Almost lost my LeThiers to the TSA...

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Jan 13, 2003
I carry knives on me most of the time. I also fly a lot. Typical getting ready for flight routine is, the night before, set out wallet and keys on the counter and take the knife I'm carrying to my office. Well, two week ago I didn't do that. Had to wake up at 0400 for a flight and was up with the newborn for most of the night. In my grogginess, I grabbed keys, wallet, and knife and headed to the airport.

Walk to the pre-check lane and, of course, the metal detector keys off on me. I go straight for my pockets and realize I have a knife...a nice my pocket. I was cutting it a little close and had no time to check the bag with the long line or make it back to the car in the remote lot. TSA guy says there is a mailing machine. I haul it over and it's this weird Mail Safe Express kiosk. They have serialized envelopes that you seal and drop in the machine. Then you have to use a mouse to fill out address, swipe a card for $14.95 fee, and you're done. Except it didn't print a receipt...or a tracking number...or anything at all.

So, I've been checking the mail religiously for the last week and a half and yesterday...there it was. Thrilled. Looks like it gets sent to North Carolina and mailed from there so that is what accounts for the longer than normal lead time.



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I always take a small mailer and stamps with me in my caryon. If I forget and cary my small knife with me I will put on some postage and hope they will return to sender (which is also me) and I can receive my what ever I brought by mistake back and pay any insufficient postage due.
That's a solid idea. May just stash one in the backpack in case I screw up again...

bikerdoc...the company is pretty darn smart in my book. They won't take anything that USPS won't mail. And anyone using the machine is mailing something expensive or sentimental so the dollar amount, at that point, is not so significant.


I saw one of those kiosks the last time I was at the airport. Good to know it works and you got your knife back.
I got called with a Leatherman micro my Dad gave me, I was on my way to his funeral in the midwest. I was able to mail to myself from the airport thankfully.
This is not only BS it is conditioning us to get used to BS.
I could have easily carried this on the plane and know one would have known.
This crap really tics me off.
Exactly...I wouldn't have liked it but would have paid $30 in a heartbeat. Couldn't miss the flight or even be late and couldn't see that knife thrown in the bin...

I'm thankful they have something like that we can use because otherwise I would have had to pick between two really crappy choices.

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