Air America bigotry

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Nov 11, 2004
I know, I know. I shouldn't listen to it since it ALWAYS makes my blood boil but...

I listened to Air America for only 30 seconds before I got offended this time. They were doing one of their comedy skits, pretending to interview people on the street (al la Jay Leno). The question they posed was "What advice do you have for the Iraqis for their Constitution?".

The very first interviewee, with an uneducated sounding accent, said, "Guns". The interviewer responded with concern about the availability of guns fueling the insurgency, to which the man-on-the-street said, "If the Iraqis had guns they could drive those insurgents back to, uh, Insurgia".

The interviewer asked a few more people the same question and the skit ended with the conclusion that Iraq needs "more guns and slavery".

Now, why is it that liberals, self-proclaimed leaders of diversity, can openly attack the types of people they do not like and to do so with such bigotry? It is my experience that gun owners are some of the nation's most highly educated and unpstanding individuals, yet I have been confronted by liberals time and time again with the notion that gun owners are uneducated, knuckle-dragging morons.

Where do they get their opinions? Why do they think they are smarter and more educated? How do they justify their arrogance?

I just don't get it. :confused:
Where do they get their opinions? Why do they think they are smarter and more educated? How do they justify their arrogance?
They get their opinions from other Liberals, having been exposed to it over a lifetime, first their parents, then their peers in school and teachers. That way, they are of the "Enlightened Elite" that have no need for such crude, base things like firearms to defend themselves (thats what the police are for) or to feed themselves (meat and bread comes from the grocery store, not the farm).

Personally, I think the first step in making a liberal is to take an infant and drop it on its head. Repeatedly,
Now, why is it that liberals, self-proclaimed leaders of diversity, can openly attack the types of people they do not like and to do so with such bigotry?

Because they're better then us you idiot! :neener:
I don't get it. I thought Air America was a movie I saw a few years back with Mel Gibson, and it was pretty cool.. :confused:
Now, why is it that liberals, self-proclaimed leaders of diversity, can openly attack the types of people they do not like and to do so with such bigotry?

Being a gun owner does not make you part of a unique ethnic, racial, or religious group. Sorry, but I have heard people trying to play the race card here before and it is ridiculous. Really pathetic. Owning a gun in this respect is no different than owning a BMW or a Harley Davidson. And if you dont like Air America, too bad, I had to listen to that fat drug addict at work for years because everyone else thought he was the second coming. No sympathy.
It is my experience that gun owners are some of the nation's most highly educated and unpstanding individuals, yet I have been confronted by liberals time and time again with the notion that gun owners are uneducated, knuckle-dragging morons.

yeah, its disbeliefable...

hehe sorry, couldn't resist.

actually, i agree that the elitism gets pretty tiresome at times
I think it is because the most rabid liberals are generally schoolteachers, artsy types, and college students. Their limited education or youthful naivety makes them think that everyone that disagrees with them is either an ignoramus (those without degrees) or an evil fascist (those with). It is a nice complacent classification system that helps assuage their own inferiority complex and/or economic dissatisfaction.

But maybe some of the jabs are not completely devoid of reason. I think the tragedy of gunowners is that many have made the dark deal with the religious right as a defense against the gun-grabbing left. Then even leftists that are not particularly anti-gun, end up that way because they perceive the gunowners as being in bed with the religious bigots, gay-bashers, and corrupt plutocrats.

It may very well be that a dissociation of gunowners from the religious right would end up decreasing anti-gun rhetoric. Then again maybe not.
Uhm, i'm a school teacher--thanks for the slam. Gee, don't know why most school teachers get out of the biz within the first few years...after all, the low pay, ridiculous requirements and total lack of respect are so attractive...
Because Air America is stupid and losing money.

The shows on there are just so dumb it's not even funny.

Bush is bad, Bush is bad. All day, every day.

Nothing positive- just Bush is evil drivel and the stupidest bigoted jokes you ever heard.

Listen to a real radio show like Rush and Sean. :)

I apologize to you specifically if you feel personally insulted. As usual, generalizations are dangerous. But, you must admit that a pro-gun school teacher is not the norm, while every time I see a leftist rally, it is virtually packed with college students and many of the most rabid activists ARE school teachers.

IMO school teachers don't get respect because a recent cultural shift has devalued education as a means of success, while their low pay makes them look like failures in a culture that is increasingly concerned with the individual bottom line, to the virtual exclusion of anything and everything else.
"If the Iraqis had guns they could drive those insurgents back to, uh, Insurgia".
It does make sense. If the average iraqi was armed they could get rid of the foreign insurgents. Remember these foreign insurgents are trying to blend into the populace. So it makes sense. Oh yeah Insurgia is where the next DNC convention will be held. They have their biggest supporters there.
Why do they think they are smarter and more educated? How do they justify their arrogance?

If you scratch a bully, you'll almost always find a coward. If you scratch a self-appointed member of the leftist extremist "élite," you'll almost always find someone who's compensating—or trying to compensate, at least—for deep, dark, ugly terrors of inferiority. The one thing they can't stand is to be laughed at.
Then even leftists that are not particularly anti-gun, end up that way because they perceive the gunowners as being in bed with the religious bigots, gay-bashers, and corrupt plutocrats.

Not bad, even if the rest was recited like a true, brain-dead ditto-head.
I apologize to you specifically if you feel personally insulted. As usual, generalizations are dangerous. But, you must admit that a pro-gun school teacher is not the norm, while every time I see a leftist rally, it is virtually packed with college students and many of the most rabid activists ARE school teachers.

