuela.
My wife and I live in Dinwiddie but she was on the way down there with some friends for the Patriotic Concert on Friday. I get home from work and see the news and one could imagine my worry. I had no idea if they had arrived yet or where their hotel was in relation to the govt building.

Everything ended up being fine on her end.

Certainly a tragedy and without hesitation the media hollering about guns again. No time wasted.
Gun free zone....yet somebody had a gun. Laws against that
Laws against murder too.

IMHO if one is going to go against God's laws.....those of man are worthless.

Whoever legislated gun free zones should be tried as an accomplice.
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A while ago we had a pastor who posted our church as a "House of Peace" - NO weapons. I went up then food chain a step , told that priest that the posters should be changed

Signs are gone.

Gun free zones are tragically ineffective.
Planning a murder spree, isn't that illegal? Violent convictions buying a gun is illegal, as is taking said gun to a 'Gun Free Zone'. I'm thinking that will not be as big a deterrent as a bunch of folks with firearms ready, willing and able to stop mayhem.
Yes, they will coven everything up as much as possible. And you are right, he had a history. To include a altercation the same week. And more about his background will come out. It is obvious he was out to make a statement. I will wait to get more facts, then post again. Already a lot is being discovered.
Our church has had a couple of things happen that have made our leadership uncomfortable, including a stalker reappearing. I'm on the security team, and they have asked us to come to church armed. They understand the concept of personal responsibility.
The story has already, predictably, dropped off my news feed. It likely won't resurface until the next gun control legislation is introduced. By then the perp's background will indeed be known, however maybe not to us.
Large city, but sorrow is every where. It was moving to read about one the victims pictured below. He was a the Hero who tried to save others before his own death. Almost every day, I pass by a old African American Church on the way to work. Ironically the Pastor of that church is the father of the hero below. Passing that old church will never be the same.

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