A Letter From Ed Kennedy

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 1, 2003
SouthEast PA
Lookee what showed up in the mail today for geeketteWithA9mm.

After the guffaws subsided, We figured we'd share it all with you:

{note: this is transcribed as best I can. The underlines appear in the original. The bold face areas are highlighted by me}

Edward M. Kennedy
United States Senator

Dear Friend:

Thirty-four years ago, my brother Robert Kennedy was killed with a $29 pistol that Sirhan Sirhan bought from a local gun dealer.

He was gunned down after expressing his great optimism about ending gun violence in America.

Bobby told a crowd of his supporters in Los Angeles, California, "we are a great country, an unselfish country, a compassionate country." Minutes later he lay dying of an assassin's bullet.

The tragic irony of my brother's words still haunts my family, and his untimely death is why I'm so deeply committe to bringing an end to gun violence here in America.

Because, unfortunately, my family is not unique. And the recent sniper attacks in the Washington D.C. area have left new families-just like yours or mine-who must now cope with the loss caused by senseless gun violence...

...loss that might have otherwise been prevented through common sense firearms legislation.

And that's why I am such a strong and long-time supporter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Handgun Violence (formerly Handgun Control)

This organization has the courage and tenacity to take on pro-gun special interests like the National Rifle Association and the gun manufacturers' industry, who spend millions of lobbying dollars opposing sensible gun control legislation.

Currently, the Brady Campaign is locked in a life and death battle with Congress to reauthorize the Federal Ban on Semi-Automatic Assault Weapons--those deadly guns such as the AK-47 or the UZI, that can spew out dozens of bullets in seconds, without reloading.

They are manufactured with one and only one purpose in mind: to kill human beings!

As you may know, in 1994 President Clinton signed into law the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. But this ban expires in September of 2004, unless Congress and George W. Bush renew it

And tragically, Sarah Brady and I know--first hand-- of the overwhelming need for sensible gun control measures like the Assault Weapon Ban.

Sarah's involvement with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence was born of tragedy too, during the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan, when Sarah's husband, Jim, was grievously injured and his life was shattered forever.

As the result of that personal tragedy, Sarah courageously decided to take on the gun lobby and do as much as she could to end the epidemic of gun violence.

She said, "Enough is enough!" and gathered friends and supporters across the country to advance the work of the Brady Campaign.

Not long after Jim was wounded, Sarah was outraged all over again, when her son found what he thought was a toy gun in a relative's pickup truck.

In fact, it was a real gun, not a toy. It happened about 10:00 pm, and Sarah picked up the telephone right away and dialied the National Rifle Association and said, "This is Sarah Brady and I want you to know that I will be making it my life's work to put you out of business!"

Her determination has grown stronger every year, and so has the difference the Brady Campaign is making.

But the epidemic of killing with deadly firearms continues and that means we still have a long way to go to pass laws that will protect all of us, including our children, from senseless gun violence.

And, to carry on her work even more efficienctly, Sarah and the Brady Campaign urgently need to find new friends who will support their mission. The Brady Campaign needs you, and I urge you to sign on.

You may be aware that the Brady Law that Sarah and the Brady Campaign members introduced and convinced Congress to pass. It was a start. It was a strong beginning. It took seven long years to pass.

Since the Brady law has passed, background checks have stopped more than 840,000 prohibited purchasers, including tens of thousands of convicted felons, from buying a handgun.

But, as of today, there still exists and unbelievable legal loophole in the Brady Law that allows the gun industry to get away with the moral equivalent of murder....

..and allows criminals to purchase instruments of death -- without background checks---at gun shows.

By exploiting the gun show loophole, so called "private collectors" are even able to sell many of the weapons that were outlawed under the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

This is because thousands, perhaps millions of dangerous firearms that were in circulation at the time the legislation took effect, were not covered by the ban, and continue to be legally sold throughout the country.

So, why doesn't Congress take action and close this deadly loophole?

You tell me!

But what would you expect, given John Ashcroft's slavish devotion to the gun lobby? And it is no secret here on Capitol Hill that President Bush is not exactly a reliable ally of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Of course, we applaud our President and our Attorney General for their unrelenting determination to fight the war against terrorism. But why don't they close up once and for all these loopholes that are being exploited by terrorists and criminals?

This is why Sarah has announced the Brady Campaign's all-out citizens campaign to: Close the Gunshow Loophole Across America.

In reality, these gun shows are nothing more than arms bazaars that provide a haven for criminals, underage minors, and illegal gun dealers who want to skirt federal gun laws and buy or sell guns on a cash and carry, no questions asked basis.

Simply put, Sarah plans to require all those who purchase firearms at gun shows to pass the same background check they would have to pass if they purchased their weapon from a licensed firearms dealer

I don't think that's so revolutionary--it's just common sense, and it forces criminals to want to purchase deadly weapons to submit to a background check.

