ksg shotguns

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Nov 10, 2003
Home of the Brave
At the SHOT Show a couple of years ago, Kel-Tec first revealed their innovative KSG Shotgun, which immediately created quite a buzz in the firearms community. However, these wonderful shotguns seems to be very very scarce. I've looked and looked and inquired and called, and just can't seem to find one.

At the 2013 SHOT I asked the rep what the production run was and he said about 100-a-week. That just seems WAY to little to respond to the requests of shotgun enthusiasts. Has anyone else found the same thing?
I think Kel-tec is just being careful. They don't want to take the risk of investing in massive expansions, just to have the market drop out. Keeps demand up for now, bunch of people unhappy they aren't getting the gun they want...but a safer bet for the company.
Got one.


I think there were a few bugs to work out but it's right impressive now.
This is the load it holds in either two inch buckshot shells or 2 3/4 inch shells.

Personally, even though I have a number of shotguns I am not a "shotgun person". My primary HD gun is the AR but this KSG is impressive enough that it may become the go to gun.

The gun loads and ejects the fired shell from the bottom rear.

It has two selectable magazine tubes that hold seven (2 3/4 inch) shells each. So you could load slugs in one and Buckshot in the other and switch when you wanted.

The only problem I have is operator error. I have to get used to the small size of the gun and the bottom empty shell ejection.

I also have weak shoulders due to having torn them. That's why I'm using a forward vertical grip.
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I presume Kel-tec sees its KSG as more of a footnote than a game-changer in the grand scheme of things, and is not willing to devote much long-term production infrastructure to the project. I have to agree that the market for dozen-plus 12ga pumps is a new one that is not fully explored or understood just yet, so KT is wise to play this one carefully.

Still, when you have year-plus waits for all of your most popular products (PMR, Sub2000, KSG, RFB, the list goes on for the whole list, it seems) that speaks to mismanagement--intentional mismanagement. I think it likely at this point that the leadership of Kel-tec simply has no intention of growing the company much; the job gets harder and more complicated, risk increases, and George Kellgren probably doesn't want to start yet another company from the ground up :D)

It's like those mom & pop BBQ restaurants that close up shop at 12:30 when they run out of brisket so they can go relax for the rest of the day :cool: while the hungry people out front are all :cuss:

I'm guessing that Kel Tec may be looking at law enforcement and the military as big customers.
The KGS's small size and high ammo capacity might be attractive.

A half dozen people have shot mine and most say they are getting one when they become available and the price gouging stops.

So far I've found that the KGS will do anything a "normal" 18 inch barrel pump shotgun will do and it's a smaller gun with a very high shell capacity.

I suspect there will be new additions and improvements to the gun when it gets into general use.
One thing I'd like to see is changeable chokes to tighten the shot pattern to extend the range some. Now the Buckshot pattern is too big at much past 15 yards. For my use I need a useable Buckshot pattern out to about 30 yards.
^^ It's much more likely that Mr. Kelgren, like many visionary men, is simply satisfied with the profit that he earns "just the way things are" and does not care about expansion. He's making enough on the existing production to allow him to do what he does best, which is to tinker and play and make up new designs. He's an "artist", not a businessman... he's persuing his vision of excellence in his own way, and my guess is that his motivations are internal, and not external (IE: financial). He's making enough to be free to do as he wishes... no man could ask for more. His company is run for him, not for anyone else. He's probably smart enough to know that expansion would cause him to either need to design less and administrate more, or to delegate the administration to others, or to lose control of the entire thing. He's likely not willing to do any of that. Small companies are agile, and can be very profitable. He's already sitting pretty.


He's already sitting pretty.
Yes, not everyone is driven to be the biggest.
Many are satisfied to be comfortable and free to do what they want, with minimum headaches.

Personally I've turned down higher paying easier jobs because I liked what I was doing. :)
Well I just made a thread asking about Sub 2000 production and was told they aren't coming out because KSGs are being cranked out.

I understand that they have a choice whether or not to expand, but when you have such high demand don't you sort of feel bad for all the customers that want your product and can't get it?
If you can't find the Kel-Tec, look for the UTAS version which Kel-Tec copied (and both of which are based on the older SA Neostad); it has also gotten good reviews.
I've seen exactly two KSGs here in the St. Louis area. One was at Southside Pawn about a year-and-a-half ago, and at the time it was "Not For Sale."

The given reason by the staff was that they didn't know how much it was going for, so they didn't know how to "price it." They they, "...didn't want to gouge the customer, but also didn't want to get ripped-off..." (paraphrasing).

The other was at a gun show (the big one at the St. Charles Convention Center) about 9 months ago. It was going for $800-$900 IIRC, and I should have snapped that up then and there, but was trying to sell a few of my own to raise the cash, and someone else got to it first. :fire:

:le sigh: Oh well, like they told us in the Army: "If you snooze, you lose."

I've seen a few on Gun Broker, for ridiculous amounts of $$$. Pass.
for ridiculous amounts of $$$.
Yes, I've seen them priced from $1,500 to over $2,000.

Shot mine from the hip a few minutes ago (backyard range).

Along with the paper targets the 00 Buckshot destroyed two target holders and the wire they were hanging from.
Some fun. :D
I have yet to actually see one in person, even at the big shows up in Louisville.
Two miles from my house is a small gun store, where I hang out and buy a lot of guns (5 in the last two weeks).

What's strange is, out of the blue a distributor asked the store manager if he wanted a KSG. Course the manager said Yes. That afternoon he asked me if I wanted it. I said Yes but I'll only pay a thousand for it.

The manager and store owner knew they could get over $1,500 and both the manager and owner wanted the gun themselves.

After some thought they sold it to me for a thousand.

Just today the manager was complaining because he can't get a KGS. :)
KT is a small company and is extremely innovative but, as has been said, I don't see them jumping in and doing a lot of expansion. I know two guys out of the Orlando area that have offered to put up the venture capital for expansion of the company with no success.
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