Accidental discharges from holstered guns?

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I was actually talking about within the hread as to not seeing any ADs posted, just lots of NDs. Looks like you pointed me to a true AD, just wasn't exactly in the holster when it happened. As to the cause of that one, maybe it was the striker channel, kinda odd as the bulged case indicates a well before in battery fire. Only other causes could be broken striker allowing it to come forward or lots of vertical play between slide and frame allowing the striker to hop the trigger bar. Come to think of it dirt in the channel would not have fired it because as the slide comes forward the trigger bar will pull the striker to the rear. Mebbe it was one of dem high primers... :D
Jeff White, you saw an AD when "Everyone was working on setting up the city's 4th of July Fireworks display."????? Would that not multiply the pucker factor by, say, 1000 times? Just thinking about the "bullet drives deep into fireworks box" scenario scares me.

Bart Noir
Glad the loud boom didn't turn into a fireworks display.
Would that not multiply the pucker factor by, say, 1000 times? Just thinking about the "bullet drives deep into fireworks box" scenario scares me.

Yes the pucker factor was very high. City employees used to set up and fire off the annual display until about 10 years ago when they started contracting it out.

I will see the officer involved Thursday night and ask him if they ever discovered the exact cause. But I will say that he did not tough the pistol it discharged in his holster.

Anyone have any ideas as to how it happened? I always bought the thumbreak high/sensitive primer story all these years.
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