Gun nightmares


Sep 18, 2019
I recently had a nightmare where I open up my gun safe and all my guns are covered in rust. No psychoanalysis, please😬.

It hasn’t happened in reality, but it’s been really humid here lately, which is probably why it’s on my mind. Golden rod, silicon socks, recent CLP and silica gel, so I should be fine…
I recently had a nightmare where I open up my gun safe and all my guns are covered in rust. No psychoanalysis, please😬.

It hasn’t happened in reality, but it’s been really humid here lately, which is probably why it’s on my mind. Golden rod, silicon socks, recent CLP and silica gel, so I should be fine…
When was the last time you cleaned your guns?
Cleaned them about 2 months ago:thumbup: and as I shoot them before they get put away (that means 2 guns have been wiped down more in the last 2 months).
I recently had a nightmare where I open up my gun safe and all my guns are covered in rust.
I think that just shows how much you like, love and appreciate your collection of firearms in your safe. God Bless You. I just wish there were more people like you that take care of the ones you have.
I still have re-occurring nightmares of walking into a class taking a final exam and I realize I never studied for it and wonder how I can B.S. my way through it. If someone wants to psycho babble me. be my guest. LOL I have more important things to do; like improve my trap average of 93.2%, and I would like to come in first place on a military shoot one more time with my M-1.
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My frequent gun dream is someone is coming at me and I pull my revolver. I pull the trigger and nothing moves. I pull harder and the barrel falls off and then the cylinder falls out. Then I wake up.
So.. Dreams are my hobby, and these are stress dreams. Has nothing to do with Skills or training. I had the exact same kidda dreams with my other career as a photographer, 3 years formal training and 15 years of full time work. Gear would fail or malfunction.

The Gun is just a place holder for something else!
So.. Dreams are my hobby, and these are stress dreams. Has nothing to do with Skills or training. I had the exact same kidda dreams with my other career as a photographer, 3 years formal training and 15 years of full time work. Gear would fail or malfunction.

The Gun is just a place holder for something else!
Yup. I dream more about tripping over cats and driving with zombies than guns.
I recently had a nightmare where I open up my gun safe and all my guns are covered in rust. No psychoanalysis, please😬.

It hasn’t happened in reality, but it’s been really humid here lately, which is probably why it’s on my mind. Golden rod, silicon socks, recent CLP and silica gel, so I should be fine…

Is it possible that you are getting older and find it harder to move? Maybe that is where the "rust" originates. :rofl:
Is it possible that you are getting older and find it harder to move? Maybe that is where the "rust" originates. :rofl:

100% truth :( . If only it was as easy as adding some CLP to my joints every 4 to 6 months to keep them running smooth.

I also find the more I move, the better I feel. Ironic. Definitely applies to my guns, too.
Yeah, they are anxiety dreams generated by something in your life and then translated into a genre you deal with.
Only recurring nightmare of this nature that I have is one where either I can't pull the trigger "what others are calling the 50lb trigger pull" or the gun isn't even in the night stand and I'm literally holding nothing and making gun noises with my mouth... Hypothetically though if your nightmare came true perhaps you could rust blue the guns