2nd Amendment?

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Sep 26, 2007
If Obama wins, where do we stand regarding gun rights and the 2nd Amendment? Should we buy before he takes the oath of office? I'm very concerned about this, are you?
Vote for pro gun candidates in the Congress. If Obama gets in as president, a pro gun Congress should be able to keep him in check.
I've been stockpiling for a while now, but this week I've ordered 3 more "evil black rifles" because of the realization that he is going to win and they will try another ban. A new AK, a new AR, and the semi-auto version of the military's new Kriss .45 submachine gun. Last month I went ahead and got a .50cal (the AR-50) just because I know they want to ban them. I don't know if they will succeed or not in a new AWB, there is a chance they won't, but I'm not leaving it to chance. Buy now or cry later.
When, oh when, will America relinquish its love affair with the gun and join the proletarian class ranks to hold high the banner of Barack Obama and to advance the fight for socialism in America?
Vote for pro gun candidates in the Congress. If Obama gets in as president, a pro gun Congress should be able to keep him in check.
Very good advise, I plan to do just that. If your not familiar with the candidates or know their stance on the 2nd amendment, vote republican. Why? Because there are more pro-2A republicans than there are pro-2A Democrats.
This is one reason why I am urging my friends to vote Libertarian or Constitution Party in this election. We need pro-gun candidates not McCain or Obama.

Being that they have no shot at winning, if you are voting based on gun rights, just vote McCain. He may not be A+ with the NRA but hes not even close to as bad as Obama. McCain needs all the votes he can get and either he or Obama will win, not anyone from any of the other parties. While its noble, they still have no chance so you might as well make it count.
A vote that is cast does count. You want change in this country? You want rights back? It sure as hell isn't going to happen with Rs or Ds in office.
This is one reason why I am urging my friends to vote Libertarian or Constitution Party in this election. We need pro-gun candidates not McCain or Obama.

Now is not the time to be noble! In the real world, one of only two men is going to be the next President. You and your buddies go ahead and vote for Osama - I mean Obama - if you want; in the real world, that's just what you're doing if you don't vote for McCain.
Now that they're done taxing me, I've got nothing left to cling to but my guns and my religion!
Oh! But to the contrary! They're not done taxing you! :what: :eek:
Or the rest of us, for that matter! :mad: :cuss:

Bdickens, it isn't about nobility. If we continue to vote for the same parties there is no change. The Ds and Rs are dragging this country to its knees and they sure as hell aren't going to bring us out of the mess they got us into in the first place. No candidate with a R or D after their name is worth the paper I wipe my ass with.

Let's not get carried away. One of the primary reasons Obama stands to make a landslide victory is because of my home state of Virginia.

Virginia is treated pretty well by Democrats, including on the gun issues. True, the D's are traditionally more grabby than the R's - but consider this... Mark Warner, a former D governor, is about to beat the pants off of Gilmore, a former R governor, in large part because they don't disagree on gun control.

Tom Davis, an R congressman, is retiring, and we'd rather the door hit his @$$ on the way out, since he and his R wife were cozying up to Bloomberg last year.

Gun control is not a D issue. At least here, the D's are actually doing better for protecting our rights than the R's.
This is one reason why I am urging my friends to vote Libertarian or Constitution Party in this election. We need pro-gun candidates not McCain or Obama.

So, you're asking them to vote for Obama then?
Read again. Voting for someone else, not voting for Obama.

How is voting for someone other than Obama voting for Obama? If you are voting for McCain, then by your logic you are voting for Obama then? Great logic.
Because McCain needs all the votes he can get. There is no way any 3rd party candidate is going to win, ever. I don't even know why they bother running; it's a waste of their time and money. Since McCain needs all the votes he can get, voting for a 3rd Party Candidate (who isn't going to win anyway) is throwing your vote away, because that is one less vote that McCain could have recieved. All 3rd Party Candidates are good for, is stealing votes from one main candidate and helping the other one win.
Why would I vote for someone that I don't want to be president? That makes no sense to me.

The only vote thrown away is the vote not cast.

All major party candidates are good for is ruining the country and destroying our liberties.
It's your right to vote for who you want. But look at it logically. If you are interested in your 2nd Amendment rights to not be infringed upon, then Obama is not who you want in the White House. But you also don't want to vote for McCain either, so you vote for a 3rd Party candidate. But since you know that 3rd Party Candidates never win, then you know that voting for that person doesn't matter. So with that logic and understanding that 3rd Party person isn't going to win and that only 1 of the 2 main candidates are going to win, then it would be reasonable to assume you should at least make your vote count and vote for the guy that will respect your 2nd Amendment rights. If you vote for the 3rd Party guy and Obama wins, then that was on less vote that McCain could have recieved.

It's still your choice and your right to vote for whoever you want, I'm just trying to show you that a vote for any 3rd Party Candidate is a vote wasted. 3rd Party candidates don't have a chance to win, not even a close chance. Them runnig is a waste of time and anyone who votes for them is wasting their vote. They are never going to win an election ever.
I'll try this again.

One of only two men in the entire world is going to be our next President.

To keep this gun related, one of them is a sworn enemy of the Second Amendment. He has consistently and vehemently opposed private gun ownership, supported every gun-ban scheme to come down the pike and even served on the board of directors of the Joyce Foundation, an extremely anti-gun group of people and one of the largest funders of the Brady Campaign. He also refused to sign the Senate amicus brief supporting the Second Amendment as an individual right - a brief that the majority in the Senate, including many Democrats, signed onto. Besides his solidly anti-gun, anti self-defense record, he also associates closely with known terrorists and enemies of the United States like William Ayers despite his lies to the contrary.

The other man, while not perfect, has been generally a friend to the Second Amendment, signed the Senate amicus brief, opposes firearm registration, micro-stamping, frivolous lawsuits designed to put firearm manufacturers out of business and other intrusive and draconian measures that his opponent supports. This man also served his country with valor and distinction during wartime.

One of these two men will be our next President. Do you really think that the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidate are going to take any votes hat would otherwise go to the leftist, gun-hating friend to terrorists?

It is said that diplomacy is the art of telling someone with a hole in his head that he is open-minded. Well, if you really think that voting for anyone other than McCain will not help whisk Osama - I mean Obama - into the White House, then you are very open-minded!

Yeah, I know McCain is a RINO. The time to vote your conscience is in the primaries. The time to vote for the lesser of two evils is now.
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They are never going to win an election ever.
Well, maybe not EVER, but at least in the foreseeable future. If the logic already laid out doesn't appeal to you or make sense, then I'm not sure what to tell you other than you are only hurting yourself. I mean, you might as well just write me in on the ballot. I have the same chance of winning as Bob Barr and the other 3rd party candidates and I'm way more pro-gun than any of them. So write me in on the ballot! No? Why not? Is it a waste of your vote? Well so are the 3rd party candidates. None of us have a chance in hell to win.
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