20/20 show this Friday

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Dec 24, 2002
Right Here
I just seen an advertisement for the TV show 20/20 for this Friday.
It is called "Ten lies and myths". One of the so called Lies and Myths will be about, "Gun control, does it really stop crime?"
Hummm, might be interesting to watch if I didn't have to work that night.
Just a heads up guys if you're infront of your TV's.
I hope John Stossel doesn't make me lose respect for him by truning this into an agenda piece for his masters in ABC management. I do think that he may poke holes in the arguments from both sides.
I think Stossel is one of the more fair-minded (and conservative) reporters on ABC. I think it'll probably be a relatively moderate (if not pro-gun leaning) piece, but I doubt even he'd have the balls to call the brady bunch or one of the other big gun grabber groups on the bs they spew (but pot-shots at the NRA wouldn't surprise me).
I have been "watching" Stossel for 20 or 30 years. IMHO, although he's certainly not the worst, he is definitely a wimpy, stupid, PC, waste-of-my-time fool.:cuss:
I saw the ad for this, too. I am pretty sure it is this friday. Stossel seems pretty conservative. He just released a book, but I haven't read it. While I don't always agree with him, he isn't afraid to take a strong position and provide some facts to back it up. Since the show is called "Myths, Lies, and outright stupidity," I am thinking he is taking the position that gun control does little, or nothing to reduce crime. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Stossell has admitted that he was a typical media idiot in the past and has taken up a libertarian-esque view regarding his work and personal life.

Look up the "give me a break" columns and you will see what I mean.

I have a strong feeling after watching the new and improved Stossell
that the 20/20 piece wil be a kick in the ding ding to gun control (if it ever airs)
Of corse it could a "Hail Mary play" for the control lobby.
For an example, gun control is not working, so we need tougher gun controls, or maybe banning guns altogether like England.
I hope he doesn't take that direction, but I don't put it past him.
We'll see.
I DO like Stossel,but I don't trust any main stream media to get it right..I'm sure BABA WAWA will have something liberal to say after the report...I'd be way more confortable if it was on FOX news.......:cool:
I sent Stossel an email awhile back asking him to do a "Gimme a Break!" on the Assault Weapon Ban. Got a form letter back.
For those of us who don't normally watch TV,
what time and on what channel is 20/20 on?

Stossel is indeed fairly libertarian in his views. He did a story a few months back defending the fellow in NY who was arrested for defending himself with an unregistered pistol in his own home.

For mainstream news, he's about the most sane guy out there.

Oh, and yes, the segment will air on 20/20 this week.

And Babwa Wawa will probably have comments afterwards.
For those of you who think of Stoessel as ok - Stossel has been involved in a number of fraudulent tv programs .You should be able to find this info on a search of the internet. One of the programs I know was fraudulent was one on allergies. There was a more recent one where he conned mothers to has their children on a program. When the mothers found out that it was a fraud the brought siut to prevent the show from airing. That was in California, I don'y know the outcome.
Coming up on 20/20:

This Friday, Jan. 23, at 10 p.m.
• John Stossel has a one-hour special: "Lies, Myths, and Downright Stupidity." It turns out that a lot of what you may think is true, is just wrong
It's on ABC, correct?

I've seen the commercials a dozen times, but most of the time my attention is on the internet. :rolleyes:

Stossel was just on our local talk radio show (Mark Davis) talking about this upcoming special. He sounds like a pretty pure libertarian to me.

He told a great story about an interview with Al Sharpton in which Al said something like “can you imagine if people were allowed to carry concealed weapons, there would carnage in the streets!â€. Stossel then informed the good reverend that 36 states already allow it and Al immediately changed the subject. I’d love to get a clip of that. :D
Check out Stossel's take on the Ron Dixon case:

it's good to hear someone in the mainstream media talk like that. I'm glad Dixon didn't have to spend more time in jail, but it really bothers me that he even had to make a deal. The DA should have pushed to get this guy a medal, not throw him in jail. The only thing Stossel could have done to make that article better would have been to question the constitutionality of the law.
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