AARP's position on gun ownership

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I was surprised by the list of anti organizations but I guess I shouldn't have been. I have just recently gotten involved in taking action to support RKBA and it feels very good. Been emailing a lot of state politico's and expressing my views. I may not make a difference here in GA but I feel better about myself. I also choose not to do business with anti organizations...
Born in 1939 I have received AARP mail for nearly twenty years. I write that "from my cold dead hands" will they ever get a dollar from me and explain my feelings on the second amendment. Then to get their attention I insert a sheet of pure lead from a fifty pound 3" wide roll I have cut to fit the envelope. I've checked with our local postmaster, a fellow endowment member of the NRA and he assures me this is perfectly legal. :evil: I'm down to my last few feet of that roll of lead.
It is literally a form of insanity, IMHO, for Jews to be opposed to the individual RKBA in light of historic events (and not just the Holocaust/Shoah).

I believe that Jews that support gun control see gun control as a means of disarming all those White Christian Right-Wingers that want to kill them. They don't (yet) see the government as a threat to their safety, but they do see WASPS that shoot birds/bambi as potential mobs of jew hating murderers.

What's ironic is that its the so-called "right wing Christians" that are the greatest friend of Jews and Israel.
Born in 1939 I have received AARP mail for nearly twenty years. I write that "from my cold dead hands" will they ever get a dollar from me and explain my feelings on the second amendment. Then to get their attention I insert a sheet of pure lead from a fifty pound 3" wide roll I have cut to fit the envelope. I've checked with our local postmaster, a fellow endowment member of the NRA and he assures me this is perfectly legal. I'm down to my last few feet of that roll of lead.

Goodness man!!! Do you know how much lead costs nowadays!?
Dropped them years ago not only for the stance they take on firearms but also due to the fact that they want the world given to them by the govt no matter what the cost and with no concern about what generation gets the bill.
Some 20 years back I had a then new Colonial Pen credit card. They (Colonial Pen) tried to bilk me out of $500 on a ginned up false credit charge. I finally involved the local police department and oddly enough, Colonial Pen dropped the phoney charge.

Colonial Pen is corrupt as is their illegitimate offspring - AARP.

AARP has been a virulent and rabid anti 2A supporter from the start.

I say a pox on both their houses.
The AARP shouldn't even have a position on gun since they do and it's negative, I'll never join. Not that I would anyway, they are one of the major obstacles in the way of Social Security reform...I guess as long as their current members get theirs (which wouldn't be in jeopardy anyway) they don't care all the future members will be SOL because the system is already insolvent.
I have not read this entire thread.

I did read several years ago about the AARP's anti-gun position.

I sent an email last year to protest their position on the 2d Ammendment.

I told them to never send anything else in the mail.

They replied and it was reeking far left.

I think it is still in my box. If I can find it I will post.

I'm 55, but the AARP will never get me as a member or my money.

They are slick with their commercials and mailings,

but I think we should let them know what we think about their anti-gun view.
How ironic. These people exercise the constitutional right to freely associate, and to freely speak, to destroy our constitutional right to keep and bare arms. And who will protect their rights, when our rights are gone? Oh, they haven't thought that far in advance.
Good idea. I always send their junk back, with a comment about their anti position being the reason I'll never join. But adding to the cost with bonus weight is great.
Every time, now I just might add some weight.
Dropped them years ago not only for the stance they take on firearms but also due to the fact that they want the world given to them by the govt no matter what the cost and with no concern about what generation gets the

Glad you brought that up. Being anti Second Amendment isn't the only reason I refuse to join AARP. I have a daughter and three grandchildren who will have to deal with the collapse of that ponzi scheme known as Social Security and AARP isn't helping matters.
I was an AARP member for a year. When it was time to renew I called and questioned them on their anti-gun position. Needless to say, I didn't renew!

I did not renew either... wrote and asked them about their stand on Gun Control... got back a schmooooozy letter that in fact confirmed their Anti 2A Position. It has, as others have stated, become a High $$$$ Money Machine for a few. Their Liberal Political Agenda is also quite blatant for what is supposed to be a senior advocacy group.
AARP for some reason has not called me , nor sent me anything asking me to join-ever again.

