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A lot of good the new gun control laws in Colorado did

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Jul 26, 2015
Colorado Springs, about 30 miles from where I'm at, just ended a 5 hour stand-off with an active shooter at the Planned Parenthood building.

4 officers were injured, as well as 5 civilians, those are the facts so far.

During the press briefing, a reporter pressed the spokeswoman about what type of weapon was used. They are really hoping it was an AR-15, so they can plaster it all over T.V.....we've got to ban these rifles!

Since witnesses said they heard about two dozen gushots in rapid succession, it probably was an AR-15.

Colorado's new gun control package from 2013 sure was effective....30 round magazines are illegal!

Last I heard, speculation from reports was that it was a semi-auto AK variant. He also had several propane tanks and other "devices".

I don't support tax-payer funded Planned Parenthood, but this guy was a nut and it's another unfortunate act of violence most likely from a mentally disturbed individual; another reason why you always CCW when you can and always stay aware of your surroundings. I would hazard a guess, this guy has a document mental illness...a common denominator the WH would like to ignore since the POTUS already made a statement about how we need more gun control "now"!

Prayers out to the victims and their families...

The guy was from North Carolina, how do you plan for something like that aside from always being prepared and armed.
From some news reports it sounds as though the PP office was a fortress but I'm sure it was also another GFZ and mostly security theater for clients.
Be interesting how it plays out, motive, where he got the gun, what is the CS connection.
I think we all expect this is the response from half the legislature:

"The laws did not stop this attack because they did not go far enough. We need to limit the threat these dangerous individuals pose by removing their access to firearms, especially assault weapons which are only used to slaughter people. To that end I along with fifteen other senators and representatives introduce the following bills."

Those laws may not have prevented this but a new set will.
The President cut to the chase and simply said that these "weapons of war" should not be available to civilians in his comments about the event. Essentially he wants to make them illegal to own..... I don't know how he would enforce such a thing, but that is what he wants.

No law is going to change what happened or might happen with idiots who choose to use a fast firing center fire rifle to hurt people. As always, only the good guys actually listen or pay attention to laws.
And since the killer traveled across the country and probably broke many laws along the way it will be presented as a national problem that only BHO can conquer if he could just get congress to work with him.
Be careful folks, BHO has made climate change and gun control his primary focus these last months of his reign.
Last night it came out that one police officer has died as well as two civilians. It was a very tragic event for sure.

Instead of going after the real issue, which is mental illness, they'll just talk about the easy access to firearms.

Putting mental health records into the NICS is too much work, but restricting guns is much easier. You can't put anyone into an institution these days, god forbid you hurt their feelings.

They locked down the entire one mile stretch of road around the PP building. If I were in one of those buildings, I'd take great comfort in having a pistol on me. At the very least, I'd have a fighting chance of not dying. Its certainly alot better than kneeling down and begging for your life.
Mental health seems to be the real issue. But where do you draw the line and how much authority do you give doctors? When do to take guns away from people who already own them because they developed mental problems? The family usually handled these things in the past.

Do you want swat teams inspecting your house for firearms? That is what it would take and some people would resist. It would be a very dangerous duty that your local law enforcement folks would carry out and these are your neighbors or folks you go to church with.
We will have to see but it will be unusual if the killer didn't give some sort of tell that would reveal his mental state.
I am strongly opposed to blanket solutions effecting us all as individuals but I also can see serious pitfalls in allowing mental health "professionals" who are largely anti gun make the call on individuals.
Tough call and for now I'm good with taking my chances and going the way it is.
On cnn.com. Obummer made a statement to the effect of "no one should be allowed to own these weapons of war" and what are we going to do about it?

My response to him would be " 5 million AR-15's and AK's rested peacefully today". What made this one go bezerk?

Not sure how many are actually out there, but the statement is just to make a point.
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