Advice on Prairie Dog Hunts (guided or unguided).

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El Rojo

Dec 27, 2002
The People's Republik of California
A budy of mine has varmint fevor and wants to pay for us both to go on a prairie dog hunt next year. Naturally I said, "No problem!"

So does anyone know of any good places they would recommend for lowest price and best shooting? I did a Google search and found quite a few places, I would just like to have my fellow THR members advice as well.

Also, you never know when a fellow THR member might own some land and have some P dog towns to hunt on. I appreciate any help you guys and gals can give me. Thanks.
look up "varmint hunter" magazine. call the people and order a subscription, then ask them if they have some suggestions. I have had good luck with several places inthe Dakota's and Montana. I have often found that by calling a gun shop or motel that advertised in the Varmint Hunter magazine, I was directed to good places and good people who had places to shoot. I have never paid a land owner to hunt, usually they have been very glad to host us provided we presented ourselves in a nice fashion. We quite often have given a case of beer or a nice bottle to show our appreciation. We have been given lunch and dinner by landowners who appreciate us coming out thinning the PD population. Always close all gates. Never cut barb wire. Always ask first.
Thanks Pete.

Always close all gates. Never cut barb wire. Always ask first.
This is a sad statement because there is a reason Pete warned me about this. It is hard to believe there are people out there who would actually participate in such activities. It boggles my mind.
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Varmint Hunters of America's office is about 7 miles down the road from my house. We have lots of the little stinkers around here. VHA can put you with someone, and the SD GF&P and chambers of commerce in Pierre and other west river towns can help you also.

Most of my rancher friends won't wait for folks to shoot em up, and simply pour gasoline down the holes to get rid of 'em. Some let the fumes do the work, and others just can't help but toss a match in. So get on out here before someone starts another prairie fire.
P-Dog hunt!

Does your friend want to pay for anyone else!!!??? I have never been but hope to next year. South Dakota is supposed to be a prime place. Getting rifles and ammo together here,but have not found a location yet.
Never understood why people feel they need firearms to get Prairie Dogs.....when all you really need is a hand full of peanuts! :)

Looks to me like he's going for the beef stick that guy's holding. Probably at a "tourist attraction" in the black hills or elsewhere, as the local population gets scarce when humans are near. Hope the guy doesn't contract bubonic plague.

My little sister had one for a pet. We'd step out the back door, yell "Skippy" and the critter would jump and issue a squeaking noise. It was kept in a rabbit hutch type of cage. Sis never forgave me for filling the waterbottle with beer. The varmint would go to the rat bottle, take a drink, tear across the cage and repeat until the 8 oz or so was gone. Ever see a prairie dog with a hangover? It wasn't too friendly on its best day, but copped a real attitude after that.

I guess people buy them in pet stores. Someone's developed a truck mounted vacuum that sucks them out of their holes into a foam lined catchbasin. I suspect most of those captured would prefer a 40 grain V-max to the tender ministrations of someone's 8 year old.
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