But you can be sure the NRA is already throwing roadblock after roadblock in the way of passing any such bill. You may recall that in the last presidential election, a vice president of the NRA claimed that if Bush won, "we would be working out of the white house"

Well, we will have to see how much influence the $20 million the NRA spent on helping to put a man in the White House buys them. Legislation closing the gun show loophole, which I am proud to have supported in the Senate, will work! It's comprehensive, it's bipartisan, and it's rooted in common sense!

How can one keep from admiring Sarah Brady and her determination to protect children and all of us from gun violence? And how can one deny her the support she requires to take this war over gun control right down to the community level?

I'm with her. How about you?

Write out a check. Send $20 to the Brady Campaign. Do it today.

And, by the way, along with this letter, I'm also sending you a little card that says, "We love you Jim!" on the outside. Then on the inside there's a note of appreciation to Jim Brady, along with a place for you to sign your name.

Do it for Jim. Ever since he was so severely injured in the assassination attempt on President Reagan, he's dreamed of the day Congress would finally triumph over the gun lobby and make our streets safer for everyone. So far his dream has not come true. The loopholes still exist that allow criminals, kids, and terrorists to get their hands on guns.

And Jim and Sarah Brady believe that our campaign to close the gun show loophole is going to start to ripple that will spread from community to community, to the U.S. Congress itself--and with the support of citizens like you across the country, I will do everything in my power to make sure that such a bill passes into law.

That's exactly the way American citizens rose up and attaacked the tobacco industry in the attempt to protect our children.

It will work for common sense gun control too, but it needs support from you.

So Here's what I'm asking you to do:

1)Sign your name on the card to Jim Brady. He'll love to hear from you!
2)Write a check for $20 (or maybe even $50 or $100!)
3)Make sure you have your name and address on the enclosed reply card
4) Put your card to Jim, your check and reply card in the enclosed envelope
5) Mail It!

Support Sarah and Jim, because, take it from me, Congress is not going to take action against the gun lobby--even to protect our kids!--unless folks like you force the issue.


Edward M. Kennedy,
United States Senator.

PS: I talk with Sarah and Jim quite often. I would be so delighted to learn that new friends like you have joined the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
I think I'd write him back and rebut some of that (the gun show stuff is just asinine, obviously he's never been to one), and let him know that after donating to the NRA, the GOA, and my local gun group, I just didn't have any left over for poor Sarah. :D
I just wonder if the Brady Bunch are running out of money? Why can't Sarah write the letter herself? Is she too ill from her problem with cigarettes? You would think that she would put all her energy into fighting the tobacco companies.

I would mail the letter back without any money and put a note on it that you think cars are more dangerous than guns. Of course Sen. Edward Kennedy would have a large staff to read his mail and probably wouldn't see the letter anyway. I wonder if he is using tax payer money for this?

Mrs. Toro

Luke 4:7,8
If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan; for it is written. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
So here's what the Senator from Chappaquidik (sp?) is asking you to do:

1)Sign your name on the card to Jim Brady. He'll love to hear from you!
2)Write a check for $20 (or maybe even $50 or $100!)
3)Make sure you have your name and address on the enclosed reply card
4) Put your card to Jim, your check and reply card in the enclosed envelope
5) Mail It!

So here's what everyone on this board should do:

1) Sign your name on a card to Sen. Teddy. He'll love to hear from you!
2) Write a check for $20 (or maybe even $50 or $100!) to GOA/NRA/2AF or the RKBA organization of your choice.
3) Make sure you make a copy of the check
4) Put your card to Sen. Teddy and the copy in an envelope, and put the actual check in another envelope.
5) Mail them both!

BTW-Did Sen. Teddy send that out on official, paid for by you-and-me, franked Congressmail? If he did, I think he's breaking the law.

I was hoping it was Congress mail, but it wasn't.


The return address on the front read:

Edward M. Kennedy
United States Senator

This was superimposed over an image of the capital dome.

The return address on the back read:

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence United With the Million Mom March
(formerly Handgun Control)
1225 Eye Street, NW Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005

The return envelope thingy was addressed to:
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
PO Box 96627
Washington, DC 20077-7307

No, there was no card to "Jim" enclosed, I guess he's not all that rabid to hear from us.

Since the return envelope was biz reply mail, and they pay for it, I was wondering many pounds of scrap metal I could fit into it. ;)

I'm also wondering if our reply should mention that our guns have killed fewer people than his car, or whether that would be too "low road".

Since the return envelope was biz reply mail, and they pay for it, I was wondering many pounds of scrap metal I could fit into it.

