10 legal residents charged with voter registration fraud

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
I believe EVERYBODY should have to show proof of citizenship when registering to vote and a valid ID when voting.

10 legal residents charged with voter registration fraud

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas has charged 10 legal residents who are not U.S. citizens with fraudulently registering to vote, and more residents are being investigated, he said.

Of the 10, four actually voted in recent elections. Another tried to vote, but his ballot was rejected, Thomas said.

All 10 people charged are legal residents of the United States; One is German, one is from Tonga and the rest are Hispanic with seven from Mexico and the last from an unspecified country, according to the affidavits.

The 10 are among 159 people the County Attorney's Office is investigating for voter fraud.

The group was discovered after admitting they were not citizens on jury duty affidavits, but county officials discovered they were still registered to vote.

"The voters of Arizona spoke to this issue by passing Proposition 200 in 2004, which requires proof of citizenship in order to vote," Thomas said. "And it is our hope that this new requirement, once enacted, will help prevent cases such as this."

All 10 residents were charged with presentment of a false instrument, a felony with a presumptive sentence of one year in prison. However, people convicted of such lower-level felonies often receive probation.

The other 149 cases are still under investigation, and Thomas said that he expected more indictments.

Margarito Blancas, 30, of Phoenix, one of the 10 indicted, said his registration "was a mistake on my part."

In 1992, when he registered for the Selective Service, he was offered a voter-registration form, he said.

"I thought you were eligible to do that at the same time," he told The Arizona Republic.

Proposition 200 bars illegal immigrants from receiving certain public benefits and makes it a crime for public employees to fail to report undocumented immigrants who seek the benefits outlined in the legislation. A separate provision requires people to show proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

Former state lawmaker Alfredo Gutierrez, a main critic of Proposition 200, accused Thomas of singling out Hispanics and called the indictments a "racially motivated" attempt to justify Proposition 200.

"Are there 10 people inappropriately registered to vote? I'm sure there are," Gutierrez said. "There have been cases of inappropriate voting registration from time to time."

By law, jurors must be U.S. citizens, and they cannot be felons.

Karen Osborne, director of elections for the county, said that since some voting provisions of Proposition 200 went into effect in January, 7,181 out of 16,391 people who registered to vote in Maricopa County were rejected for lack of proof of citizenship.
you know, soon voting will all be computerized. Maybe we'll all have to swipe our Id's to be able to vote. So...what's to keep the goverment from recording how you voted? What's to keep some hacker from making the votes appear to be in the favor of their candidate? What's to keep the government itself from deciding elections? Not to be suspicious... :uhoh:
I think they have already had issues with voting machines like that. Machines were pre-loaded with votes going a certain way before voting started. Can't remember if those were electronic or not.
Former state lawmaker Alfredo Gutierrez, a main critic of Proposition 200, accused Thomas of singling out Hispanics and called the indictments a "racially motivated" attempt to justify Proposition 200.

Just what Arizona really needs most: a Jesse Jackson wannabe.
OK. This is a field I know :).

The first post above describes a type of voter fraud most often perpetrated by or at least positively affecting Democrats. They don't like to talk about it much.

It's one of four main classes of electoral fraud. Call it "registration fraud" - it includes registering felons, registering the dead and voting them, all sorts of "retail level fraud" that can add up. There's a SoCal congressional seat where this sort of fraud is widely suspected of costing Bob Dornan his job. It's also suspected as a factor in the WA state governor's race.

The others:

2) Old fashioned paper fraud. Includes all manner of ills connected to manipulation of paper ballots. In a 2004 Napa County judge's race (I think it was a judge) the loser challenged the results...and forensic ink analysis proved that in at least 38 instances, ballots came in where voters marked no bubble in that race (not uncommon in lesser races) and somebody at the elections office marked them "correctly" for the other dude. This still didn't invalidate the result of the election (!) because the difference was about triple that. Election attorney Lowell Finley seemed pretty sure that if they'd had more time available they could have come up with enough but in any case, there was fraud going on. One trick involves the "Chicago Pencil": a piece of pencil lead jammed under the fingernail of a vote inspector used to re-mark ballots.

3) "Disenfranchisement fraud" - unfortunately, this stunt has been used more by Republican-connected screwballs of late. A private company name of "Choicepoint" was hired in Florida to "clean up the voter registration rolls" and strip felons out; they did a terrible job. Similar allegations are being made in Ohio. Also in Ohio 2004, there was a pattern of fewer voting machines being made available in minority and college areas to suppress the Democrat vote, resulting in people standing in line in the rain for up to seven hours or more if they didn't get tired and go home.

