Account of a first-time shooter

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May 3, 2003
Eastern Missouri
This last Wednesday I took a group from work out to the trap range - a total of five of us participating. 3 of the others had shot before, although not for a long time. The 4th had never touched a gun in her life. I started out by giving her some 1-on-1 instruction in stance, proper hold, etc., and letting her take 5 shots to get accustomed to the dynamics, then we all shot a couple of rounds. While we didn't keep score, most of us broke multiple targets and even she broke a few, each accompanied with an ear-to-ear grin.

After our outing, she sent me an e-mail with her perspective of the day:

I did have a good time. The first time that gun went off I was taken back. I didn't know how to describe the feeling, I expected it to kick back and be loud. But it wasn't scary. It also wasn't invigorating. It was strangely calming. I can't say that I was afraid of guns, I was educated by people enough to know that with proper safety and care they can be innocuous enough.

At thy same time, they were completely unfamiliar and foreign objects to me. Before last night I had never touched a gun. I mean that literally. Never in my life laid a finger on a gun. I definitely wouldn't have known what to do with the "bullet" (casing/shell? What do you call it?)… So if you do something that you were slightly afraid of your whole life, and it is no big deal, it is like a weight lifted, a fear lifted.

That said, that I hit anything is amazing!

Thank You. I will never forget the first time I fired a gun and that you helped me.

In two weeks we'll be going to the rifle range to get her hands on some more guns! :D

Congrats on taking a first timer out and introducing them to the world of firearms. Hope your new student enjoys the next trip as much. One never knows. She may end up wanting to shoot all the time and even go get her gun.
Great job. The more people who get into the sport, the less enemies the guns can have. I also love teaching people to shoot, especially those that are anti-gun or indifferent.

"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends" - someone famous
CAMPERGEEK - "In two weeks we'll be going to the rifle range to get her hands on some more guns!"

Good for you!

I would offer this caveat, however, and that is to take a .22 LR handgun and rifle along, and let the young woman do a LOT of practice and familiarization with safety and fundamentals. That way, she is shooting a lot, without much cost, and certainly no recoil.

My wife, who had also never touched a firearm, shot approximately 1,500 (three "bricks) of .22 LR ammo from my .22 revolver and Browning Challenger .22 pistol, before I moved her up to target loads in a .38 Special.

Now, years later, she is a very good shot, not "afraid" whatsoever of firearms, knows how to safely handle various types, and carries a .38 Spec. on her CCW.

Just a suggestion.

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