According to a recent alert by the NRA, open carry in FLA has ....

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Nov 21, 2008
Pensacola, Florida
passed the committee and is heading to the floor of the Senate.

This is VERY good news, but it appears upon a closer reading of the comments from those voting on the bill that it is not an open carry bill as such. It is more a bill that will somehow make clear that inadvertant exposure of a concealed weapon is not a crime.

That would be nice, but that is not my definition of 'open carry', not by a long shot. And it appears that it may be open to some interpretation as to what 'inadvertance' means. Now, I'm just getting this from comments about those that voted on the bill. The language in the bill itself doesn't appear to make a distinction, it just says 'open carry'.

The devil is in the details, and I'm not sure I totally understand the details about the new Florida 'open carry' bill.

I would love to hear from folks that have some more insight into this one. :confused:
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passed the committee and is heading to the floor of the Senate.

This is VERY good news, but it appears upon a closer reading of the comments from those voting on the bill that it is not an open carry bill as such. It is more a bill that will somehow make clear that inadvertant exposure of a concealed weapon is not a crime.

That would be nice, but that is not my definition of 'open carry', not by a long shot. And it appears that it may be open to some interpretation as to what 'inadvertance' means. Now, I'm just getting this from comments about those that voted on the bill. The language in the bill itself doesn't appear to make a distinction, it just says 'open carry'.

The devil is in the details, and I'm not sure I totally understand the details about the new Florida 'open carry' bill. And the same location restrictions apply.

I would love to hear from folks that have some more insight into this one. :confused:
Actually the bill (in the form currently going to the floor) will allow open carry by those with a CWFL (Concealed Weapon or Firearm License.)
as long as its not changed, currently its only allowing OC for those w/ carry permits, its BS IMO, but baby steps, the original was OC for all
Let there be no doubt....this is open carry. The wording in the NRA release, in my opinion, is a watered down description probably being sold to our congressmen to making voting for the bill more palatable, especially those RINOs from the more liberal parts of the state like South Florida.

Now, like One-Time said, this certainly is not the restoration of our pre- Janet Reno rights, but at least its a start. And, please, give me a break on the CCW license requirement.
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Let there be no doubt....this is open carry. The wording in the NRA release, in my opinion, is a watered down description probably being sold to our congressmen to making voting for the bill more palatable, especially those RINOs from the more liberal parts of the state like South Florida.

Now, like One-Time said, this certainly is not the restoration of our pre- Janet Reno rights, but at least its a start. And, please, give me a break on the CCW license requirement.
Yeah, when reading the actual bill, it just states 'open carry', so I was a bit surprised by the comments from some of the lawmakers involved that it's only designed to prevent prosecution of those who inadvertantly reveal they are carrying a gun when they are conceal/carrying. That doesn't appear to be what the bill says, it just says - 'open carry'.

Oh well, I'll take it for now. I imagine, now that the bill is on the Senate floor, that it will be approved and signed by the Gov, given the state's current political makeup.
Any new news on this?
I think the vote by the full senate is tomorrow (Wednesday, April 27). So keep your fingers crossed. I get alerts throughout the day by the NRA, so hopefully I'll hear something right after the vote. If so, I'll post it here unless someone beats me to it.
Well, it looks like open carry will NOT pass in Florida. Instead, the bill has been amended to do away with the misdemeanor infraction for inadvertantly revealing a concealed weapon.

Also, the bill will fine municipalities that try to improperly regulate firearms (ie, Miami's rule forcing trigger locks, etc.).
the way i read the bill open carry is illegal, but accidently revealing your gun (what is accidental is up to the cop who comes to the scene) is legal.
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