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A female perspective on carry, encounters and the surge in hatred of female gunowners

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Sep 23, 2005
NW indiana
Jane gives us her thoughts on carrying and encounters she has experienced over the years.

She also talks about the recent surge in hatred directed towards women who choose to defend themselves using the best tools available.

A female perspective on carry and encounters in public and online

Other than to control or dominate them, I cannot fathom why a male would want to see a female disarmed.

Personally I want my wife in a position where she always has the best and most appropriate tools for self-defense available and at her disposal 24/7/365.
She also talks about the recent surge in hatred directed towards women who choose to defend themselves using the best tools available.

I applaud all women who initiative to allow for adequate self defense if need ever be. However, she claims there is a surge in hatred directed towards women who carry because of a few negative comments she got online? Seriously?
While she cites the one she was specifically singled out for, there are numerous other incidents that have exploded over the past couple of weeks in various social media outlets. Especially facebook.

One of the more stand out ones was of a female teenager, she looked to be about 16, being subject to the same types of comments, except in that one it was dozens of anti self-defense crazies, not just two or three people. If you follow a few of the larger facebook pages, you probably saw the picture but didn't click into the comments.

As an interesting side note, on one large Facebook page the admin was warned about having their account suspended after referring to these people are "Trolls".

Meanwhile on the www.facebook.com/GunReviews page, the main instigator was reported for using words like <removed> and facebook responded that their comments did NOT violate any posting rules.

Apparently whoever reviewed those were anti-gun. Two different pages, about a week apart and both times they sided with the anti-gun side.
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the surge in hatred of female gunowners
I haven't seen any of this, unless you mean the antis, who of course hate all the new interest in self defense by women which increases gun ownership and self sufficiency by more people. I think it scares the antis because they see the huge potential there.
However, she claims there is a surge in hatred directed towards women who carry because of a few negative comments she got online? Seriously?

I hear what you are saying Justin. But Jane's comments aren't the first time I've heard that claim recently.

My wife, who doesn't shoot (okay, she has fired a single shot 22 rifle three times :D), has commented recently about various Facebook remarks. There haven't been a lot but the ones that she mentioned drove some gun-owning women off Facebook. I'll ask, but I'm pretty sure Jane isn't one she mentioned.
umm yeah, facebook.the domain of too many people who have nothing to do and all day to get pissed off about everything.ill bet if i had a facebook account and i posted, i love chocolate chip cookies,at least a 1000 people would flame me. even to the point of threatening my life becuz i didnt like oatmeal cookies better.ive got no time for it.
Other than to control or dominate them, I cannot fathom why a male would want to see a female disarmed.
Unfortunately, there's plenty of those types to go around...
I hear what you are saying Justin. But Jane's comments aren't the first time I've heard that claim recently.

Due in large part to Sandy Hook and other events there has been a surge in anti-gun sentiment in general but I'm having trouble believing that female gun owners are being specifically singled out.
Due in large part to Sandy Hook and other events there has been a surge in anti-gun sentiment in general

I disagree.

I believe we are seeing a minority using Sandy Hook as an excuse to become very, very vocal. The polls show overwhelmingly Americans want their AR-15s.

Look at the homosexual movement. At most 3-5% of the US population is actually homosexual, yet it certainly feels like half the population engages in that activity. What we have is a media system that is dominated or very heavily influenced by homosexuals who use the media to constantly promote their agenda. I think that is the case with gun control.
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I believe we are seeing a minority using Sandy Hook as an excuse to become very, very vocal. The polls show overwhelmingly Americans want their AR-15s.

I don't know that it is a majority but there is no doubt that a large percentage of Americans wanted more gun control after Sandy Hook. If you know of a real poll to contradict this please cite it.

Look at the homosexual movement. At most 3-5% of the US population is actually homosexual, yet it certainly feels like half the population engages in that activity. What we have is a media system that is dominated or very heavily influenced by homosexuals who use the media to constantly promote their agenda. I think that is the case with gun control.

That's absurd. So did it seem like half of the country was black in the 60's during the civil rights movement? Did it ever occur to you that a large portion of America simply believes the government should not tell people who they can or can't marry or interfere in how they live their personal lives? Ya know, a little thing called liberty. Or are you really trying to tell me that you can't tell the difference between being gay and in believing gay people should be free to live as they wish?
Didn't really read. Facebook and all.. don't do or care. If you are a "public figure" be prepared for barbs. I know it's perhaps different but to me, it's much the same and I'm sure a case could be made/paralleled regarding being a "public figure". There are different legal parameters regarding speech regarding a public figure.
I don't know that it is a majority but there is no doubt that a large percentage of Americans wanted more gun control after Sandy Hook. If you know of a real poll to contradict this please cite it.