4) Electronic vote fraud. This has the potential to do more "wholesale fraud" than any other type. While connected in the public eye to the GOP, county elections officials can use screwed up machines to tweak the vote in either direction. We know the most about Diebold Election Systems because they were stupid enough to leave 40,000 files sitting on an open FTP site including source code, runnable program code, internal manuals (including at least one marked "not for customer review" and contains fuuuunny stuff indeed), bugtrack reports, etc. This was January '03. Then by summer '03 somebody released 13,000+ internal EMails with all kinds of bizarre stuff in there - open mockery of both election officials and elections laws, documented orders to defraud the Federal testing labs supposed to be checking this stuff, etc.

(Note that electronic fraud can be combined with paper fraud in some cases.)

Heh. If you want a good starting point:



To actually download and run the program Diebold uses to tally the vote at a county's headquarters:


For more on how the GEMS vote tally program can be doctored:


A technical report on the most dangerous "deliberate back door to vote fraud" found so far:


Now, Diebold Corp out of Canton OH definately does have Republican ties, but they only got into voting stuff in 2002 with the purchase of Global Election Systems based in Vancouver BC (Canada). Global does NOT appear to have been politically motivated, rather it was founded by three guys who all had long felony histories of stock fraud and investment scams...and they had a habit of hiring felon programmers. In this article I go into details and show why I think their bunk voting system was originally designed for stock fraud and "insider trading" versus "politically motivated vote fraud":


We could go on for DAYS here :). Oh hell, one more: a hilarious video that shows what happened when a 50+ year old grandmother found bags of valid elections material in the garbage behind a Volusia County FL elections warehouse, and played "tug of junk" with an elections official until the bag broke and spilled incriminating crap everywhere:


That's Bev Harris...my co-plaintiff in the lawsuit against Diebold that netted California a refund of $2.6mil and each of us got a $76k bounty :).

Jim March
Member of the Board of Directors,
BlackBoxVoting Inc (501(c)(3))
In North Dakota we have to show ID to vote. Nothing major, just make sure that the person on the ID matches the person showing the ID, then cross the name on the ID off the voter list. Then I get my Ballot and go to the booth. I could have voted in anyones name had an ID not been required.
Jim March reported, "3) "Disenfranchisement fraud" - unfortunately, this stunt has been used more by Republican-connected screwballs of late. A private company name of "Choicepoint" was hired in Florida to "clean up the voter registration rolls" and strip felons out; they did a terrible job. Similar allegations are being made in Ohio. Also in Ohio 2004, there was a pattern of fewer voting machines being made available in minority and college areas to suppress the Democrat vote, resulting in people standing in line in the rain for up to seven hours or more if they didn't get tired and go home."

In Ohio county Boards of Election buy the voting machines, funny thing, in Democommie dominated counties, the voting machines cost as much as 5 times what they did in Republican counties.

Cross reference, the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, which is so corrupt the Cleveland Plain Dealer (NYT - Washington Post week late news repeater) couldn't cover for them fast enough.

Who is no longer in Cuyahoga County County Ohio (aka Greater Cleveland) and it was a shining example of Democommie corruption my entire life.
Jeff: absolutely you can find ANY of these issues linked to pure financial corruption and once that happens party designation is an afterthought.

Ohio though does stand out as a "trouble spot" and a lot can be traced back to Ken Blackwell, the SecState out there and Bush's Ohio campaign manager.

The Ohio SecState's office has more power than most to control the election on a day-to-day basis. While most of the people complaining about what went on are "way WAY lefties" and you have to sort out more than a bit of chaff from the wheat :rolleyes: there WAS stuff going on at every level.

The games with voter registration (declare people felons who aren't) did happen in FL in 2000 and again in Ohio '04. Blackwell also played unbelievable games trying to "set" which voting machines counties could buy, with the strong preference going to the worst possible choice (Diebold's "TSx" touchscreens), a dose of cool-aid Cuyahoga swallowed by the pitcherful if I recall right (as did a LOT of others).

That's the critter California found a 20% failure rate on and that's *without* even looking at the shocking security holes.
Yes...but it has NOT been possible to rig every single voting machine in a county in less than five minutes up uploading a pre-written hack program to one central computer, AND set the hack to where it'll only execute on election day so that the machines pass the pre and post election "logic and accuracy tests".

THAT is new. OK? Details here:


While that report refers only to the optical scan Diebold product, it's virtually certain that something similar is on the touchscreens as well (the newer setup).
Nope, certainly the electronic voting makes it easier in many ways. Just pointing out that voter fraud isn't the new problem that the media seems to think it is.
I gotta say that the recent San Diego Mayoral Elections were something else! I'm a member of teh SD Union-Tribunes board, and this whole fiasco never made so much as a blip to teh residents there. It completely astounded me.
Didn't the dead vote in such high numbers as to win Kenedy the 1960 election?

