10 hours left until open carry in Texas!

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I thought Arizona had open carry well before 2010? I thought you only needed a permit if you were going to carry concealed, but needed nothing for OC?
Read my post again Trent.

As of July 2010, our state became a "constitutional carry" state. We can carry in any fashion we so desire, OC or CC, no permit is necessary or required.

Prior to 2010, open carry was the only legal means to carry without a permit.

I'd hate to have an ambitious anti-gun DA hold this against me, but I figure if someone's got a gun and is robbing a store, he is ipso-facto using deadly force at the outset... putting me in fear of and actual danger of life or severe bodily injury.

And might not want any "good witnesses" left around.

This is not to say I'd pull and blaze away, but McDonald's "$200" or $2000 is not part of that equation, and I might seek a safe opportunity to eliminate that threat to my own life and limb.

Again, Mr. DA, I ain't no gunslinger and I ain't beatin' my frail little chest, and I ain't particularly bloodthirsty, but I'd sure think about solving the real equation involved.

This business of "give them what they want and they'll go away" is a false philosophy and a lousy bet for the stakes involved. After all, it's not the odds that are important, it's the stakes.

I look at deadly force as the last possible choice. (Like I bet you do)

I fear that rounds coming back at me, because I chose to pull and shoot, may actually hit my loved ones or possibly a child around me. (Its been said that police hit less than 30%........ I bet the "thug class" is less accurate than that)

This would also limit when I would choose to be involved.

I may be different than others, due to this, but I would be very selective..... VERY selective as to when I would get involved

I am not LEO. I want to get home at night to see my family.

If a gun toting thug is intent on robbing a store, and sees me OCing, I may be first on his "menu". If he is doing the crime, and notices that I am OCing...... I may ALSO be forced into a decision that is no longer mine...... I would HAVE to get involved.

OC or CC ........ its our choice in Texas.

I hope we use it appropriately......as I said before, there is a time and a place for everything
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I'd move to Kentucky from the Chicago suburbs in a heart beat if the wife would.
I have a Illinois CCL but seldom carry. I got it because I've been part of the political battle for over 40 years. Carrying a large hand gun, concealed, is not comfortable for me but I am extremely grateful we have gained this privalidge. It's a giant step forward in my state.
I'd move to Kentucky from the Chicago suburbs in a heart beat if the wife would.
I have a Illinois CCL but seldom carry. I got it because I've been part of the political battle for over 40 years. Carrying a large hand gun, concealed, is not comfortable for me but I am extremely grateful we have gained this privalidge. It's a giant step forward in my state.

So carry a small handgun?
So, any tales of MWAG calls, holster grabs, carriers being targeted by gunmen, cops proning out honest citizens ????
Surely the sky would have fallen by now if it were to happen at all.
Gov. Abbot being recalled???
Read my post again Trent.

As of July 2010, our state became a "constitutional carry" state. We can carry in any fashion we so desire, OC or CC, no permit is necessary or required.

Prior to 2010, open carry was the only legal means to carry without a permit.


Ahh yeah I didn't read that correctly. I thought I remembered AZ being one of the few original "open carry friendly" states.

Now it's just plain "carry friendly" lol. :)
I totally and completely reject the notion that open carry would make you more of a target in an robbery or hostage sort of situation. Robbers and crooks as a rule like to live through a robbery and picking on the guy with the exposed firearm is not the best way to make it back to the crib at the end of the day. Theyr'e more likely to pick somewhere else to knock over if they see someone open carrying like a cop.
I had been conceal carrying for about 6 years before I became a police officer. I remember being very uncomfortable about the fact that everybody could see the pistol on my hip. Even with a retention holster and training in weapon retention it took some time to get "comfortable" with open carrying.

Other than at work, I much prefer concealed because I dislike drawing attention to myself.
I've done a lot of personal research on this...I've been carrying for 50 years. 35 as a civilian.
I live in Pa, an Open carry State. No license needed to open carry.

this is my opinion. If everyone or a large percentage of people would open carry, it would deter crime. No one is going to go in a rob a restaurant with 100 patrons in it, and 70 of those patrons were carrying openly.

IN areas where open carry is common, open carry helps to support the civilian protection aspect... meaning.. less crime where more law abiding citizens display their weapon.

Personally, if you take civilian support of open carry out of the consideration, I would much rather carry concealed. No one needs to know that I am carrying.

If IM in an area where open carry is not common, and I choose to open carry, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the middle of a planed robbery. could put me at risk and I might be the only thing standing in the way of that robbery, so when the bad guys see me, IM the first to be taken out. We are talking career felons here who have no regard for life. Most crimes are planed, most career criminals have a plan of execution, and escape plan, and also a what if plan...Desperate criminal do desperate things. If you are considered a threat, before they actually execute their plan, they will remove you from the equation. Of course everyone has their own idea of what works for them...
this is what works for me and how I see open carry and concealed carry.
I've been open carrying for most of my life, around 40-45 yrs.. In all those years I have had one serious incident.