Maybe you could just tape it to a brick and drop it in the mailbox. Or better yet, go to the range, collect a shoebox full of misc brass, and tape the envelope to that. :evil:

Edit: Be sure to include a copy of your check to the NRA/GOA.
RE: Brass in the envelope....I've heard it asserted that sending brass or ammo to a CongressCritter is generally interpreted as a threat, and therefore a no-no.

(unless you actually ENJOY being the subject of a dynamic entry)

I certainly like the idea, though!

I've got about a hundred pounds of brass in the garage awaiting reload
They are manufactured with one and only one purpose in mind: to kill human beings!

Should we remind Teddy that his convertible was made with one purpose...to drown his pregnant secretary ? ? ?

You lie down with the wolves, your gonna get bit.

This wasn't a random act of violence with a gun. It was a mob hit.

This was because old man Kennedy enlisted the help of the mob, some of his old rum running buddies, to get his sickly son elected president.

Once in with bro appointed as AG, they turned their backs and went after organized crime.

They all suddenly got an attack of conscience, except for Ted "the bloated swimmer" Kennedy. He has no conscience.

Why are people so fascinated with this family of doom?
They have most all gotten what they deserved.
A few are left though. Soon the inbreeding will cease.

Only a theory.
Tin foil hats off.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming........

I was thinking about the franked mail again...you said the return address had "Edward Kennedy/United States Senator"...what's in the corner where the stamp goes?

The stamp corner has a red rubber inked bulk mailing stamp:
Non Profit Org,
Mailed from zip code 22401 pb meter 6863702

$0.09 3/10

It's pretty clear from the back of the envelope that it's mailed by the Brady Bunch. Of course, it'd be fascinating to run that pb meter # to see who it's registered to ;)

On the one hand, just because he's a Senator doesn't mean 1A doesn't apply to him,

flipside, he's using his stature as a Senator to suppress 2A for everyone else.

Smells slightly improper, but we might be barking up an empty tree here.

As I just posted in another thread,

Mary Jo used to work for my Dad! Aargh! Sirhan Sirhan? What about the wench in the polka-dot dress? All of ye lobcock lubbers will have to tolerate me talkin like a pirate till conditions improve!

I didn't figure Sen. Teddy (or his advisors) were dumb enough to use franked mail, but we could always hope, right? I'm sure the bulk mail stamp does either belong to either his re-election campaign (or some realted organization) or the Brady Bunch. Spending his re-election moeny or PAC money on something like this isn't illegal; spending taxpayer moeny is. Would have been fun to catch him playing fast and loose with those rules, but oh well.

I still say the best thing to do is write a check to the NRA or GOA or 2AF, and send copies of the check (be sure to black out the account and routing #) to Sen Teddy and the Bradys, along with a note saying something like:

Sen Kennedy-

Thank you for the letter alerting me to the Brady Campaign's drive to deny Americans their Second Amendment rights. You will find enclosed a copy of a check I sent to an organization dedicated to defending those rights. Please continue to keep me advised of attempts to deny me and my fellow Americans our rights, so they won't be stolen while I'm not paying attention.



PS-How's Mary Jo doing?
There is nothing more perniciously evil than a pol using the death of a relative to justify the forced disarmament of law-abiding people. Particularly when the pol is mega-wealthy and lives completely protected from the real world by bodyguards on lavish estates purchased with illicit booze money.
Send your contribution to the cause (you know, a large brick) postage due.

Oops, I see that similar has been suggested.

Feedthehogs, funny post - the inbreeding should cease - tee hee. But to equate the Kennedys and/or the mob to wolves is an insult to those fine animals. ;)
I like the idea of sending them a copy of your check to the NRA, but what might be more fun is to send them the actual check and then see if they cash it. What's the penalty for cashing a check not made out to you?
Any of you Old Fogeys remember when the D.C. police arrested Sen. Edward Kennedy's bodyguard for gun violation? What a hypocrite.

He wants to take our guns away. But, he has bodyguards with guns:(

Mrs. Toro

Hebrews 11:7
By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
As I recall, the bodyguard had some sort of subgun and carried it onto the Senate floor. I never saw anything to suggest that this was true, though, other than scuttlebutt within the pro side. Never saw anything in the press about it.
Here is the scoop.

I did a search and came up with a New Release from Citizens Committe for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Here is what they say happened.

On July 25, 1969, the Kennedy bodyguard, Chuck Stein was arrested at the Russell Senate Office Building with a handgun, two submachine guns and 146 rounds of ammunition. In all fairness, it would seem that the ATF agants might investigate whether Kennedy continues to have armed bodyguards.

When Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of a crime the fatal car crash at Chappaquiddick. That guilty plea under federal gun law not only disqualifies Kennedy from owning a firearm, it also prevents him from having an armed body guard. The potential that Kennedy may be violating a federal gun statute, for which he likely voted, is a serious question. He should be investigated.

Mrs. Toro

1 Peter 4: 6,7
For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
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