That's absurd. So did it seem like half of the country was black in the 60's during the civil rights movement? Did it ever occur to you that a large portion of America simply believes the government should not tell people who they can or can't marry or interfere in how they live their personal lives? Ya know, a little thing called liberty. Or are you really trying to tell me that you can't tell the difference between being gay and in believing gay people should be free to live as they wish?
How is MANDATING - ie. having the government tell you what you must do (accept homosexuals even if it's against your personal or religious believe, much like Catholic hospitals being forced to provide 'reproductive services' for women. ie. Obammacare)

Keeping the .gov out of our personal life, if that was true, the Supreme court would have either said, the Feds have NO part in the marriage business, or that equality is EVERYBODY gets a civil union contract, and Marriage is the purvue of the Church, but that's not what they said.

Something that is lost, is less than 30% of the revolution SUPPORTED the revolution, and most of those were ambivalent, and there was a comparable faction that supported England.

What you face in the Anti gunners is a VERY vocal minority, and a HUGE gulf of non gun owners, who really don't care, nor do they think about what gun control means because it DOESN'T AFFECT THEM so they frankly don't care, they will vote for it because someone says it makes them safer.

It's very hard to the shell of indifference.
How is MANDATING - ie. having the government tell you what you must do (accept homosexuals even if it's against your personal or religious believe, much like Catholic hospitals being forced to provide 'reproductive services' for women. ie. Obammacare)

Forcing you to accept? It's really none of your business who people marry so how is that being force to accept them? Not being able to force your views on other people is not a denial of your religious freedom. There isn't even federal law to prohibit employers from discriminating against people based on their sexuality, so save it.

Keeping the .gov out of our personal life, if that was true, the Supreme court would have ither said, the Feds have NO part in the marriage business, but that's not what they said.

I agree. The federal government shouldn't be in the marriage business to begin with but so long as it is it must be applied fairly. The first amendment prohibits the government from passing law that respect one religion over another so either you believe in the first amendment, or you support DOMA bc of your religion. Can't have it both ways.
Keeping the .gov out of our personal life, if that was true, the Supreme court would have ither said, the Feds have NO part in the marriage business, but that's not what they said.

Something that is lost, is less than 30% of the revolution SUPPORTED the revolution, and most of those were ambivalent, and there was a comparable faction that supported England.

What does that have to do with anything? The bill of rights is specifically there to protect the minority from the majority to begin with. And at what point in the revolution are you referring to because the level of support changed over time.

What you face in the Anti gunners is a VERY vocal minority, and a HUGE gulf of non gun owners, who really don't care, nor do they think about what gun control means because it DOESN'T"T AFFECT THEM so they frankly don't care, they will vote for it because someone says it makes them safer.

What is your definition of "Anti gunner"? Yeah, it's a very small minority of americans who believe in an outright ban on guns but tons support additional restrictions. The link below demonstrates this clearly:
It shows the results of many different polls at many different times and there is no question that more than a small minority of americans have supported some form of further gun control in recent time.

Writing them off "as don't care" is awfully convenient but the fact is many americans have openly supported gun control.
That's absurd. So did it seem like half of the country was black in the 60's during the civil rights movement? Did it ever occur to you that a large portion of America simply believes the government should not tell people who they can or can't marry or interfere in how they live their personal lives? Ya know, a little thing called liberty. Or are you really trying to tell me that you can't tell the difference between being gay and in believing gay people should be free to live as they wish?

You are reacting emotionally and adding ideas that are not there.

I never said that homosexuals should not have liberty. I believe that the government has NO business interfering with marriage at all. Who someone wishes to marry is none of my business, nor is it the public's business. I do not care if a transgendered male marries six transgendered females or any combination that one can think of. It simply is none of our business.

What I said was that the mainstream media is heavily influenced by a disproportionate number of homosexuals and they're using their position to advocate for their position. I am seeing it all over television now as if it is a positive lifestyle choice. The anti-gunners are doing the same thing in promoting their agenda.
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