One afternoon while I was standing in line at a convenience store, a thug that was standing in the line next to me, kept looking at the gun on my hip. I'll admit, if I had been less complacent, in that I dismissed the fact that he was staring at it, instead of considering that as a sign something was about to happen. Then all of a sudden, he reached over and tried to pull my model 66 out the holster. He struggled to get it out for a second or two, which was when I came down on his wrist with my elbow, thus breaking his hold, and probably his wrist. But because I was complacent, I reacted slow and wasn;t at all prepared. Thank God I do use a retention holster, and if I had not been, he would have most definitely succeeded in his quest.

Evil-Twin said:
If IM in an area where open carry is not common, and I choose to open carry, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the middle of a planed robbery. could put me at risk and I might be the only thing standing in the way of that robbery, so when the bad guys see me, IM the first to be taken out

This scenario hardly ever occurs E-T. You would be hard pressed to come up with any citations on the matter.

I worked with plain clothes cops in a large Florida city for 20 years who OC'ed and never was there an instance of one of them taken down by a BG in all that time.

It simply does not happen except in the rarest of circumstances.
That is why they open carry. It's a strong deterrent to criminals.
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I've done a lot of personal research on this...I've been carrying for 50 years. 35 as a civilian.
I live in Pa, an Open carry State. No license needed to open carry.

this is my opinion. If everyone or a large percentage of people would open carry, it would deter crime. No one is going to go in a rob a restaurant with 100 patrons in it, and 70 of those patrons were carrying openly.

IN areas where open carry is common, open carry helps to support the civilian protection aspect... meaning.. less crime where more law abiding citizens display their weapon.

Personally, if you take civilian support of open carry out of the consideration, I would much rather carry concealed. No one needs to know that I am carrying.

If IM in an area where open carry is not common, and I choose to open carry, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the middle of a planed robbery. could put me at risk and I might be the only thing standing in the way of that robbery, so when the bad guys see me, IM the first to be taken out. We are talking career felons here who have no regard for life. Most crimes are planed, most career criminals have a plan of execution, and escape plan, and also a what if plan...Desperate criminal do desperate things. If you are considered a threat, before they actually execute their plan, they will remove you from the equation. Of course everyone has their own idea of what works for them...
this is what works for me and how I see open carry and concealed carry.

There have been decades of opportunity for this across dozens of states.

When and where are the (surely many) examples of it happening?

You may as well be campaigning under the theory that letting people have guns in their cars without a license will lead to daily road rage shootouts.
I had been conceal carrying for about 6 years before I became a police officer. I remember being very uncomfortable about the fact that everybody could see the pistol on my hip. Even with a retention holster and training in weapon retention it took some time to get "comfortable" with open carrying.

Other than at work, I much prefer concealed because I dislike drawing attention to myself.
This is my feeling as well, although with a nearly always present G23 on my hip, it was really nice to be able to leave my cover-jacket in my truck yesterday to check my tire pressure without worrying about a SWAT team decending on me.
Ill respond in this manner, Armed rent a cops have been shot and it has been documented, in news paper clippings, The biggest examples open carry are Law enforcement officers .hundreds of cops have been shot because they were openly armed and in the way of an active felony.
Cops have been shot, in their car, prior to armed robberies.
To deny the existence of a single openly armed citizens and their vulnerability to the eye of a career criminal or criminals is sad. If everyone is openly carrying, you are in the majority, a good thing ! .. if you are the only one openly carrying, you are a target. IN the criminals mind, this guy is standing in the way of our planed robbery. What do we do with him .. I don't want to be the focus or target of any bad guy with a poor value on human life. If IM concealed, IM just another person, if I'm openly armed, I am a problem to their mission., it requires they do something about " ME " only because they can see IM armed.
you asked for data. Open carry "" professionals " Law enforcement officers, shot in the line of duty.

On Tuesday, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, a pro-police nonprofit, released its preliminary 2014 report on officer deaths, which listed the total number of fatalities at 126. Most striking was the number of firearms-related deaths in 2014 (50), which was a 56 percent jump from 2013 (32).
Ill respond in this manner, Armed rent a cops have been shot and it has been documented, in news paper clippings, The biggest examples open carry are Law enforcement officers .hundreds of cops have been shot because they were openly armed and in the way of an active felony.
Cops have been shot, in their car, prior to armed robberies.
To deny the existence of a single openly armed citizens and their vulnerability to the eye of a career criminal or criminals is sad. If everyone is openly carrying, you are in the majority, a good thing ! .. if you are the only one openly carrying, you are a target. IN the criminals mind, this guy is standing in the way of our planed robbery. What do we do with him .. I don't want to be the focus or target of any bad guy with a poor value on human life. If IM concealed, IM just another person, if I'm openly armed, I am a problem to their mission., it requires they do something about " ME " only because they can see IM armed.

