44,748 NICS checks EVERY DAY under Obama

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Sep 21, 2007
California Colorado
The more they try to inhibit firearms the more the country is flooded with them, plus the ammo craze of course. Glad Yamamoto was right, and that was over 70 years ago.
Just think if on average each of those checks was for a $500 gun. That would be over $32,000,000,000 in sales. Looks like he did stimulate the economy.......
We've all been saying for years that there are 300 million firearms in the USA. I bet the reality is that we are now pushing 500 million.
Let's see... 300 million in circulation circa 2009, add 64 million NICS checks.

Now, subtract number lost in boating accidents.

By my calculations, we have enough guns in private hands to arm the entire Supreme Court, and about half of Congress.

In unrelated news, there has been a 72% reduction in iron deficinecy anemia cases reported in communities located near rivers, lakes, and streams.
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