No, no, I didn't mean to seem testy either. Believe me, no one is more aware than I what the average teacher is like politically--very hard to take sometimes. To some degree I've tried to hold out in the education field to counterbalance the insidious brainwashing of our youth--a little deprogramming if you will. But honestly, I don't know how much longer I can take it. Its not the kids or the actual job, its the maddening amount of crap and BS in the education field. I did just about every job imaginable while putting myself through college, and I really must say, any number of them were probably preferable ultimately.
All this bit does is prove that the chance that any randomly selected individual on the street is a moron is astronomicaly high. Im sure they do a lot of careful selection to choose the right sort of idiots to further their particular agenda. When you think about it though, what sort of people are actually "on the street" at any given time. The intended impression is that the people "on the street" are a random sample, but ask yourself this; when was the last time you actually walked or took the bus to work?

Incidentally, Leno stole this bit from Howard Stern.
I kind of laugh when you guys stated the looking down on by the elite , my boss and his wife went to a community college to study business because there business was failing and the bosses wife decided that we where dumb truck drivers and nobody had to answer to us because we are the lowest part of the company chain , well to make a long story short she found out when the company almost filed for bankruptcy because of all the drivers have called in sick on three days , then the turn overrate was at 75% every 2 months , and there insurance went up by 600% from accidents by hiring non qualified drivers and lack of training . finally my boss took charge and fired her . ( funny how a man could fire his wife ) It proves one point just because you have an education doesn't mean you are better than I . its how much common sense you have and how to use it shows your intellegance . the best teacher I ever had didn't do it for the money , he did it because he loved it . and that teacher was one of the reasons why I kept trying to better myself .o BTW since my boss fired his wife , we have made a turn around and actually had 75% of the crew stay for the last 2 years and made a sizable profit (finally !) and guys who have left in the past have comeback as new hires . and she has been told to shut up when shes around the office . :D (my comment one time to him when it got bad was without drivers all you got is an expensive truck parking lot )
the low pay, ridiculous requirements and total lack of respect are so attractive...

Yeah, but having the summer off to spend shooting at the range... priceless. :D

And, with "no kid left behind", aren't a bunch of tykes learning gun safety and marksmanship?

Yeah, but having the summer off to spend shooting at the range... priceless.

Yeah, I hear that sort of thing alot...unfortunately, I've never had the money to afford to take a "summer off", though its a dream of mine. If anything, I generally end up working 2-3 jobs every summer since this area's pretty economically depressed, and you're talking alot of minimum wage type jobs. Last summer I did several paid conferences so they'd also count towards the continuing education work we are required to do, worked for a company that rips down and build display's at Lowes and such places (who knew their own employees didn't do that), and filled graves at a local cemetery--with a shovel, by hand, for minimum wage. Cushy summer we teachers have.

I realize you were just funnin', and I'm not meaning to be contentious, just giving the real scoop on what its like to be a teacher. Its not "getting doen by 3" and "summers off". Pretty much any teacher is taking home work every night and weekend. They also end up chaperoning, coaching, whatever on their "off time". We've worked 2 years now with no budget and thus no raise of any sort. During that time, fuel prices for my home heating have doubled, and gas prices must have come pretty close to that, not to mention food and everything else going up as a result. People are pinched, so the budget was voted down this year. This means they cut 7 teaching positions (we're a small school--for may departments there are only 2 teachers). Of course, those classes still have to be taught, so their classes just got lumped on other teachers--at no extra pay, mind you. I'm now doing 3 people's jobs for the price of one. Oh, and back to the budget being voted down--this meant that sports, clubs, etc have all been cut. The public thinks this is awful--and at meetings rail about how we should be volunteering to coach and advise all the sports and clubs for free (its not like they pay much anyway). Strangely, I don't hear any of THEM volunteering to come coach or advise or anything for free. A couple years ago, I was Senior Advisor, Mock Trial advisor, and Honor Society advisor. Just senior advisor means an incredible amount of time, work, and your own money spent on gas and such going to buy supplies for fundraisers and such. It means several nights per week for several hours manning the concession stand at ballgames and such--so you go to woerk at 7:30, and get home around 10 most nights. On "vacations" there are tournaments, so you spend your "vacation" at school as well. That's not counting everything else, that's just one part of one advisorship. The "pay" for all this? $250.
Doesn't even cover your gas.

But we're a greedy lot...but luckily people are always reminding us we "shouldn't be in it for the money" when we lament not having a contract for 2 years...
Being a gun owner does not make you part of a unique ethnic, racial, or religious group. Sorry, but I have heard people trying to play the race card here before and it is ridiculous. Really pathetic. Owning a gun in this respect is no different than owning a BMW or a Harley Davidson. And if you dont like Air America, too bad, I had to listen to that fat drug addict at work for years because everyone else thought he was the second coming. No sympathy.
Where has anybody played the race card or even mentioned race in this statement, except you in reply to it.
And what exactly is your point.
Gun owners do face bigotry from these groups just as HD and BWM owners face bigotry form certain groups that think they they are better than they are for whatever reason
Listen to a real radio show like Rush and Sean.

Sorry, but I don't need to listen to a three hour radio program to figure out who he's having on his TV program that night. :)

Actually, Hannity has kind of turned into a right wing shrill IMO. I used to listen to him, but now I just switch to sports radio in the afternoon.

I'll put on Air America sometimes in the evening to listen to some of the later programs just to hear the nonsense they are spouting. Its actually like comedy central when they try to pass their ideas off as main stream.

Funniest comment ever = Jenine Geralfalo (sp?)

She said that Americans don't realize that there could be better forms of government out there, but we don't know cause we destroyed communism. We should have let the great utopian experiment work to see if we should accept it because it really is a great idea.

She then went on to try to encourage the listeners into believing this was a main stream thought.

I couldn't stop laughing.
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