Self-defense vs all other uses.


Feb 19, 2008
North Alabama
You might call this a slight bit of a rant (well probably not) but an observation that does not have a right or wrong answer.

Firearms and self-defense go hand in hand that is no doubt. But I am always impress how pervasive self-defense is in this and nearly all other gun communities I have interacted with and how often that aspect of firearms use stomps on the discussion of other applications. Maybe I grew up in a shelter life (not really) but in the overwhelming number of cases when I see some new firearm, cartridge, or accessories the first thing I think about is almost never self-defense, it's probably not even the second thing I think about. Depending on what it is the first things I think about is either hunting or competition. I am always amazed how often someone starts a thread about a firearm related subject/product and the first responses are that X would/wouldn't be good for CCW/home-defense/bugout etc.

I have five gun cabinets/safes fairly full of guns and in that moderate collection I can point to two guns bought specifically for CCW and my home defense gun is a retired competition gun. I don't buy guns for CCW/self-defense I buy guns for hunting, competition, fun. (They can all be pressed into self-defense rolls if it comes to that.)

Nothing is more contentious than any of our firearms related subjects that gets stuck in the self-defense rut. Comparing two cartridges for hunting some particular critter and things often get boisterous but comparing two cartridges for CCW and things get down right rowdy. I would be willing to bet more threads on this forum get lock when the subject touches on CCW/self-defense than any other application we discuss.

So I guess my point is that often IMHO the self-defense aspects pollutes allot of threads that I would have been far more interested in as a hunting or competition or even collectors thread. I also realize that some people come to firearms first and sometimes only for the self-defense aspects. Those people probably have no interest in my hunting or competition threads. For myself I was first a hunter, from some of my earliest memories as a toddler (pretending to be a hunter), shooting for fun with family, then a competitive shooter starting in middle school. It's not that while growing up we never used gun for defense, I was not fully sheltered having my immediate family the victim of several attacks in my teenage years and our hunting guns were pressed into a more prominent defensive use (thankfully we never had to fire shots), but its still not something I enjoy.

For me firearms are overwhelming about good times and good times are hunting, shooting, and competition with friends and family. The self-defense aspect falls into the same category as fire extinguishers. I research a good one, I learn to use it effectively, I keep it handy and well maintained. I don't really want to revisit that subject over and over.

Well that is my rambling thoughts. Feel free to ramble back at me, agree or not I would be interested in everyone's perception of this weird take on our general focus here.
My first thought for long guns is hunting. My first for handguns is usually woods carry….for hunting. Hardly anyone hunts. Even among gun owners. So that one is usually DOA.

If it’s a bigger handgun then my first thought is hunting or HD or range fun. Smaller, then CCW or range fun.

on a side note: The majority of “bug out” enthusiasts and prepper types that I know of do very little shooting. They just stockpile ammo….for something they obviously won’t be prepared for.

Starts to make sense after a bit.
I used to consider myself a collector first, recreational shooter second- but I guess many folks would label me a "prepper"now.

I divested all my old milsurp and otherwise collectible centerfire guns that take unobtanium cartridges- including a number of really nice and rare pieces- because they had almost no legit defense role anymore. It stung, as I really enjoyed many of them- but bad times are coming and I aim to be as prepared as I can be.

I will admit to keeping a few specialized
22 target rifles, but all the others are multirole defense/training/hunting.

So, with some melancholy, I am learning to keep worrying and love the AR....
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For me firearms are overwhelming about good times and good times are hunting, shooting, and competition with friends and family. The self-defense aspect falls into the same category as fire extinguishers. I research a good one, I learn to use it effectively, I keep it handy and well maintained. I don't really want to revisit that subject over and over.
Well said MCB... Personally, I carry most every day, here on our farm, but by far, it's for the simple pleasures of plinking & target shooting during the accomplishment of my daily range is right out the back door: if that's the proper term for the side meadow where I mow down the thistle tops and ring the railroad tie plates.

I enjoy the company of friends and family (#2 son lives on land adjoining ours), and it's a rare week when we don't have a cpl guys out here banging away. So for me and mine, it's a hobby, probably my #1 hobby at that, with a useful side to it if there's a dire need. I don't need to hear tactical, bug out, & sniper wannabe discussions 24/7.

