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A Rant In Progress.....

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SuperNaut said:
Did I miss any Boom-Stick references?

That's actually the exact term I use for my shotgun. Then again, I'm a big Bruce Campbell fan and the people around me when I use that term understand where it comes from.
Rok, at 62, I still take a size 50 coat and can lift 100 pounds without grunting. Massive and manly applies. Refer to the Geezer Pics Bobdog has posted.

Manliness is a measure of brain, not of brawn.
Manliness is a measure of brain, not of brawn.

Seems like men with brains want that to be so, while men with brawn prefer the other approach. Why not go for both?
Of course, it will be more manageable once I replace the Factory forend and buttstock with an ATI forend pistol grip and pistol grip/buttstock combo.

I wouldn't count on that, unless you add some weight to the stock. I changed mine back, because it hurt to shoot.


Remmy (Remy?)...
Forrestd, seven semesters on the Dean's List, 3.48 cumulative. I'm the poster kid for the old GI Bill.

Brains and muscles.

Socrates was a stone mason and as needed, infantryman.

Most of the Elizabethan poets we had pounded into our skulls in English Lit classes were soldiers.

" I could not love thee so much loved I not Honor more"....

I've been blessed.....

And, manliness has more to do with attitude then grey matter or testosterone.

Men provide. That's our job description.
I have called my shotguns shotties; I will atone by voting my Second Amendment rights as I agree with you - Heller was no better than a tie as a one vote flip changes the whole paradigm. The next President could very well get to appoint three Supreme Court Justices including the pivotal vote. I don't have faith in the Second Amendment positions of either candidate but I do believe that BHO would limit gun ownership/use of any type in a New York minute given the opportunity. Hope this political talk doesn't get the thread closed. Rant off.
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does this include the primary elections?
No sir, that's the time to get the best, most pro-gun candidate you can get.

If their second pic for prez is a gun grabber, by all means, let them vote third party
Thanks to gun owners voting in the primaries, it hasn't happened yet.
The by-product of a society where language skills, spelling, and word craftsmanship have been relegated to abbreviation's, spell check, and one-to-two syllable words. We can only wonder what future generations will communicate with?
How about the fact that your last sentence is grammatically incorrect? "We can only wonder" is an action, not a question.
'Course, I dun' no' nuthin', I is jus' a teenager... :D
Seriously, though.
There are some of us who keep the English language alive. I am seventeen years of age, and I send text messages with perfect grammar and spelling.
It's a pain, but I give respect to my language.
Having said that, I also refer to shotguns as "shotties".
Why? Well, I have nicknames for my friends. I regard shotguns as my friends, at least when they act right.
We yung'uns have a word for people who start newbies out with magnum 12-gauge loads (or magnum loads of any kind):
Oh, one last thing:
My birthday is November 3rd, 1990.
I will be 18 the day before the election, and six states over from my state of residence.
I should also be getting my absentee ballot tomorrow.
Oh, did I mention I am also currently involved in a campaign to unseat Steny Hoyer? (Yep, he's from my district...)
Good luck with Hoyer, he's entrenched. He also did good work for the Patuxent Refuge, getting 8K acres turned over to hunting. A mixed blessing, he believes in cop killer bullets and evil Assault Weapons.

Kudoes on text messages with correct spelling and grammar.

Should we meet, say at PGC, I'll forgive you a "Shottie" or two.
And, manliness has more to do with attitude then grey matter or testosterone.

Certainly. When I said brain I meant being practical, rational, logical, etc. as well as having a positive attitude. I wasn't trying to imply that mo' diplomas = mo' manly.
I agree 110% with everything you said Dave!

I really hate hearing people gripe & moan because their wife/son/daughter/friend won't shoot with them because they gave them a 2oz turkey load, a Mosin-Nagant, or a .44 magnum to shoot for the very first time. I know several women who won't touch a gun again because their dumba$$ family member did something like that. It ruins a new shooter who will start fighting for our gun rights at the expense of a cheap laugh.

10 lashes in the public square would be a fitting punishment for that.
I'm surprised that the term 'shottie' bothers you, and yet you don't mention the term 'gauge'. If there's anything that bothers me, it's referring to one's shotgun as a gauge.

Also, I'll vote for who I think should win the election, not for who I think is most likely to win, regardless of party affiliation. If everyone else did the same, we'd all be better off. Anything less is somewhat degrading to self and country.
Agreed, Forrest.

Thanks, SB. 10 lashes for first offense.

Matt, no one I know socially uses "Gauge"....
I only know(knew, I suppose) 1 in person, but I've seen it pop up more frequently on these forums. Pretty much at least twice in any thread talking about HD weapons. I dunno if it's use is more frequent, or if I've just noticed it more.
My birthday is November 3rd, 1990.
I will be 18 the day before the election, and six states over from my state of residence.
I should also be getting my absentee ballot tomorrow.

I turned 18 either the day of or the day after the 2004 election :(
No, not that. If they did that, no biggie, that's what it is. I'm talking just the word 'gauge', as in: "For HD, I keep my gauge loaded with...", or something similar.
On number one, I dislike the reference to "shottys". I wouldn't call a classic Thunderbird a "birdie", and I refuse to call my Citori or my dad's Rem Model 10 a "shotty" on the same principal.

On the second part, guilty as charged. When my wife and I were first married, I wanted her to enjoy dove hunting with me. I saw some doves on a fence and invited her to take a shot. She didn't like it, one bit.

Thirty-some years later, thanks to sm, she finally shot a 28 ga and was immediately hooked on clay pigeons.

Last Sunday, Justin and I were shooting some clays when Sandy said "Gimme that gun for a minute" (my 12 ga Citori), and she fired 6 or 8 shots, smoking a couple clays. "OK, that's enough" and she handed it back.

She's a game girl...
No, not that. If they did that, no biggie, that's what it is. I'm talking just the word 'gauge', as in: "For HD, I keep my gauge loaded with...", or something similar.
Now that just makes you sound dumb...
Dear Dave,like the name ,remineds me of gold dredging video ive seen,is that where you got the name,are you the real Dave
Larry Ashcraft said:
I wouldn't call a classic Thunderbird a "birdie"...

But you may refer to it as a T-Bird.

This whole debate over pet names for things is ridiculous. :rolleyes: They're just words. All words have a use in a certain context.


Although I was arguing earlier that language drift/change is inevitable (and indeed makes language much more interesting in the long run and reflects cultural changes), it IS a democratic process...discussions like this, too, are important.

The whole debate over the debate over pet names for things is ridiculous. :neener:
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