Brady: Gun-control group, PAC pay $12K FEC fine

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Harry Tuttle

Nov 14, 2003
Gun-control group, PAC pay $12K FEC fine

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - A gun-control group and its political action committee have paid a $12,000 fine to settle a campaign finance case from the 2000 election.

At issue were ads and endorsements by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and its Brady Voter Education Fund involving various Democratic candidates in 2000.

The American Conservative Union, in a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, accused the Brady organizations of making illegal corporate contributions to the Democrats' campaigns.

The FEC disclosed the outcome of the case Thursday.

The Brady Campaign is named after Jim Brady and his wife Sarah. Jim Brady, press secretary to President Reagan, was shot during a 1981 assassination attempt on Reagan. The Bradys later became gun-control activists.
Boo Hoo

Gosh, how terrible.

I'm sure we'll read all the details on page 1 of the N.Y. TIMES and WASH. POST... anyday now.

Ummm... maybe we could take up a collection here to help them pay this fine. Volunteers? Let's open up our hearts... and our wallets, America.

After all, the whole thing was probably initiated by those evil, mean-spirited Vast Right Wing Conspirators who don't want our churches/shopping malls/restaurants (or the parking lots and streets and dark alley-ways around them) to be blessed Gun Free Zones... where Bad-Bad People (actually, just socially-disadvantaged and misunderstood) who might be seeking involuntary contributions to their chemical recreation funds -- oh, AND The Children -- will be mystically inspired to pluck daisies in peace forever.

Where's old Move On.Org's George $oros when ya need him?

Alternately, maybe John Kerry (what a man's man!) could have another photo-op goose hunt... and charge all the gullible, ballistically-illiterate (boot-licking) media types $5 each. Presto! Money raised in a flash -- before you could say ".380 gauge semi-automatic cop-killing assault revolver"... and before Kerry'd need to return his brand new/still price-tagged hunting threads to L.L. Bean to get his deposit back. We could even have a lottery to see who gets to dress up in a bird dog's outfit and coach the Senator about how to point his shotgun in the CORRECT direction... and NOT hold it like he's about to give a sick giraffe an enema.

Ah feeyul theyer paiyn.
Does it bother anyone else that the fine for attempting to subvert our electoral process is $12,000, yet the fine for commiting an indecent act (which is an undefined term) on broadcast television/radio is $500,000?
c_yeager wrote:

Does it bother anyone else that the fine for attempting to subvert our electoral process is $12,000, yet the fine for commiting an indecent act (which is an undefined term) on broadcast television/radio is $500,000?

How harshly does Congress want to punish those funding their campaigns?

Bubbles wrote:

That's little more than a slap on the wrist.

That's a soft caress on the wrist.

12k is alot of MMM bake sale money

i gather there is no Moms Day Rally for GunControl on the DC mall this weekend...
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