New base for my Wilson trimmer.


Contributing Member
Oct 10, 2014
Preble County, OH
Went from this:


To this I got today:


Giant Creedmore label aside and the price it's well worth the money. Heavy duty enough that it doesn't need clamping to a table.
My Wilson trimmer came from Sinclair with all of the upgrades that they offered. You will appreciate that base! My base has holes milled out in the back to hold case holders and the block in front for tapping the case in and out of the case holder.
Back when I worked for a living, I had access to scrap steel plate. For all my case trimmers, (4 I think) I made bases out of 3/4 plate, tapped mounting holes for the trimmer proper, and drilled holes for additional pilots and collets. They're heavy enough to stay in place during trimming actions and can be re-shelved as needed. Glued felt on a couple to protect bench top for awhile, before I quit worrying about bench top....
-West out