The vote was rigged in Chicago (city motto - vote early, vote often) to fix the state of IL, which was what the presidential race came down to.
I live in a predominately white, upper middle class, conservative district in Ohio (Hamliton County). In the 2004 election, we had the same number of voting machines as we always had. Usually, there is no more than a 1 or 2 minute wait. In 2004, the line was hours long. There simply was record turnout -- not fraud or "disproportionate" number of machines.
Henry, the line was consistently longer in college and minority areas.

Sorry, but that's the facts.

Another big fact is just starting to make the Ohio media wake up - this is something blackboxvoting.org has been covering for months. More on that in a bit:


Employees pushed too hard to sell voting machines, some county officials say

Published: Sunday, August 14, 2005


By Jim Siegel, Robert Ruth and Robert Vitale


When Susan Gwinn read that a Diebold Inc. representative handed a $10,000 check to the Franklin County elections director, the scenario sounded familiar.

The head of the Athens County Democratic Party and chairwoman of the county's board of elections said Diebold representative William Chavanne tried to give her $1,000 for the county party in October 2003. At the time, the board was preparing to buy new voting machines.

"My concern at the time was that he was trying to influence my decision,'' Gwinn said, adding that she turned down the donation.

Chavanne, who no longer works with Diebold, denies the money was meant to influence Gwinn, though he acknowledges Diebold dispatched him to Athens County because she preferred machines built by Diebold's competitor, Election Systems & Software.

A Dispatch survey of county elections boards found that, in its drive to become the No. 1 vendor of voting machines in Ohio and take a piece of the $116 million allocated to the state, Diebold and its associates did more than just pitch its product:

* Matthew Damschroder, director of the Franklin County Board of Elections, was suspended for 30 days after admitting he accepted a $10,000 check in January 2004 from Pasquale "Pat'' Gallina, a Diebold representative who made out the check to the county Republican Party. The donation came the day the county was opening bids for new voter-registration software. Prosecutor Ron O'Brien and sheriff's detectives are investigating.

* Daniel Harkins, chairman of the Clark County Republican Party, said he stormed out of a dinner with four Diebold representatives on April 26 after they tried to strong-arm him.

* The company sent a letter to several members of the Licking County Chamber of Commerce, asking them to pressure the local elections board into choosing Diebold, which operates a manufacturing plant near Newark.

* Diebold hired three top Capitol Square lobbyists, luring Paul Tipps, Neil Clark and Dennis Wojtanowski away from competitor ES&S.


Continues at:


Jim again. Gallina is partners in lobbying with a guy name of Juan Andrade in Chicago.

Andrade is a character. He's a Latino "Jesse Jackson Wannabe civil rights leader" who has seriously sold out. Check out the videos of this guy - go here:


...pull up the "Cook County" links (and while you're at it, for grins check out the chimp video...and NO, that's not a %$#@ Dubya reference).

Andrade admits to taking in $20,000/mo from Diebold for purposes unknown.

See...they ran the money through Chicago because campaign finance reporting is lax (a surprise to nobody here I'm sure!).

As near as Bev and I can figure it, Diebold set up two different money trails, one leading to Republicans, one leading to Democrats. Andrade is a key figure on the Democrat side. The Republican side USED to run directly through Diebold executives like Wally O'Dell - once that got exposed it went somewhere else probably, we don't know where yet although recent traces are being turned up by Ohio media. And in Ohio it appears things are so corrupt among both parties they didn't even bother to maintain the "split" - they did however try and erase the backtrail to Diebold proper.

This being Diebold, they couldn't even do that right.

Henry, the line was consistently longer in college and minority areas.
Those were areas where the turnout was even greater than ever. It wasn't as if the Bd of Elections said, "Let's move some of the machines from precinct X to precinct Y." The numbers stayed the same based on historical voter turn out. At least that's how in was in SW Ohio. We still had lots of lines.

I believe that Ken Blackwell has been doing what he can (within the new federal law) to delay adoption of questionable electronic voting machine systems. Our punch paper system has worked just fine and still does. Just because a few idiots in Florida are too feeble or stupid to punch a hole in paper, doen't mean that there is a genuine crisis in the rest of the country. He tries to put the responsibility for correct voting on the people, but many (less than responsible people) whine and cry about that.

If you have solid evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Ken Blackwell, we need to know about it. Otherwise, I am working to make sure he is our next governor (a conservative here in the land of RINOs).
OK. I'll get back to you on the subject of Blackwell. I've seen a LOT of bits'n'pieces but I think it'll be worthwhile to properly compile it.

I will say this though: the simple appearance of him being the head elections guy AND the state campaign manager for Bush just stank. That doesn't necessarily mean anything concrete mind you but it was WAY stupid.
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