Here's our "range" & the best 25 yd target I ever shot with my Ruger .44 Spl Flat Top.

Best regards, Rod​


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I've always been interested in shooting, and when I got into firearms it was primarily for the fun of shooting. I had to learn the laws about firearm ownership and possession so I didn't get into trouble with my guns. Since I had firearms, I figured it made sense to learn about self-defense laws as well, but that was secondary.

It was several years after I bought my first firearm that I finally bought a gun that was specifically intended for self-defense.

When I finally started carrying, I did so mostly because I thought it would be stupid to be proficient with a firearm, know the laws about self-defense, and then not have a firearm when one was needed urgently.

I have a few firearms that have no purpose other than self-defense. Most of my firearms (including a number of my handguns) will never be used for self-defense. I have a few firearms that I would consider suitable for multiple purposes including self-defense.
When I finally started carrying, I did so mostly because I thought it would be stupid to be proficient with a firearm, know the laws about self-defense, and then not have a firearm when one was needed urgently.

I hold very similar feelings. As a fairly proficient shooter it seems dumb not to have the tool, training, and permits to CCW and use them proficiently in self-defense but its not something I rank up there in reasons I enjoy firearms.
I shoot for recreation and have preferred military bolt rifles because they were the best buy for the money. If a SHTF time comes, I think they are good enough as I'll find friends and relatives with ARs. CCWs don't interest me but I never criticize those that support it. Gun Control politicians would love take us Shooters down one-at-a-time.
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Self defense is my main reason for firearms ownership, especially with my handguns... though, I do have some guns that are purely for recreational use as well (like my lever action 30-30, and my black powder guns). I still think guns are awesome, I enjoy learning about how they work, and practicing my aim. They are fun to operate (like fireworks, but with a purpose). That interest is also why I belong to / post at this forum. But, I think if I lived in a country where I wasn't allowed to carry/rely on a firearm for self defense at all, I probably would't bother to own any in the first place.
I love to shoot, reload and shoot more! Rifle, pistol and shotgun. Self Defense/Concealed Carry is an every day affair but a small portion of my concern. I have that covered and have for a while. I follow trends because I am interested but don’t buy carry guns because it’s the latest and greatest. I like the classics, old and interesting. Nothing against polymer except it has no soul. I kid but it’s not my thing.
. I don't really want to revisit that subject over and over.

Except new people either come of age or join the gun community daily.

I have all the bases covered ten fold. However, CCW guns are what gets used more than any in my safes. EDC, practice, etc. Plus that segment is innovative coming out with something new regularly. Couple that with liking to try new guns it’s a recipe for $ leaving my wallet. I never know which new wiz bang will become my new EDC.
I’m 100% with you mcb. I carry for much the same reason as you. More than once I’ve responded to people on here with “ some people just like to shoot guns and have fun
Not everything is life and death” that’s where I’m at.
When I think of self defense it doesn’t bring anything pleasant to mind, all bad news. Now hunting and target shooting is a absolute blast, I enjoy day dreaming about it. Thinking about a scenario where using a gun to defend myself makes me sick to my stomach, as it should.
For me firearms are overwhelming about good times and good times are hunting, shooting, and competition with friends and family.

This is a point that I was reminded of in another thread yesterday. It is easy to get wrapped up in the pragmatic aspect of firearms use, particularly self-defense. Sometimes grabbing a .22 and taking on some harmless soup cans can be quite therapeutic.
I like the family and friends aspect of the whole thing. Going out and showing our pieces, and having fun. Most of what I buy isn't for self-defense, but for my personal study and experience. I'm sure we're all the same here. We all agree we'd always have at least 1 gun, for that self-defense role but beyond that, it's not what the hobby is about anymore.
There's no point is asking about CCW anymore because the answer is simple, and straightforward- .357 Sig.

Most of what I actually shoot and handle are usually old military rifles. They are guns with a story. They are not something you see everyday (unless you're at our house). It's satisfying shooting and loading for something whose ammo isn't even made in bulk anymore.