There was that comment during the last phone conversation, in which the Supervisor that "this call may be monitored for quality customer service" , cut in and commented I was "quite assertive and had some ideas for sure".


AARP Magazine has Advertising revenue derived by Products, Manufacturers , Soft Services and such.

Just like those with TV and not happy with Anti-Gun Sentiments on Programming.

I informed AARP that I already had been in contact with Advertisers , the reasons why I would not, spend monies on their goods and services , nor recommend any one I knew - to not spend money with Advertisers.

I do not do business with Tyranny-

Instead of just targeting TV Stations, Newspapers, Magazines, I choose to inform the Advertisers as to why I will not buy their goods and services- and while Advertisers have the right to not want my business and the right to Advertise with AARP or anyone else they choose.

I have some damn rights too!
Not to mention " ma'am, I have my convictions being a Southern Gentleman."

Assertive my backside, AARP could not handle me being "assertive" .

Come to think of it, I might have been a bit "assertive" with a certain political party that called the other day and wanting to know how I might be leaning toward a certain lady candidate.

"Hell I don't know, I am waiting for Vince Foster to share how he is gonna vote".

The hung up on me and didn't even say bye...*snicker*
For several years I recieved mailings from AARP. I would send it back to them in their own post-paid envelopes with a message. I wrote it in red marker so it would be noticed...:cuss:. I always referenced their stance on RKBA and told them to take me off the mailing list.

They finally got the message. Haven't heard form them in a while. :D

I got my first mailing from them. I sent it back with their money and wrote I would never join because I do not support their political positions. I find it funny most people do not know the AARP is one of those evil insurance compainies that have sides with liberal politics to keep their bank accounts padded. It is really FUNNY. It shows how gullible people are. AARP my you know what.
I heartily encourage folks to not only send back AARP mail to them using the Business Reply Envelopes they so foolishly provide. but to send back all mail that includes "BRM" envelopes. I use em to know when the mail man has arrived. "the red flag is down on my mailbox"
as a postal employee this does help my bottom line and will slightly hurt companies who are dumb enough to send me mail that includes prepaid envelopes that I don't want. I do only put things in the BRM envelope that have no personal info on them,.
I also received the (apparently legally-required!?!?) AARP membership application & propaganda, and advised them (with their own envelope & postage) why they were wasting my time and their money, but I had plenty of time . . .

Even better, I received a fund-raising plea from the Brady Bunch, a few years ago (never did figure out who played that li'l joke on them or me). I sent the following back in their postage-paid envelope:

Note of appreciation for their reminding me of the importance of the gun issue. :D

Photocopy of a $100 US Postal Service Money Order made out to the NRA (as a direct result of their reminder). :evil:

Seven-page explanation as to why they had taken the wrong position on the issue (like I said, I had time . . .). :neener:

They musta removed me from their mailing list!:confused:
My opinion of the AARP is pretty much summed up in this cartoon:

Maybe I'm just bitter because I have 24 years to go before I get my official "victim status" and the world owes me dearly for the great acomplishment of growing old.
Are there any alternatives to AARP that are not hostile to gun owners?
A subsisture might be 'Christian Seniors' but I have not heard from them in couple years.

I always find the Jewish members of congress interesting in their 2A positions.
I believe to a person the Jewish Senators are all anti 2A. Mine is I can assure you. If wrong, please enlighten me.
Jim Keenan:
"When asked if AARP members might not need to defend themselves, the AARP official stated that "those senile old bats shouldn't be allowed to have any kind of weapon."" <end quote>

I'm an NRA certified firearms instructor in Florida, at least a third of my students are over 55 (go figure in Florida!:)). If this was a rally or meeting in Florida, I think he might have been trampled over by wheelchairs:)
There are over 450,000 Concealed carry license holders in Florida (state of Florida info). I am confident that at least 25% are over 55. Not a good platform for AARP in Florida. LMAO!!!!:):):):):):):p, NJ is another story.
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