Armed security guards are assumed to have a duty to act AND you can't just wait 10 minutes for them to leave.

Private citizens do not have a duty to act AND the attacker/robber/whomever can easily just wait and not have known-armed individuals present.

You do know open carry has been legal, and practiced, for decades in a ton of states, right? (centuries in some states, in fact)

You are free to conceal at all times if you are afraid of being the first person targeted, and would rather draw and fire with the element of surprise, than have them not attack at all.

See how that works both ways?

you asked for data. Open carry "" professionals " Law enforcement officers, shot in the line of duty.

On Tuesday, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, a pro-police nonprofit, released its preliminary 2014 report on officer deaths, which listed the total number of fatalities at 126. Most striking was the number of firearms-related deaths in 2014 (50), which was a 56 percent jump from 2013 (32).



Police officers being shot in the line of duty, as a blanket stat, is absolutely positively not substantially similar to an open carrier being shot in the back of the head as the first target in an armed robbery.

If you want to only ever carry your pistol(s) concealed, you are more than welcome to do so. That is your decision (where both are lawful for you).

Anyone who openly carries is a threat to those wanting to commit a crime. AS I've said many times.. if everyone is open carrying, that's a completely different set of components.
similar to trying to rob a Cop Bar....No criminal in his right mind would walk into a bar where cops ( Off duty ) congregate.

WE can go round and round over this issue... there is a big difference between one single person carrying openly as oppose to many people openly carrying in a single place.

To a career criminal , a single open carry person is an inconvenience which requires action. The open carry person does not know from minute to minute what is about to happen when at a potential crime scene. Of course the criminal does. So before he begins his crime, if the reward is big enough, he will single you out because he sees you have a weapon and will kill you long before you know he is about to commit a crime.

I would rather appear not to be a threat to anyone, a law abiding citizen, child, women other civilians or especially criminals. Open carry can also peak the interest of some untrained civilian with a permit to carry and with a Hero complex. Mistakes happen occasionally when un trained civilians are given the legal ability carry a weapon. I don't want to be anyone's mistake or focus... especially criminals. open carry will give you that.

Aagin if everyone carried openly, I would too. Up State where I hunt, everyone open carries. I also open carry just to support the idea... places that open carry have very little crime. When IM up State hunting, you can go to a house that sells fresh pies, or pints of maple syrup, and there is a box where you put in money and take a pie or a pint of maple syrup, and no one is actually home at that house... people are law abiding...criminals stay away from open carry communities where the citizens are mostly all openly armed.

Where I live. no one open carries, its just not accepted by the citizens in urban suburban communities in the immediate country side adjacent to a big city.

BTW IM glad you gave me the oK to do what I want and carry as I see fit.... this discussion is about how very tenured citizens like myself choose how to carry and why we do what we do.... NOT to be validated by anyone here for what I do.. I DONT NEED YOU TO SAY ITS OK..... or request your permission.

WARP said:
If you want to only ever carry your pistol(s) concealed, you are more than welcome to do so.
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So, any tales of MWAG calls, holster grabs, carriers being targeted by gunmen, cops proning out honest citizens ????
Surely the sky would have fallen by now if it were to happen at all.

Today's Houston Chronicle deemed it front page news "Opening weekend of open carry quiet" Printed at the top, even above the article about the Texans making the play-offs.
As a Texan, I'm glad to see open carry legalized in Texas. But in many cases I can think of, I think it would be a bad idea to actually exercise that right.

I'm sure some people will open carry for a while, just because they can. But I think the novelty of it will wear off quickly and people will go back to concealed carry for the most part.

I'd like the option for "mostly" concealed carry (we don't have open carry here in SC).

Basically being able to throw on a jacket or something that generally covers the gun but having no worries if it happens to ride up or something and expose the gun. Without that it makes me MUCH more paranoid about accidental exposure (to the point that 99% of the time I pocket carry). The only times I carry IWB is when I'm doing something very specific like going out for a walk where I know I won't be bending down or doing anything that would shift the cover garment much.
There is a certain element of society that likes to brag, show off, show that they are entitled by displaying a weapon, and for these reasons choose to open carry. Some people will open carry with the hope that no one will bother them. There are a few good reasons to open carry, and a whole slew of bad reasons to open carry. While In our State, open carry is legal without a license. Discriminating people with a level of intelligence will chose their method of carry for the right reasons... Unfortunately, almost anyone can open carry.
Unfortunately, almost anyone can open carry.

yeah, the constitution seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way these days.
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