It's just as simple as that. We collect guns because we like to. If we were just one of the masses just wanting one strictly for CCW use, we'd have a Glock and be done with it. And there's nothing wrong with that either.
an observation that does not have a right or wrong answer.
Feel free to ramble back at me, agree or not I would be interested in everyone's perception.

I'm glad you said that. :)

Best choices for self defense. :neener:
9mm, 357 Sig, 40, 45,10mm

Marginal choice for self defense, as in we only carry it discontentedly in a NPE or when we can't do better. (hint: can't and won't aint the same)

Suitable for SD but the platform that fires them is capacity deficient, revolvers.
38 special, 357 Mag, 44, 50 (I may have omitted some like 41, but it doesn't matter)

Calibers that are deficient for self defense.
22, 25, 32 (James Bond and/or they carried 32 in Europe are irrelevant)

Yes if someone if frail, weak, then a 22,25,32 is "better than nothing" I get it, but "better than nothing" is not a goal for most.
If you like your revolver, fine, doesn't affect me, but it is capacity deficient compared to a 10+ round semi and statistics nor location change that.
If one is uncomfortable or incompetent with loaded chamber carry in a semi, they probably better off with a revolver, said by someone who obviously doesn't prefer them.
Infrequent shooters and novices are also probably best served by a revolver.
Put me down as another whose primary interest in guns is for recreation. I shoot trap, and I shoot .22 pistol and rifle in local leagues. I like collecting guns and tinkering with them.

That said, I also carry as much as legally possible. I like guns and I like shooting. If I ever got in a position where armed self-defense was warranted, I would hate to be caught empty-handed. Even if I survived, the irony would be too much to bear. ;)
I used to hunt a lot when I was younger, and I enjoy plinking and target shooting very much. My next trip to the range will be the day after tomorrow.

Similar to the OP, I've bought relatively few firearms purely for SD - just my carry pieces, really. The rest are to shoot or sometimes just look at. :)
My primary motivation for owning a firearm initially was self defense, but the recreational aspect quickly eclipsed that. I've never been a hunter, but have always had a secondary interest in it. My engineer's brain is more interested in the mechanics of firearms and the physics of ballistic performance. I have yet to get into reloading, but find it fascinating.

As such, the self-defense aspect has taken a back seat as far as where my thought energy is directed on a daily basis. The basic right to self-defense is simply inherent to our existence and I don't give it much more thought, other than training to remain competent with the tools I keep to ensure my own safety. There is much more to self defense than firearms proficiency, but if one chooses to add a firearm to their self defense toolkit, one must ensure they employ wisdom and competency along with it.
Firearms and self-defense go hand in hand that is no doubt. But I am always impress how pervasive self-defense is in this and nearly all other gun communities I have interacted with and how often that aspect of firearms use stomps on the discussion of other applications.

Much of this I contribute to those new to firearm ownership, since a very high number of recent first time gun owners bought firearms specifically for SD and CWC. In most areas, legal CWC is a fairly recent phenomenon. Social Media such as this has also pushed the idea on many that CWC is a necessity, not a choice. Those choices are also very subjective, thus a lot of differing opinions. So newbies asking questions and folks trying to justify their subjective choices to others, makes for a lot of discussion. Same is true in gun rags. Years ago, one could read many months worth of a gun rag without seeing any article about guns with a primary usage for SD. It was all about hunting and recreation. Now, you're lucky to find one article at all in those same rags about hunting and/or recreation. Again, new phenomenons get the attention. Like fat tire bikes, and dual-purpose motorcycles.
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Crime is on the rise and many folks in government are using increasingly tyrannical rhetoric. It's understandable that folks are focusing more on the 2A aspects of owning/using guns than on the recreational and/or hunting aspects.

I am old enough to have seen the recent peak of crime in the late 80 and early 90's. From my perspective/experience crime is way down from my teenage years, even acknowledging the minor up tic in crime over the past two years. Most crime categories are way down from the peaks in 1980/90's to level that you have to go back to pre 1970's to find lower rates. IMHO crime rates are relatively low, crime coverage in the media is relatively high due to the plethora of media types we now have.