A sig line to "motivate" people to get involved in pro-2A activism...

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Green Lantern

Aug 16, 2006
...or maybe "shame" could be a better word. You know the saying, "keep working, millions on welfare depend on you?" It made me think of this:

"Keep doing pro-RKBA activism - each one of you is carrying the weight of at least 20 lazy gun owners that can't be bothered to defend their rights."

Based on the estimated 80 million gun owners vs estimated 4 million NRA members. I know NRA members may or may not be "activists" per se, but since the numbers are there... Or then again, maybe better to stick with the "millions" thing? Eh.

Maybe more on heavy on the vinegar than the honey, but we wouldn't be in the situation were in now if more gun owners could actually be bothered to send a few words to their congresspeople once in a while! :cuss:
Good line. I'll be honest - I hadn't done much until recently. Written my reps and cutting a check to the NRA next week.
I was ordering some food the other day and the cashier asked if I would like to donate a dollar for their charity. I politely declined, but she got a little attitude about not enough people gving to charity. She was wrongly accusing me of not giving, just because I didnt give to her cause.

My point is that the NRA is not the only option, and not joining them does not mean a lack of active support for 2A rights. I do, however, think that more owners should support them at a minimum.
68wj - While you're right that just because you're not an NRA contributor doesn't mean you aren't doing your part, but where the NRA is one of the strongest organizations for protecting our rights, it's a good idea to have them at the top of the list.
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