“A Wake-Up Letter To The NRA Board”

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rabid wombat

Mar 16, 2014

“Frank Tait sent a wake-up letter to the NRA Board of Directors a week ago. It asked for answers to many tough questions especially with regard to the NRA’s finances. Almost immediately, Marion Hammer went into “enemy within” mode and told the rest of the Board to delete the email. She also suggested they block Frank who is a member of the Board. In one of his few instances of showing a spine, NRA Secretary and General Counsel John Frazer had to step in and remind everyone of the existing records retention order.”

An educational read about where the NRA is today…

p.s. I know Frank. He is a man of his word.
35% fewer new members compared to 21. I guess word is getting out. My wife got her renewal this last week in the mail. I told her to trash it until they get rid of LaPierre and his cronies. Such a sad state of affairs. If Wayne had any concern for the organization, he would have resigned already. It seems it's all about him.
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I'm a life member. When the NRA has called me asking for donations "on a recorded line", I've answered with "as soon as Wayne LaPierre is removed from office, I'll think about it". That ends the call very quickly.

They get the same reply from me too. Though after a while of saying that, the phone calls have stopped. And I will also write that on the donation forms and send them back too. I bet they stop sending me stuff in the mail after a while.

The only reason I am still a member is that fact that they practically gave me a life benefactor membership for free since I am a disabled veteran. I would have canceled my membership if I was still paying monthly or yearly dues.
I hadn't looked too deeply into the running of the NRA, but it is pretty disappointing that the local little nonprofits I've been involved with were better about budgets and accountability. I had hoped that with all those high priced people running it, they would be performing much better than some well meaning but untrained volunteers. :uhoh:
I'm a Benefactor member. I can't imagine them getting things in order enough for me to give them another penny before I die and I don't plan on dying anytime soon.
I've been a member since the 80's and over the years I've upgraded when they offered a discount. Between annual memberships, Life, Patron and Benefactor, I have given what I think is a significant amount. I hate to think it went in LaPierre's pocket instead of fighting for our rights.
I am an ex-member. I will not be re-joining. Personally, I think the organization is beyond repair when it comes to honest-dealing. Too many on the Board are paranoid and complicit in keeping WLP in office. The NRA need a thorough house cleaning, and I don’t think that is ever likely to happen.
I got a call a while back, asking if I would renew. I didn't want to be impolite by interrupting the woman doing her job, so I let her run through her spiel. When she finished, I politely told her that I would gladly renew on the day WLP resigned. Phone went dead, haven't gotten a call since.

“Frank Tait sent a wake-up letter to the NRA Board of Directors a week ago. It asked for answers to many tough questions especially with regard to the NRA’s finances. Almost immediately, Marion Hammer went into “enemy within” mode and told the rest of the Board to delete the email. She also suggested they block Frank who is a member of the Board. In one of his few instances of showing a spine, NRA Secretary and General Counsel John Frazer had to step in and remind everyone of the existing records retention order.”

An educational read about where the NRA is today…

p.s. I know Frank. He is a man of his word.
I’ve always imagined the NRA board meeting to look like this.

NRA Board should consider change their name to the Imperial Ruling Consul
The BoD's are just as to blame as WLP, they need to go also.
When the directors sided with WLP over Oliver North, even with the knowledge of all of WLP's financial improprieties, they demonstrated that they are, in fact, complicit in WLP's misdeeds and just as responsible for the organization's problems.

It is difficult to support this organization. It has become an embarrassment to the greater American gun-owning community and to all those that truly support the RKBA. And Lapierre is not to be trusted. If he had a shred of integrity, he'd have resigned long ago and not put the NRA through all this drama.
I mean, I didn't want to come right out and say it but I don't have any problem believing that the authoritarians have got some anti-gun individuals on that board and their mission is to destroy the NRA from within

Not even possible. Board members are very much hand picked insiders, except for a very few. They scratch the Officers' backs and get their's scratched in return.

It is simple corruption.
The left has blamed the NRA, focusing on the organization, for everything they hate about firearms. It's within the realm of possibility that some have tried to weaken it from the inside.

I mean, the NRA has been maneuvered into a place where loyal life members don't want to donate. Whether that's corruption or a conspiracy, that's where we are.
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